Tuesday 28 February 2017

What is a day planner? And Digital Vs. Old School Paper And Pen

A day planner helps you organize your daily schedule. Think of it as an elaborate "To-Do" list, available in paper (pre-printed) or digital format. Most day planners provide "day-at-a-glance" and "week-at-a-glance" views, with room for you to write down all of your tasks and appointments.

Printed day planners are available in multiple sizes, and require refills. Supplementary features (such as "month-at-a-glance" are available.

Back in the day (i.e., mid-1980's), day planners were only available in paper (pre-printed) format. Thanks to the explosion of technology and the subsequent invention of smartphones, tablets, and apps, digital day planners are now available. For better or for worse.

Why you should use a day planner

Using a luxury day planner helps you manage your time. Effective time management, in turn, increases your productivity. Just as monitoring your daily spending helps you manage your personal finances, writing down your appointments and tasks helps you manage your time and avoid wasting it.That is why so many women have chosen to use our Hustle Daily as their Business Planner.

If you have multiple demands on your schedule--social, academic, professional, marital, philanthropic--a day planner can help you stay on track.

Deciding Between a Paper Planner or Digital Planner

Paper day planners and digital planners each have advantages.
  • Customization. Paper planners, for example, allow you to express your personality. You choose covers, sizes and features. You can add glitter or stickers (yes, even adults like to do this!).
  • Navigation. It's faster and easier to flip the pages of a paper planner when you're looking for something. The closest thing on a digital device is opening another window, or scrolling furiously. This can get tiresome if you're looking at your phone.
  • Retention. Studies show that writing things down manually (versus typing) improves memory.
  • Neater updates. Between white-out and crossed out entries, paper day planner updates can get messy. Plus, paper day planners require refills. Digital planners, on the other hand, allow you to update multiple devices easily, with no muss or fuss. Digital planners are nice, but they still don't have that "thing" that so many of us are looking for. I personally don't mind seeing scratched off todo lists. Makes me feel accomplished!
  • Efficiency. If you work closely with multiple people or manage projects, digital planners can help you collaborate with great efficiency. You can schedule recurring appointments or tasks and post updates accessible to all team members or colleagues. However we still love and always write our to do lists down :)

Whether you choose a paper or a digital day planner, the best day planner depends on your needs and how you work best. Remember: no matter which format you choose, a day planner is only effective if you consistently it.

Interested in exploring paper day planners? Check out these paper planners.



Keep Track of Your Wedding Details with a Wedding Organizer

What's the key to making your wedding perfect? How come some brides appear to have it all together and some look like they are extras in "The Walking Dead"? The answer is "organization". Some people can make it look easy, because it is easy. When you are organized.
zombie brides didnt use a wedding planning book
You have recently become engaged and are ready to start planning your wedding ceremony and reception along with all of the other small functions and ongoing events that this big announcement will entail. The most efficient method of keeping all of these details in one place is by keeping a planner where you can enter dates, times, places, and tasks that need to be completed. A truly spectacular binder to consider for all of your wedding planning needs is the "Happily Hitched" planner. Some special guidelines in using this effective tool include:

Begin Using Your Planner Early
Don't tell yourself that you will remember all those little details when you start making preliminary and tentative arrangements. You may see items that you adore for your bridal luncheon, and then further into the year try to remember where you saw them. Planning a wedding can be very overwhelming, and it is important to begin writing everything down and taking pictures of even the smallest item that may seem unimportant at the time.

Organize the Planner for Efficiency
This planner is 122 pages long and organized into four main categories: goals, projects, financials, and plans. Each one has pages of specifics for you to enter. For example, the goals sections helps you visualize the event exactly the way you want it. The plans section lists all of your vendors, musicians, photographer, cake details, and more. There are several pages included in the planner that are designated for notes.

Add Notes and Receipts
Utilize the planner to store receipts, business cards, fabric samples, and other vital information. Having everything at your fingertips will make it easier for you and your prospective spouse to make informed choices.

Take it With You Everywhere You Go
This tool should be in your possession everywhere you go. This is particularly true when you are still in the beginning planning stages. You may become overwhelmed by all of the linen, food, music, and venue choices that you are presented with. By taking good notes, you will be able to sit down together and make your decisions quickly and efficiently.

Purchase Complementing Items
There are many other items that can be purchased with this planner. Choose from pencils that match your wedding colors, stickers, notepads, and patterned and solid tape products that will help you assemble an organized and eye appealing volume. Make this journey fun and invest in items that will help you on your way.

This wedding planner will keep you on track so you won't have to worry about missing a single detail. Save it so you can look through it on your first and all future wedding anniversary and relive all of those hectic plans and particulars once again. You will feel so nostalgic but also relieved that you got through it with little fuss or hassle.



How To Power Through A Bad Day

Having a bad day is not an extraordinary experience. Everyone gets one or more in a month. However, some bad days just get on our nerves, and they can disrupt our work, relationships, mental health, and lifestyle.

Some people choose binge eating or drinking as a way to relieve themselves of stress. Some, swear and yell at people to let their emotions out, only to regret it later. But you don't have to add that one bad day to your already filled-up sack bag of stress.

There are many ways to overcome a bad day without feeling any regret afterward.

  1. Breathe

Yes, one of the key ways you can get away with a stressful situation is to breathe and react calmly. If you choose to respond to an awful stimulus in an angry, violent or negative manner, you are only adding more wood to the fire.

Don't make the bad situation worse. No matter how difficult it is to keep your cool, do it. You will save yourself of more trouble later because you might end up either in an embarrassing or dangerous situation depending on the case.

If you want to get even by saying negative comments, think again.

Breathe and don't respond in an angry or emotional way to people, especially at work.

Find a quiet place where you can sit down for a couple of minutes and let it all out. Breathe in and breathe out slowly.

Take your time and return calmly.

  1. Speak

There are days when you don't feel so glamorous, and for whatever reason, you are mad at everyone.

If you think the monster inside is going to bark at anyone who touches you, tell your colleagues or friends that you are not feeling so good today and you may have a bad temper.  

It is better to inform them ahead rather than to apologize later for yelling at them out of the blue. You will end up losing friends and respect from colleagues if you give stupid excuses for shouting at them.

You don't let it out to people, especially those who aren't close enough with you to understand you.

If you have someone at work or home that you know won't misunderstand or judge you, tell them about what happened. Share your thoughts with them and try to listen to them as well.

They might also have had a bad experience during the day that they want to share.

Don't let it out on social media. If someone did something wrong to you, don't post pictures of that person on the internet. Be considerate about how they may feel about it because they probably have issues too.

Don't become a prey of your emotions. You can't control the situation, but you can always control your reaction. It will speak about your personality, more than anything else.

  1. Find A Healthy And Productive Distraction

Finding a distraction is the usual advice for those who have a bad day. However, almost everyone makes bad entertainment choices.

Instead of stress- eating or drinking, you can let your creative side shine during these down moments. Try to draw or paint, write poems and stories, bake or cook. If you are at work, read something or get busy with work.

