Tuesday 5 September 2017

You Can Have The Best Day Of Your Life Today – Trust Me

Today was one of the best days of my life.

The last month, in fact, has been a dream. I’ve had to pinch myself to make sure I am not fantasizing about what I am experiencing.

The last year has been full of very hard work, lots of tears, a rollercoaster of emotions, forgiveness and gratitude.

I’ve recently got the career opportunities I’ve wanted, I’ve been able to get better at public speaking, my writing has been read more than ever and I have some amazing new friends. I’m not saying this to brag because that is definitely not me; I’m saying it to inspire you to have your own best day.

To have the best day of your life, you must setup your life the way you want it.


Decide on what you want

This fantastic day didn’t happen to me by accident. I earned every minute of it through my efforts. Those emotions I spoke about are what gave me the energy to power towards this phenomenal day.

I decided what I wanted. I painted a rough picture and focused on how I wanted to feel more than anything. Trying to be too exact can often put this goal of an ideal day too far into the future that you never get to touch it with your two beautiful hands.

“You’ll know when you have made the right set of decisions because each day will get closer to being your best day”

You’ll feel a shift in your psychology, your emotions and the presence you give to other people. You’ll start noticing that people compliment you a lot on the positivity you make them feel.

Positivity is infectious and it’s how you get the courage to make the right decisions that will give you the end result which is your best day.


The best day is often the simplest

You don’t need to fly to the moon and back to experience the best day of your life. What’s crazy is that your best day is simplistic. Your best day is unique to you and no two best days are alike.

My best day was dumb as hell. I spent time with a magnificent person, ate healthy food, enjoyed the sunshine and realized that I’ve become a champion in my own eyes (in my humble opinion).


Breaking the groove is the key

Days will flow into years without you realizing unless you stop your mind in its tracks.

Breaking the groove of your boredom and habits that don’t serve you, will allow you to get closer to your best day. During your best day, you’re present and fully aware of everything that’s going on.

Your best day is not about being productive; it’s about living in the moment and being happy and grateful for everything your best day has brought you.

“Until you get out of your messed up routine that has put you into a landslide of nothingness, you’ll continually miss every opportunity to have your best day and then repeat it for the future”

Routine is not all it’s cracked up to be. Routine has got you to where you are. It may be time to break it into little, tiny pieces.


Every day can be extraordinary

I’m not at this level yet but I know people who are. What if the circumstances of your day didn’t get in the way of it being mind-blowing? What if all you had to do was develop enough of a positive mindset to see mostly good things happening?

Being inspired, like how I’ve just described, is possible. Anything is possible when you believe it is. Each day can be your best day once you get on a roll. Before you can do that, you need to know what your best day feels like. Once you get a taste of it, you should have the drug that will get you addicted.

The people who I’ve seen have the best day, every day, have four main traits:

– They practice nonreactivity
– They find happiness in the littlest things
– They write down three things they’re grateful for every 24 hours
– Their default facial expression is a smile


Try and outdo yourself

Okay, so I have had one of my best days. Do I stop here and say “Yay I won?” Hell no brothers and sisters. The goal is to make your life into something that feels like that best day, every day. Writing down your best day is crucial because you’ll be surprised how easily you forget the contents and feelings of that day.

When you reminisce on that day, try only to do one thing: remember how you felt. For me, today, I felt confident, relaxed, inspired, happy and loved all at once. It’s the best feeling in the world and almost impossible to describe fully in words.

The whole challenge of describing my best day is how I know that I’ve hit a peak in my life.

At the top of the mountain, you feel like nothing can take you down. From this position, you feel like you can help so many people to live an inspired life.

Emotion starts to drive you and you concentrate on the way you make people feel rather than trying to be cool or sound smart / funny. The world, after your best day, will never be the same again.

You’ll have a permanent high to reflect on.

You’ll know what it’s like to have truly lived.

What’s important will finally become clear to you.

You’ll have ridiculous clarity on where you are going to spend your time.


It’s your turn

You’ve heard about my best day, now I want you to have yours. I want you to hit a new record in the story of your life. Having the best day of your life is possible for all of us. It’s not a far away land that we can never reach. It’s not a land that can only be reached on a golden chariot.

Today I’ve had my best day. Today I want you to have your best day. Your best day is where you show everybody the best of you. It’s where you show us all what you’ve been up to behind closed doors.

Your best day is where you get to celebrate, knowing that you’ve become someone you can be proud of. It’s your turn to have the best day of your life.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on timdenning.net


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