The best way to get away with a bad day is to feel productive at the end of it. If you feel rewarded at the end of the day, you will no longer feel so bad about the other half of it.

  1. Write It Down

If you don't think you can cook, swim or do anything because you're at work or anywhere that hinders you from doing so, writing down what you feel or think will help best.

Do you have a planner you always bring with you? A notebook, paper receipts or anything where you can write? Writing is as good as talking. If you are going to read your experiences that day in the next month, you will most likely find yourself laughing about it.

Reviewing your planner notes will also give you an idea how you've matured emotionally. You will find yourself foolish on some days, but you will at least know what you should improve on.

  1. Release The Negative Feelings Properly

It will also help if you know how to release your negative emotions appropriately. Channel your emotions into things that you know would calm you best.

It is not impulsive buying, binge eating or binge drinking.

Listening to music, jogging, walking in the park or practicing yoga positions are great ways for you to release the negative feelings efficiently.

Finding healthy ways to deal with negative feelings is essential according to Dr. Vik Tarugu of Detox of South Florida. He stated, "People that repress their emotions find other ways to let them out. Many of the patients that we see in our recovery center failed to find ways to deal with their emotions and resorted to chemical assistance to help them deal."

So please go for a run, lift weights, do pilates. Whatever you need to do to relieve the stress. 

  1. Get A Good Amount Of Rest

If you think every day seems to be always a rough day for you, then there must be something that causes you to become irritable out of your control.

In fact, if you are not getting enough sleep, you are more likely to get irritable for the rest of the day.  If you think you've lacked sleep lately, find time to rest.

According to studies, an average human can only survive three days of no sleep, so if you've been sleepless for many nights now, you are jeopardizing your health.

According to the  model health podcast, host, Shawn Stevenson (one of our favorite podcasts) states that "it is not the number of hours of sleep you get, but rather the quality of those hours". So make sure you turn off all electronics an hour or so before bed to wind down. Remove clocks or anything that throws light into what should be a pitch black environment.

One reason why people find it hard to sleep even when they're lying in bed is they still connect to their devices. Don't associate your bed with work, the internet or anything else except for sleep. Don't sleep with devices on your bed or near you.

Being anxious or worried about anything is also one reason why one can't sleep. Identify the reason why you are anxious and address it immediately.

If you think you need medical help, don't hesitate to contact a physician. Some people develop tolerance with sleeping pills over time, and you might be dependent or addicted to it without a doctor's prescription.

Sleep is the only way for the body to restore the cells we have lost during the day.

Sleep is not just for the weak. It is for everyone.


The quality of your life will depend on your daily activities. That one bad day can make you lose many things if you don't handle it well.

Appropriately dealing with stress is not rocket science, it is something all creatures have evolved with ever since the dawn of life, and that skill is an ultimate need for survival.

Accept the fact that not every day is going to be blissful and that this too, will pass. Think twice and be wise with your decisions.


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Saturday 25 February 2017

The Effective Life-STARTplanners are the Best Way to Upgrade your Life

For some of us, organization and planning ahead comes naturally, but many of us need a little extra push in the right direction. It's a process that's well worth the work though. Researchers say that visualizing yourself succeeding something gives you an edge, so planning ahead to succeed is the best way to actually take hold of your dreams.
And if you're looking for a simple way to take hold of your dreams (or even just make your life a little less hectic), you've come to the right place. You don't need a life coach or millions of dollars or a fancy new technology, the best way to start is with a planner.

Planning ahead can help you get your dream job.
If you're working toward your dream job, you need to first know what that job is. Now write it down some place you look every day so that you know your goal. What's keeping you from getting it? Write a list of obstacles and plan a way to conquer them. Not qualified? Plan to take some classes online. No experience? Put in some applications to volunteer in a similar position. Schedule time to work on those activities, because if it's in your schedule you're more likely to do it.

A good wedding planner can help organize your fairy tale wedding.
Wedding planning requires a lot of organization, so you'll want something big with room for expansion, but something portable enough to carry with you to appointments. Keep photos of things you like for inspiration, and don't forget to include a budget so you can quickly check if that to-die-for dress is really in your price range.

Be a better mom.
The thing about parenting is that you spend a lot of time doing laundry and running errands and shuttling kids back and forth from schools and activities. You spend most of your time doing those things, but they aren't the things that really matter. If you have a plan for when and how you're going to tackle those mundane chores, you won't spend your whole Saturday in the laundry room while your kids are watching TV. Organization and planning ahead can help you save space for quality time with your kids, where you can do the parenting tasks that really make a difference (and the ones you actually enjoy)--playing with them, listening to them, and teaching them.

Start that business you've been dreaming about for years.
Seriously, you can do it. Starting a new business is stressful and time-consuming, especially if you're trying to hold on to your old job while you do it. A good planner will leave you space to dream big. Write down those dreams, and reread them when you're feeling burned out. Schedule deliberate time to work toward your goals every day and write that in your calendar so you don't forget. You may also want to find a planner that has space for documents so you can carry it along to meetings with lenders, vendors, clients, or partners.

Planning ahead is work, but if you spend a little more time developing a plan at the front end, you'll find your actions are much more successful.



Thursday 23 February 2017

Master Plan Notepad

Meet our newest "bling" member, Master Plan! We are always looking for ways to enhance your planning experience and we are excited to share with you how having a "master plan" can help you crush your goals and project lists!

1. Rolling To-Do List: Master Plan is great for making a list of tasks you need to get done throughout the week and not necessarily on a specific day. Just add a piece of STARTtape, and boom!...you're now ready to "roll" that list over to the next day and keep hustlin'!



2. Ongoing Punch List: Have a big move coming up? Still working on your winter cleaning list? Master Plan is great for keeping up with all the little tasks that need to be completed within one larger task or project.




3. Project List: Need more space for "Action Steps" in your PLANS section of your planner? Master Plan is great for breaking your "Action Steps" into smaller action steps, and even creating a shopping list for the supplies you'll need to complete your project. You can tape the list inside your planner with our STARTtape and easily remove when it's time to go on a supplies run.


4. Party Planning: Planning your next birthday bash or hosting a wedding shower for your BFF? No matter the event, Master Plan is a great sidekick to your planner and can help you keep up with all the errands you need to run and tasks that need to get done in order to plan your next big event!


We would love to see how you are using Master Plan to organize your life. Share with us on Instagram using #STARTplanner or tag us on Facebook, STARTplanner.  : )



Stop Doing Everything And Pursue 1 Thing With Reckless Abandon. The Secrets of The Highly Successful.

It's no secret. Most people have an inner desire to be wildly successful. While most people may not overtly express it, there is a deep desire to be excellent and known for the great works behind their legacy. While this is admirable and achievable, there is one approach people take that's the worst move to make.
In an effort to conquer the world and "do it all", they wind up accomplishing nothing. The best way to be successful is to stop doing everything and pursue one thing with reckless abandon. This mantra completely goes against the concept of being a jack-of-all-trades. However, a jack-of-all-trades is normally a master of none. If you'd like to become a master at something, there are a few reasons why you should only pursue one thing.

1. Focus
You need to focus. If a person has a bunch of things on their schedule that are totally unrelated, it can be hard to focus. Even for things that are related, a successful person will have to turn some things down. Ryan Holiday, the author of Ego is the Enemy, explained that if he accepted all the podcast invitations he receives, this would take at least two to three hours of his day. While speaking on podcasts would build his brand and get his book to more people, he had to decide where he really wants to focus. As a writer, he continues to choose writing over everything else. This is the reason he is a master at what he does. Just like many other successful people, Ryan understands the importance of focus.

2. Length of Time
Malcolm Gladwell proposes that it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at anything. This may sound like a lot of time and it is. However, the time flies by when you're focused on one thing and nothing else. When you spread your time between five different projects, that's now 50,000 hours of mastery. You can't become a master at one thing when you're distracted by five. In this digital age, so many people are doing their best to multi-task. Fight the urge to multi-task because it'll just take you a longer time to complete one task. Focus on one thing you'd like to get great at. You'll find that the time goes quicker when you're intentional about that one project.

3. Quality
If you choose to split your time between multiple projects, you'll also compromise the integrity of the outcome. The quality won't be as good. When the mind goes in twenty different directions, it can be really hard to build quality results that are worthwhile. One of the best ways to face this directly is through looking at your daily routine. You've been given 24 hours in a day. Eight of the hours are usually dedicated to sleep. A large portion of the remaining sixteen hours should be solely spent creating a quality product. Whether you're a writer working on a book, a seamstress working on a sewing project or a pianist learning new chords, make time to produce quality. Quality work is praised and appreciated.

Open your day planner and take a look at what projects, chores and tasks fill your day. Now, revise it to reflect that one thing you're going to pursue with reckless abandon. Remember the listed reasons and follow through. You'll be better for it in the end.



Wednesday 22 February 2017

How Can I Get More Done At Work? Efficiency Tips

Increasing productivity is a hot topic in the workplace today, and you should view disorganization as your biggest nemesis for accomplishing your goals. While mindfulness and going to bed early are always effective for helping you stay on task, it is also important to look at how you structure your environment and day. Often, it’s the little things like failing to define your goals that interfere with your ability to get things done. As you set up your organizational system, use these tips to streamline your day so that you operate at peak efficiency.

Start the Day By Checking Your Correspondence

Those last minute meetings or requests for information can really mess up your day. For this reason, you should always pencil in a little “me time” in your morning so that you can catch up on any correspondence that came in overnight. Grab your morning beverage of choice, and look over your emails and memos. Then, add any events for the day to your lifestyle planner before you forget.
Some experts disagree. Some will tell you that you should check your email after 2-3 hours of highly productive work. Do what works best for you.

Consolidate Your Information Resources

While smartphone apps are great for sending alerts, it gets cumbersome having to log in and out of separate ones. For this reason, successful professionals know that going back to the basics simplifies their work because writing everything down in one place saves time when they need to research an important contact or review their meeting notes. In addition to using your lifestyle planner for scheduling purposes, consolidate by jotting down notes and other information that is pertinent to your work.

Clear the Clutter

It’s a classic productivity tip but worth mentioning because you may not realize how many distractions fill your day. Start by clearing your desk of any nonessentials. That stack of reference books may make you look busy, but you don’t need them taking up space if you don’t use them everyday. Once your physical space is organized, move on to your electronic resources. Set up your email so that junk goes where it should, and delete unnecessary files from your computer.

Practice Time Blocking

Being organized at work means more than just being able to find your paperclips. Focusing on time management is an essential component of workplace organization. If you constantly find yourself struggling to meet deadlines, consider blocking off sections of time during your day to work on specific tasks. This practice not only ensures that you spend time on each item on your to-do list, but it also generates a sense of urgency by giving you a deadline for completing each action.

Create a Success List

To-Do lists have long been viewed as an effective organizational tool. However, it is important to use them correctly. Simply writing down things such as to email your colleague or make that presentation for a meeting does little more than giving you the satisfaction of marking it off your list. In fact, many of the things most people write down could be done within the time it takes to write it. Instead, use your to-do list to plan out only the goals you need to successfully complete your projects. While they may span several weeks or months, this list should serve as a driving force for each day.

The fast-paced work environments today mean that staying organized is crucial for accomplishing your goals. While you may not be able to stop every interruption, you can make sure you stay on track by emphasizing the importance of utilizing every second of your time effectively.



Monday 20 February 2017

What Is Circadian Rhythm and How it Affects Efficiency

Circadian rhythms are produced naturally in the body and for the most part follow a 24-hour schedule. They regulate the sleep-wake cycle in humans as well as plants and animals. The circadian rhythm is controlled by an area of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). This is what tells us when it is time to sleep and get up by responding to light and darkness.

How to Use Circadian Rhythm to Increase Productivity and Efficiency

Throughout the day most people have times when their energy levels are high and other times when their energy declines. This is regulated by circadian rhythm. In order to use your time more efficiently it is important to understand when these highs and lows will occur.

Generally the first thing in the morning is when energy levels, ability to focus, and productivity are lower. Over the next three to four hours they build up to peak levels. Then they begin to decline again over the next several hours. About six hours after the first peak, the levels will peak again and then begin to decline for the rest of the day. Although the mid-day decline in energy is often blamed on lunch, that is not the reason. This is just a natural occurrence as part of the your circadian rhythm.

Scheduling Tasks Accordingly can Increase Efficiency

Scheduling important tasks during the times when the levels are highest allows people to focus and get things done. The lowest priority tasks should be done when levels are building such as the first thing in the morning and during the second peak of the day. A 2017 planner can be used to schedule the most important tasks during the peak hours.

Are you a Night Owl or an Early Riser?

Everyone's circadian rhythm is not the same. They can vary according to whether you are an early riser or a night owl. The variances in the circadian rhythms are called chronotypes. If you are a night owl trying to work an early morning shift, you are not going to be alert and have the energy that an early riser will have. The result is an unproductive day. If people work schedules that match their circadian rhythms, this is one of the best ways to increase efficiency and productivity.

Can Circadian Rhythms be Adjusted?

Sometimes people develop circadian rhythm disorders. This can wreak havoc with work and their lifestyle. There are treatments that can help to adjust the rhythm to a person's lifestyle. Using chronotherapy is an option. This is when the bedtime is adjusted by degrees over a period of time until they are able to go to sleep at the time preferred.

There are other types of therapy that may help but one way of achieving optimum performance is to plan your day while keeping in mind your circadian rhythm. Employers should take note of this to help them schedule employees, particularly in workplaces with two shifts. This is one of the best ways to ensure that deadlines are getting met and the work is getting completed. It also helps to reduce frustration for employees who want to do the work but are having a hard time finding the energy to complete their tasks.




Saturday 18 February 2017

Wedding Organizer Books - Happily Hitched

You can stay thorough and organized as you prepare for your big day. Our Happily Hitched wedding planner is a smart investment for couples facing nuptials.

Wedding planning is a multi-million dollar industry around the world. The right person or company brings insider knowledge to the venue, catering and honeymoon decisions. Their experience and precision can save couples tons of money.

However when faced with the "planner or no planner" decision, couples may become more frantic and confused. Some event planning companies feature weddings as a tangential offering. Many exclusive wedding planning businesses partition their services to accommodate all budgets, from total to partial planning packages.

You could sign up for one degree of services but discover you have overbooked. You may arrive to your wedding day's homestretch and realize you needed more assistance than you initially thought. Or, you can get started early with our wedding organizer and work at your own pace, hiring assistance only when you absolutely need it.

Our Happily Hitched wedding organizer book is your convenient, detailed assistant to do your wedding your way. Happily Hitched keeps you free of outside opinions and even high-pressure sales couples face at this tender time. Our expert design is durable, comprehensive and functional.

Happily Hitched features four critical sections:

  • Goals: This is where you and your future spouse create the financial, scheduling and scale visions for your wedding. These core elements appear upfront to provide a constant anchor as your planning goes along.
  • Projects: Your aesthetic vision comes to life here. Many brides today want a DIY approach to cut costs and display their personalities. Here you will determine what projects you can handle and who you want to help.
  • Finances: We understand finances are never a limitation against the wedding of your dreams. Once you set the vision for your big day, focus on the budget to make that happen. Use our detailed spreadsheets and expense ledgers to ground you as you plan.
  • Plans: You will become best friends with this Happily Hitched section, as it may just contain the names of future friends who helped make your dreams come true. Never again lose the contact info for that florist, seamstress or photographer you met a party. Wrangle the guest list to manageable proportions that include all essential people. Keep up with the hair stylist, makeup artist and caterer as well as their costs. Carve out special touches you will remember for a lifetime: parties and showers, dinners and "The Cake", and honeymoon travel plans.
Happily Hitched is designed with you in mind. Like the ultimate wedding planner, it aims to remain with you until the end. We have fortified our wedding organizer with:

  • Cloth binding for extra durability,
  • Tab dividers including storage for samples,
  • Plenty of blank note pages,
  • Tight and secure elastic closure.

Above all, Happily Hitched is a pretty book you will feel excited to work with. You will enjoy its crisp, classic white and grey pattern with elegant gold foil cover stamping. Its 122 sheets are made of strong 70# paper. We are happy to give you the closest thing to a personal wedding assistant for your big day.



Friday 17 February 2017

Can I Plan My Own Wedding? Yes! With Happily Hitched

Planning a wedding is no easy task. While some people choose to hire a planner to do it, others feel like there's something magical about planning their own weddings. If you're one of the latter, you will need a way to organize the whole event. This is where wedding planning books, such as the Happily Hitched Wedding Planner from STARTplanner comes into play. Below is more information on why you need such a planner and why it will make planning your wedding so much easier.

Keep Track of Your Finances

One of the biggest problems that people have when planning a wedding is budgeting their finances. There's a lot to keep track of, and sometimes it's easy to get swept away in the planning process. The Happily Hitched planner allows you to accurately record all of the finances in a detailed section. There's no more worrying about going over budget because you'll have a detailed breakdown of your entire expenses.

Plan Out Your Goals

Next, you can use this planner to list your goals. Pulling a wedding together is all about setting goals and establishing the steps that you need to take to reach them. This planner has a whole section dedicated to planning our goals. By keeping track of your goals, you can clearly see all of your hard work paying off. This is important because it's easy to get bogged down when there's so much to do. Tackle your wedding one goal at a time. As you mark goals off, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. Listing your goals also makes it less likely that you will forget to do something.

Project Section

If you're planning your own wedding, you're probably undertaking a number of do-it-yourself projects for your wedding. The Happily Hitched wedding planner has a section dedicated to wedding projects. This section make it easy to keep up with all of the projects that you need to get done and provides you with an area to list out all of the actions that you need to do in order to complete the project. It lets you check off steps as you go and makes it easy to put bridesmaids in charge of certain aspects of these projects. By putting their names to certain steps, you can easily keep track of who is doing what.

Keep Track of Your Samples

A good planner has room for you to keep track of fabric samples and clippings. When you're planning a wedding, you need access to all of this information at a moment's notice. This planner offers pockets on every divider tab. These pockets are big enough to store all of your samples. This should make planning your wedding even easier while you're out and about.

Using wedding planners to keep track of all of your wedding details is important. Do you need one of these planners? The answer is most differently yes! There's too much at stake when planning a wedding not to have one. Use the Happily Hitched planner to organize every aspect of your wedding with ease. It may just end up saving you time and money.



How To Use A Weekly Planner To Increase Productivity

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do each week? You're not alone. Every day seems to go by faster than the last, and it can feel like there's too much to keep track of.

Using a weekly planner can help calm the chaos. It's a place where you can write down everything you need to accomplish: appointments, goals, shopping lists, and more. It doesn't need to be boring at all - using a STARTplanner can make it fun. Here are some ideas about how to use your planner.

Pick a day to write everything in your planner.

Pick a day, ideally at the beginning of the week, where you set aside a good fifteen or twenty minutes to block in everything you know is going to happen in the week ahead. If you work, make a note of your regular work hours; if you're in school, write in your class schedule.

As you're plotting, you can alternate between pen and pencil: pen for more permanent events you know are unlikely to change; pencil for goals or appointments that have more flexibility.

After you've finished writing in everything you know is on the agenda, bring your planner with you to your appointments and keep it updated throughout the week. Updating will take less time once you've mapped out the big picture.

Maintain a running "dump list" throughout the week.

You've talked to your child's teacher and there are some follow-up phone calls you need to make. Or you need to go back to the mall to return a blouse. Or your coach calls to say there's going to be another practice on Saturday, and gives you a list of warm-up drills.

Moments like these are where a "dump list" comes in handy. On it, you can write action points, remind yourself of emails you need to send, and keep track of to-do items. Once you've written it all down, it's easy to refer to your planner and make a note of when and where these small tasks can be accomplished.

Color code.

If you have a lot to keep track of in your planner, color coding is a great way to go. For example, you could use blue for doctor's appointments, orange for travel days, or green for birthday reminders. It's truly up to you.

It can be helpful to keep the number of colors you use to a minimum, so you don't get confused about which color goes with which project. Make a routine and stick to it.

Add a pop of whimsy to make using your planner fun.

Got a gloomy week or just need a planner pick-me-up? Try using stickers and planner tape with your STARTplanner. A little hint of color and cute will help you look forward to using your planner. The joy you give yourself has a positive ripple effect on your life.



Thursday 16 February 2017

Organizing Your Home-Where To START

There’s nothing quite like an organized home to make you feel more productive and better about life. A disorganized home is a sign of a disorganized mind. When your home and your life is organized, your mind is less cluttered and your life less stressful. Clutter and disorganization cause stress, and oftentimes stress makes people feel as if life is out of control.
This negative feeling produces anxiety, fear, nervousness, and other negative emotions. When life is uncluttered, it’s less complicated. Getting your life organized is one of the easiest ways to gain control of the things you feel you have no control over. The most difficult part of getting organized isn’t staying organized, it’s taking the first step. Knowing where to start helps you get started creating a simpler, less complicated life.

Create a Goal

What’s your goal getting organized? Is it to create more time so spend with your family and friends, or is it to help you become more successful? What do you want to accomplish by de-cluttering your life and getting organized? Make a goal, and then break it down into smaller goals. Once you have a list of smaller goals, you can get started. A luxury planner is great for getting organized and keeping your goals recorded.

Don’t worry if your list of goals is a long one. Small goals are easier to accomplish, and they’re crossed off your list faster. Each time you cross one off, you feel more productive and motivated to cross another off. When it comes to organizing your home, your goals might include cleaning out one drawer each day, one room each weekend, until it’s all finished. You do what’s right for you, but do make goals to help you get started.

Get Rid of Everything

If it’s not useful, usable, or something you even remember owning, get rid of it. It’s a great idea to donate all you can. If it’s clean, useable, and in good condition, donate it. Don’t forget to obtain a receipt for these items so you can cross them off your tax deduction list in the New Year. Everything else can be thrown away or recycled so you can get it out of the house. If you want, you can even hold a yard sale and then donate anything you don’t sell in the meantime.

Organize Accordingly

Once you’re rid of all your junk and stuff, it’s time to organize. One way to do this is to keep all things together that go together. For example, your kitchen is filled with items you use all the time, but are they in the correct area? A wonderfully organized kitchen is one in which the utensils used for cooking on the stove are stored near the stove.
If your cooking utensils are across the room by the sink and your eating utensils are stored by the stove, it doesn’t flow. It’s time to put items where they belong. Your pot holders go by the oven and stove, not by the sink. Your dish towels and soap should be near the sink, not by the stove. Once you see the distinction, it’s easier to get organized at home. Do this in every room, and you’ll feel much more organized and powerful.

Your home is your sacred place. The more organized it is, the better you feel about your home. Start small, work toward your goals, and get organized to save yourself time, energy, and stress.



Tuesday 14 February 2017

How To Get Organized For Life

Life can be so hectic that everything you do looks messy and confusing. You agree with me that most of the time you feel wretched and overwhelmed with how disorganized you are. This feeling can go on for months or years and take a toll on your normal life if you don't take a bold step to turn things around and begin focusing on items that make you happy. These tips will help you to declutter your life and make time for things that are truly meaningful.

Write everything down

Do not trust your brain to remember everything you learn or plan to do. The truth is that you will forget most of the things you are supposed to do after a few hours. You need to capture them somewhere and go over them from time to time. Jot down what you plan to do from the morning and throughout the day. Allocate a suitable timeline for each task and check the list regularly. Writing everything down will bring clarity and remind you what to focus on at a particular time. This way, you can keep track of important things instead of concentrating on low-priority tasks.

Get rid of clutter

Eliminate clutter from your bedroom, sitting room and office. Remove sticky notes, old papers, magazines and junk mail from your desk at work. Check your closet and get rid of things you don’t need. Closets are known for being cluttered with old shirts and shoes. Open the drawers you often use and pull out the items you don’t require. Wipe out everything that is broken, leaking, expired or damaged from your house. Clean the house and review your commitments to friends and family. Do not commit too much on appointments or over-promise your time for them. Clear your mental clutter by getting rid of appointments you cannot keep.

Use a plannner

You can use an app if you like. But of course we love old school planning tactics at STARTplanner :) A day planner  will get your organized. 

Plan ahead for your meals

The secret to living an organized life is staying healthy and having a peace of mind. This is only possible if you eat recommended foods at the right time. Plan ahead for your meals. Make dinner menus for the whole week during the weekend. Maintain a shopping list of groceries in the refrigerator or on another visible spot. Organize your kitchen. Clear out the containers for items so that you can see them clearly when cooking. Group the cooking items based on how often you use them.

Organize your time wisely

You need to allocate twice as much time you require to complete a task. This allows you to cater for interruptions. Break down your projects into smaller portions and schedule them in your day planner. It is also imperative you get a high-quality watch and wear it whenever you are going to work or attending events. A watch will help you keep track of time and ensure you operate within the set limits. It will also help you to avoid being late for important appointments.
wedding planners



Wedding Planning and Budgeting- How Happily Hitched Can Save Your Soon-To-Be-Hitched Behind

While the engagement part of getting married is certainly exciting and filled with a lot of fun memories, it can also be expensive. After all, this is when you decide on the venue, attire, number of guests, food, entertainment, etc., for the big day. Not to mention it can be easy to over-spend, especially when it comes to the smaller details. Are you looking for a better way to do things without the cost of hiring a wedding planner? Let us introduce you to the Happily Hitched Wedding Planner.

Keep on Track

Made by Startplanner, this innovative organization tool is an incredible resource to have while wedding planning. Begin with using the planner to keep track of your engagement details, such as the details of the engagement party, insurance for your ring, special celebrations, etc. After that stage of your engagement has been completed (good job!), you can continue the planning of your wedding and even honeymoon with the Happily Hitched Planner. There's a spot for virtually every detail that you need to figure out, from the DIY projects you're taking on to financial information for every single contract and purchase.

With a tool like this, you'll never have to worry about being the "disorganized couple" while preparing for your big day. This can ease a lot of stress, help make wedding planning fun, and ensure you don't exceed your budget and end up broke after the day is over. The entire design was created to help couples make the planning process more of a journey rather than a checklist of things that you'll forget soon after. Save it for a keepsake after the day is over to remember how far you came from the magical proposal!

Features You'll Love:

- 70# paper you can rely on to hold up until the page is filled
- 122 pages in total to accommodate notes
- 7.5in x 8.75in; 1.25in thick
- Elastic closure to ensure nothing falls out
- Metal corners for reliable durability
- Cloth binding around the spiral for style and strength
- 4 beautiful gold-stamped divider sections with tabs
- Tab dividers equipped with folder pockets for storage

What's Inside:

- Tabbed Divider 1: Goals

In this divider you can write down your goals for the wedding and steps you'll take to reach those. Goals can include finances, the experience desired, and anything else your heart desires.

- Tabbed Divider 2: Projects

The next divider you'll see is for projects such as DIY centerpieces, decorations, or anything else you plan on making yourself. You'll have enough space to write out the project, steps to make it, helpers, and timeline for finishing.

- Tabbed Divider 3: Finances

Make sure you stay up-to-date with spending by keeping track of your budget in this section.

- Tabbed Divider 4: Plans

Use this divider to write down the guest list, bachelorette party, cake, wedding favors, reception information, music preferences, rentals, vendors, hair/makeup, after-wedding plans, and anything else that you need to keep track of for your big day. This section will be one you turn to on a daily basis because of how useful it is. It has EVERYTHING--including things you may not have even known you needed! Need extra space? You'll find blank pages for notes located inside.




Happily Hitched Unboxing!

We are SO excited to reveal the latest addition to STARTplanner - our Happily Hitched Planner! Are you (or is someone you know) getting “hitched”? Happily Hitched is the perfect planner to have at your side, incorporating even the smallest details to help you on the journey from “yes” to “I do!" From budgeting and financials to pre-wedding events and details of the big day, this is sure to be any bride's best friend as she walks down the aisle. 
Check out Kristy unboxing it for the first time below! Well, the second time… She was way too excited to wait! 


Want to know more about Happily Hitched? For more information and a peek inside the planner visit happilyhitchedplanner.com!



Monday 13 February 2017

How To Get Organized At Home Check List

Many homes can become unorganized each season due to paperwork and products you bring into the home. Although it can be easy to live in a mess due to a busy schedule, it's important to remain organized to have peace of mind. To begin the process of getting organized, there are a few important steps to take.

Purge Each Room

Purging each room of the home of items that you don't use will make it easier to find what you need by freeing up extra space. Toss items that are broken or aren't used each month. Donate or sell the items and avoid putting them in storage to prevent them from finding their way back into the home.

Create a To-Do List

One of the most important steps to take when organizing your home is to create a to-do list for each task that is pending. Make it a point to complete a few tasks each week to make progress and avoid overwhelming yourself. Consider using a lifestyle planner that features a place to create a list that is easy to access each day.

Scan Documents

Clean up your home office by scanning documents that are stacked on your desk or have accumulated in a filing cabinet. Shred documents after uploading them to your computer or hard drive and storing them onto a cloud, which will make them easy to access while away from home. You can also go through your desk drawers and look for old receipts, memos, and contacts that can be thrown out. You'll also want to insert old shoeboxes and desk organizers in the drawers to group like items that include paperclips, staples, and highlighters to avoid having junk drawers.

Hang Items Vertically

Free up extra space in the home by hanging different items vertically in your bedroom closets and the garage. Coats, belts, and scarves can be stored on hooks inside of the closet to make them easier to find. Hang pegboard in the garage to hold drills and hammers, which will allow you to locate your tools quickly while performing repairs or upgrades on the property. Jewelry can also be hung on hooks above a dresser or nightstand to eliminate clutter that is present.

Use Vacuum Sealed Bags

An effective way of freeing up space in your closet is to keep clothes that are out of season stored in vacuum sealed bags underneath your bed. You can switch out the clothes that are needed each season, which will make it easier to find what you need on the rack.

Roll Clothing

Rolling your clothing and keeping them upright in your drawers will make it simpler to see everything that is stored instead of digging through piles of pants or sweaters. Roll the clothing and organize each item by color, which will free up space and allow you to find what you need in seconds. You can also rely on storage containers to keep undergarments grouped together in each drawer.

Utilize Stacked Shelving

Stacked shelving makes it easy to find condiments and spices in your pantry and refrigerator. The shelving will allow the labels to be legible and will help you to avoid clutter from accumulating in the kitchen.
STARTplanner- Erin Condren Alternatives



Sunday 12 February 2017

How To Organize your Wedding- With Happily Hitched

Planning your wedding is a monumental endeavor, and you may be looking for all of the help that you can get. While some brides and grooms will hire the services of a professional wedding consultant, this is not financially feasible for every couple. When you are taking a do-it-yourself approach to wedding planning, organization is critical. Using the right wedding planner can help you to stay organized in several important ways. By learning more about what the right planner can do for you, you will know which features to look for in a quality organizer or planner.

Clarify Your Wedding Goals and Dreams
Many brides and even grooms have some clear ideas of what they want their wedding experience to be like. The best planner will ask you questions about everything from the number of guests you want to the ideal venue, the colors you prefer and even where the honeymoon will take place. This gives you a space to brainstorm and to visually plan out the desired event that you both agree on before you move forward with making actual plans and reservations.

Establish and Monitor Your Budget
Before you start contacting vendors and even before you finalize your vision of the perfect wedding, you must create a functional, realistic budget. In addition, you must ensure that the budget is in line with your wedding goals, and you may find that you need to tweak your budget or goals so that they align. You can also use your wedding planner to continually update or revisit your budget. This helps to ensure that you are on track with your budget and do not overspend.

Track Vendors and Services
Planning and organizing a wedding requires you to work with many vendors. This includes the venue site, the officiant, the florist, the caterer, the baker, the seamstress for alterations, the DJ or band and many others. You first must decide which company or individual you plan to use for each of these and other needs, and you will then need to keep track of the services and products that you have ordered or requested from each of them. You may have many contracts and other documents that you need to keep track of, and your planner may include spaces for you to write down details and notes as well as spaces to store these contracts.

Prepare For the Big Day
As you prepare for the big day, factors related to timing come into play. You may need to make sure that people are available at the church or reception site to receive the flowers, cake and more while you and your bridesmaids are at the salon getting ready. You may also need to plan the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, make arrangements for the honeymoon, arrange transportation and more. The best planner is one that has a space for you to write down all of these details. You may even share your written plans with others by photocopying your planner so that your bridesmaids and others are all on the same page.

Organization can help you to more successfully pull off the event of your dreams while staying on budget and while managing your stress level. With this in mind, carefully review the planner options so that you select the right tool to keep you organized in each of these important areas.



Saturday 11 February 2017

Notebooks- Why Writing Down To Do Lists can Help Productivity

At the start of each year, so many people write down their New Year's resolutions. Many of the goals involve losing weight, saving money and traveling. Overall, all of these goals involve a better grasp on productivity. Each person is granted 24 hours in a day. In this case, it's important to use them wisely. In order to use your time wisely to accomplish mundane tasks and exciting goals, it's good to write down a To Do list on a daily basis. These lists are beneficial for a few reasons.

1. Visual Reminder
It's amazing how easy it is to forget to complete the simplest task. Between news updates on your phone, kids screaming and life's responsibilities, it can be hard to remember a lot of things. Before you reach for the Ginkgo Biloba and other memory-enhancing supplements, try utilizing the power of a list. If you're in a special season where you're preparing to get married, tasks like hiring a wedding planner or booking the wedding venue can easily slip your mind. If you write down all of these tasks, you instantly free your mind up to focus on the tasks in front of you without fearing that you're forgetting something. Do yourself a favor and write down your To Do list, put it in your day planner and keep it with you throughout the day.

2. Checking Things Off
There's something so gratifying about being able to cross something off your list as completed. When you write each item down on your list, it almost serves as a written contract or promise. As you write the item down on the list, you're telling yourself that this is important enough for me to write down and complete. In this case, you've made a promise to work on it until it's completed. When you're able to cross off the item, it's a psychological reminder that you were able to finish what you started and get something done. The more consistent you are with keeping promises to yourself, the more likely you're going to trust yourself to continue to get things done in the future.

3. Time Blocking
As you write the items down on your list, it's also a great way of looking at your day and understanding the time it'll take to complete each task. If the list is too long, you'll know that you'll either need to ask for help or push certain things to the following day. It's important to be realistic about what you can truly handle. Some people are really great with their time because they have the capacity to work quickly. If you're one of those people, that's cool. If you're not one of these people, it's important to know yourself well enough to know that you shouldn't set yourself up for failure. Next to each item, write down the amount of time it can potentially take and that will help you get a better understanding of what your day is truly looking like.

At the core of every organized person's life is a list. Looking at a list on a consistent basis will help you stay focused on the tasks for the day. Make sure that your goals are reflected in that list and you'll go far.
STARTplanner-Goal Setting



Oh How In The World Is A Bride To Be Supposed To Stick To A Budget? [Happily Hitched Planner]

When you are planning your wedding, you’ll be faced with dozens of questions, decisions and details. Using the Happily Hitched Wedding Planner is one of the best ways to stay organized from the day you get engaged through your honeymoon. It will help you plan your perfect wedding day from start to finish while saving you both time and money. You’ll also eliminate the stress that wedding planning can cause by keeping everything organized in one area.

STARTplanner presents Happily Hitched Wedding Planner
The Happily Hitched Planner has everything in one place. Keep track of any do-it-yourself projects you or your wedding party are working on, keep your wedding finances organized and plan your honeymoon in the same beautiful planner. Every wedding has a ton of details to keep track of, such as the vendors you’ll be using for food and entertainment, guest lists, flower arrangements, alcohol purchases, gifts for the wedding party, limo expenses and so much more. You need an elegant book to keep track of everything that you are planning, and this beautiful wedding planner does the trick.

Features of the Planner

This gorgeous, 122-page planner is bound in cloth around the metal and spiral corners for added strength and durability. The cover is a classic white and grey pattern with a gold foil stamp and the inside of the book is printed on high-quality 70# paper. There are four divider sections with tabs that are printed on a heavy glossy card stock: Goals, Projects, Financials & Plans. You’ll have room to store fabric samples, clippings, color swatches and more in the folder pockets that each tab offers. Finally, hold it all together with a strong, elastic closure.

Contents: Goals, Projects, Financials & Plans

Goals: Use this section together with your partner to create a list of goals and dreams you have for your wedding day. Decide and set goals for your finances and your overall vision for the big day in this section of the planner.

Projects: Many brides love do-it-yourself projects, and this is the perfect section to keep track of your lists, projects and steps for any projects in the making.

Finances: Paying for the wedding of your dreams takes careful planning. Keep track of all of your expenses in the finance section of your planner.

Plans: Here you will have a space for absolutely every detail. Included in this section are pages for: engagement party, bachelorette and bachelor parties, wedding showers, rehearsal dinner, dress, cake and other treats, florist, rentals, music, reception, videographer, photographer, honeymoon and much more. You’ll also have access to a lot of note pages for your own personal notes and sketches.

The Happily Hitched Planner gives you absolutely everything you need to plan your perfect wedding day. You won’t need anything else when you have this planner in hand.



Friday 10 February 2017

How To Be Organized For School

How to be Organized for School
Going to school every day and relying on your brain to learn difficult concepts can be very stressful. To add to the stress of learning, you'll also need to be prepared for the workload involved. Ten-page papers, pop quizzes and final exams all come together to give you a final grade. In order to maintain high grades and your sanity, you'll have to stay organized. Consider these four tips to help you in your quest for organization.

1. Color-code Items.
When you associate a certain color with a specific subject, you're able to think less about where specific items belong. Get a different colored binder for each subject you have in school. For example, the yellow binder might be for your math class and the green binder would be used for your science class. Purchase a few colored, fine-point Sharpie pens and use the colored pen for that class. As you write notes, put away papers and operate in a specific class, you're less likely to get it confused with another subject because you have the subjects color-coded.

2. Use a Planner.
A student planner is a strong organizational tool that should accompany you every day. In each class, the teacher will more than likely have homework, reading assignments and other research for you to complete on your own. You don't want to forget any of your assigned tasks. Make sure you intentionally write down everything that's expected of you. If you have a question or need clarification, make sure you get an answer because you wouldn't want this interfering with your overall class performance and your final grade. Outside of your classes, you might be involved in extra-curricular activities like sports or volunteer organizations. Feel free to write down all of those commitments so that you don't accidentally forget to attend.

3. Use Storage Supplies.
Wicker baskets, pencil pouches and other storage items are great to have on hand for all of your schoolwork. It's also wise to work in one space at home. Designate a specific area in the house as your study area. In this area, you can store your writing utensils, a monthly calendar and a dry erase board. Keep your books stored on a bookshelf. Include supplemental resource books like a dictionary and a thesaurus. To keep things organized, everything needs to have a home. If you don't have anywhere to place it, it probably doesn't belong and needs to go in the trash. When every item has an assigned home, you'll have an easier time maintaining organization.

4. Prep the Night Before.
The night before school, make sure you lay out your clothes, pack your lunch and look at your schedule for the next day. If you need to do laundry, get it done ahead of time so you're not looking for an item in the morning that's actually in the hamper. Look at the weather forecast to know what to expect. If you need to pack an umbrella, pull it out the night before. Pull out your planner and do an overview of everything you'll need to do the following day. Mentally plan out your day and this will help you remain informed and focused.

Once you develop a system for maintaining organization, you'll be in a much better position to excel in school. Getting used to the system may take some time, but don't give up. The rewards are worth the effort of the adjustment period.
Planners For Students



Thursday 9 February 2017

25 Ways To Organize Your Life Right Now

Organization takes on different definitions to different people. It’s defined as having things arranged in a systematic manner, but no two people find the same system efficient in their own homes. Life is busy, schedules are full, and many people have very little free time to get organized and get their schedules in order.

By becoming organized in a manner that suits you perfectly, you can create more free time, minimize stress, and really enjoy life. The trick to succeeding at organizing your life is to do it your way. Forget what everyone else is telling you and learn to create a system of organization that’s yours. It works better when it’s your way. If you need a little inspiration to help you get started, it’s right here.

Make A List

It’s common sense, but writing things down makes it easier to remember. When you remember things in advance, you have more time to plan for them and eliminate last-minute panic and rush.


Make A Wish List

This isn’t the same list as the to-do list above. This is a list of things you’d like to do. When you do have free time, you consult this list and choose something rather than wasting time wondering what to do with yourself.

Carry a Planner-Obviously a STARTplanner

A planner is one of the best ways to keep your life organized. It allows you to schedule your days, consult your calendar, see important dates and reminders, and keep notes.

Sync Calendars

If you have a family, sync your calendars. Now everyone in the house knows what’s going on every day, what time, where, when, and how. It’s much more organized.

Plan Ahead

Nothing makes life disorganized quite like failing to plan ahead. When you have a chance to organize your day the night before, take it.

Clean As You Go

When people schedule a time to clean and a list of things to clean each day, they fail to get things done. Sure, planning is nice. However, when you clean as you go, it makes life easier and more efficient. Don’t schedule dishes for Tuesdays and Thursdays when you can do them each day as you use them. It’s faster, more efficient, and feels less like work.

Buy A Smart Home Device

A device such as Google Home makes keeping your life simple so much easier. When you’re elbow-deep in dirty dishes, you can simply tell Google to add dish soap to the shopping list rather than search for a pen and paper or remind yourself to write something down later.

Schedule Free Time

It’s an oxymoron to schedule free time, but it’s helpful. When life is busy, pick a date on the calendar and block it off so you don’t make any plans.

Get Good Sleep

Try to get at least 8 hours each night. Go to bed around the same time, get up around the same time, and make sure you sleep. Sleeping makes you more productive, which helps you organize life.

Get Rid of Clutter

Clutter in your home creates clutter in your mind. Keep your desk clean, your life clean, and your home clean and you won’t feel so overwhelmed.


Do you make $50 per hour working from home doing the work of your trade? If you do, anything that costs less than you make in an hour to pay someone else to do should be done. Hire someone to mow the lawn, to clean your house, and to do other things. Delegate.

Donate Everything

Go through your house and donate everything you don’t need or use anymore. If you can’t donate it, throw it away. A lack of stuff creates a more peaceful mind.

Schedule Accordingly

If you have four kids and they all need to see the dentist and the pediatrician, schedule them all the same day. Forget coming back four times or two times. Do it all at once so you don’t waste time on other days.

Shop Accordingly

If you need to do your shopping, do it all at once. Forget making three trips per week to the store because you need things you forgot. Make a list, shop all at once, and get it done quickly.

Create A Weekly Menu

Decide in advance what to make each night for dinner during the week. This allows you to check for ingredients before you shop, to make a comprehensive list, and to save time figuring out what you want and what you need all week.

Keep Cleaning Supplies in A Caddy

Now you can cart it around everywhere you go all the time, and you won’t waste valuable time finding all you need to clean any room of the house.

Take Photos

Instead of storing homework and art work and projects your kids bring home, take photos of them and put them on a disk or an online album so you always have them without the actual mess of keeping them.

Put Trash Cans in All Rooms

When you have easy access to the trash, you’re less inclined to throw things into a drawer or on a counter when you no longer need them. You’ll throw them away immediately. 

Forget the Junk Drawer

It’s something everyone has, and it’s a mess. It’s where you put things that don’t have a home, things you need to hide, or things that you want but don’t want to put away right now. Skip the drawer and put a basket on the counter for this. You’ll be more inclined to put things in it and then organize them later when you have a few minutes if you can see the mess you’re creating as you create it.

Lay Out Clothes

When the evening ends and things calm down, lay out your clothing for the following day. When you don’t need that time in the morning to find things, you’re going to find it’s much easier to get ready and get productive.

Schedule Me Time

You need time to unwind. Schedule 10 minutes at the beginning of the day to drink coffee, to sit quietly, or to shower without interruption. Starting the day on the right foot makes a huge difference in your productivity. 

Exercise Daily

Join the gym, take a walk, or dance every day. Do whatever you must do to get some exercise. It provides you with more energy, it helps you stay more focused, and it makes you more productive.

Reward Yourself

Getting organized isn’t always easy, but it’s more enjoyable when you reward yourself after it’s done. Schedule a spa day, a weekend getaway, or splurge on a night out to reward yourself for getting organized. 

Keep Important Documents in A Safe

Not only do you need this to protect them from disaster or prying eyes, it’s easier on you when you need a cop of someone’s birth certificate or whatnot to know where it is right away. 

Organize Your Car

Clean it out, add a basket of water bottles, snacks, jackets, baby wipes, and other necessities to the car so you always have what you need on hand and don’t feel so disorganized.

STARTPlanner-Best Planner



Friday 3 February 2017

Why You Should Listen To The MFCEO Podcast [Parental Warning Obviously]

Would you rather have a friend tell you the painful truth or keep it to themselves as they console you? If you prefer hearing the truth even when it sometimes hurts or feels uncomfortable, then you will benefit from listening to the MFCEO podcast. Even if you're hesitant about picking the first option, you might find it helpful to listen to the MFCEO podcast. This show is massively inspirational, but for those who are easily offended by cursing- you want to skip this show. Here are three reasons why you should tune in:

1. Millionaire Entrepreneurs Are Guest Speakers on the Podcast

Andy Frisella, host of MFCEO podcast, frequently invites millionaire entrepreneurs as guests on the MFCEO podcast, so they can share their lessons for success with listeners. Dan Fleyshman, the youngest founder of a publicly-traded company and a millionaire entrepreneur, was a guest on the MFCEO podcast during episode 106. Fleyshman provided tips on writing a business plan, marketing effectively, and managing people.

Before getting into his tips on entrepreneurship and business, Fleyshman shared the story of how he became an entrepreneur while in high school. You'll find valuable tips in listening to his story. An important takeaway is to not accept the first offer a big company makes for your product or idea. In Fleyshman's case, Nordstrom offered to buy his "Who's Your Daddy?" t-shirts for millions of dollars. His father warned him that if they're willing to pay that much, then it means he's on to something and to not go through with the deal.

2. Challenges Your Thinking to Expand Your Mind

One of the most important reasons you should listen to the MFCEO podcast is it challenges your thinking to expand your mind. Some of the concepts and advice given might step on your toes a bit. You'll find yourself contemplating it over the next few days and suspect there could be some truth in it.

For example, in episode 120 of the MFCEO podcast, Andy Frisella explains why excusing yourself as trying your best isn't acceptable. Your best is always changing as you learn and grow. What was your best a month ago isn't your best today, or at least shouldn't be. If it's the same, then it's a sign you're not really growing. Frisella encourages listeners to constantly push themselves to their best and understand that it's always developing.

3. Real Talk You Need for Motivation

The MFCEO podcast delivers the real talk you need for motivation. Sometimes, sugarcoating things isn't always the most effective way to get a message through. The MFCEO podcast embraces real talk in its style and approach to quickly get to the heart of issues and deliver actionable, helpful advice that you can use to grow your business. On Andy Frisella's Instagram page, an MFCEO listener shared that the podcast was the "slap in the face" he needed: "I've been listening to your postcast for about 6 months now... From the waaaay beginning. Its that slap in the face I needed to face my fears and reality. Thank you."

If you like the straightforward method of communication, then you'll find value in listening to the MFCEO podcast. As some listeners of the podcast said, it will give you the kick in the butt or slap in the face you need to keep working on your business. Too many aspiring entrepreneurs give up on their businesses and goals of living a better life. For additional help staying on track toward accomplishing your goals, check out one of our goal planners at STARTplanner.com.

