Tuesday 31 October 2017

4 Things You Need to Know About Forming a Success Mindset

Before you even start seeing results in real life, there’s a particular transformation that happens on the inside. Success exists internally, long before you begin reaching goals, getting to the next stage of your life, excelling in your career, or becoming a role model for those around you by taking brave actions in the right direction.

Your mindset, your attitude towards life, your determination and hustle, your dedication and ambition, are what drive you towards success. There are qualities you form without any help first, and things you come to realize over time, which then become your ultimate truths and life values.

Once such processes in your mind begin, you suddenly see what the next step on your journey is and take it without hesitation. You’re also ready to take responsibility for all that’s gone wrong so far and be motivated to do better next time. Without this mindset, however, long-term success is not an option.

Let’s now go through some concepts about forming this way of thinking which are what every successful person you’ve ever heard of has understood and worked on early on:

1. It takes a single decision to turn your whole life around

There are 2 types of people when it comes down to how they look at change. Some are scared of it and avoid it at any cost. On the other hand, the others seek novelty which they find by leaving their comfort zone which challenges themselves. All this begins by taking a firm decision today to be okay with change and to try until you reach your goal.

Doing this will make you a man of your word, which is a key trait in business and any other aspect of life that you want to improve. If you say something, you should actually sit down and think it through, prepare for failure in advance, make a plan on what needs to be accomplished the next few days, weeks and months in order to get there, and write down the steps you’ll begin with, starting today.

The world is full of examples of people who transformed their life after being so fed up with their previous lifestyle, that a single decision to turn over a new leaf was enough to get them started. Once you begin, each next step will make you feel good about yourself so you’ll find meaning and purpose.

2. The learning never stops

A success mindset is never completed, and that’s actually great because it means there’s always more you can achieve. The goal is to accept this as a journey, and love it for what it is. If you’re in it for the end destination, you might end up being disappointed.

It takes patience to wait for results, willpower to try again after failure, and mindfulness to accept each defeat as a lesson in order to achieve success. Once you do have that attitude towards making mistakes, you’ll become unstoppable. At this point, failure won’t be an obstacle, and you won’t doubt your abilities. You’ll simply know it’s a matter of trial and error till you get what you want.

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

3. You’ll be your biggest supporter

Don’t worry if you don’t have anyone in your surroundings doing the same, or encouraging you enough. It’s your path to walk and you have all it takes to do this. You need to stay strong in the face of hopelessness, find a purpose and keep it in mind 24/7, and to trust the natural flow of events knowing it will work out eventually.

There are many like you doing the same, and you can find a mentor if you want to as they can help guide your life. You can wake up with determination day after day, take action following your strict plan, consume motivational information to develop your mindset and learn from those who already succeeded.

4. Look back only for one reason

If you constantly go back to the past, you risk losing focus as it also brings regrets. You start wondering what you could have done better, and that’s of no use in the present moment.

The solution to setting yourself free from this negative influence is to let go of anything you’ve done wrong so far, and accept it as something that was necessary in order for you to make the decision to change.

Only look back to analyze your mistakes, learn from them, and do it smarter next time. A success mindset is something which will let you unleash your potential, live your destiny and make the world a better place by setting a good example for others. Are you ready to develop it?

“There’s an important difference between giving up and letting go.” – Jessica Hatchigan

How are you formulating your mindset for success? Please let us know in the comments below!


I Crushed My Public Speaking Fear And So Can You.

I’ve always been terrified of public speaking. It turns out most people suffer from the same fear.

Then I joined a public speaking group called Toastmasters to try and up my game. The first speech didn’t go well. I stood there with a blank look on my face, trembling from the fear. I was sweating and went bright red like a tomato sauce bottle (I must sound like a real Aussie saying that).

For the next few months, I did two speeches and I got better. Then the momentum stopped altogether.

For the following 6 months, nothing happened in terms of delivering pre-prepared speeches. I did keep doing judging roles and impromptu speaking though. This is where I got some chops. It was the regular habit of ‘doing’ that so many people forget, that helped me.


Then I got dobbed into competing.

Ok, now I was really scared! Signing up for a competition where the environment turns formal – where everyone is looking at you expecting you to be good. I was dobbed into this competition because I was thought to be good at impromptu speaking. I thought I was dreadful.

What helped was that I’ve had a mentor for the last little while. My mentor Bharat recently competed in the international championships for public speaking. To say he’s a son of a gun full of talent is not giving him enough credit.

He told me “Tim you can do it. You have all the content through your blogging. You know how to inspire.”

So stupidly I practiced what I teach all of you and got up there. The hours leading up to the speech involved a very negative situation at work, but somehow I made it on time.


My competition was tough.

“I must be the dumbest bloke on Earth” – at least that’s what I was thinking.

As I waited outside with the other speakers, I realized I was up against a guy who’d made it through every year for the last few years. He’d sold his business, he was a brilliant storyteller, he was very funny, he was better looking: basically, he was everything I thought I wasn’t.

To make it worse, he was talking to me so I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing.

“I felt the fear and stayed at the battlegrounds of my mind, conquering negative thoughts”


Somehow I remembered to get into a peak state.

Once the guy I was up against went up on stage, I was outside by myself in total silence, waiting for my turn. Somehow I miraculously remembered to get into a peak state.

“I moved my shoulders back, poked my chest out and told myself ‘I am the expert’.”

I told myself “I don’t think, I know. I’ve been doing this for years.”
I repeated in my mind “I inspire people for a living and I’ve been doing that for years” as well.


Showtime with passion.

It was now my turn. I went on stage and was given my topic which was privacy on the Internet. My eyes lit up an immediately I was in flow. I looked at everyone in the audience with a sense of authority. I backed myself!

Then I took a breath and started speaking. I let every ounce of passion show. I spoke loudly and then quietly. I looked at the audience with lots of funny looks.

My speech was about the new iPhone and how people are obsessed with privacy. I made my thoughts clear and challenged everyone to be authentic. I told the audience to stop hiding behind privacy and share their life lessons with people. I acted out what I would look like when I unlock my new phone using my face. I made the audience believe they could be better than they thought they were.

I stood firm on that stage and told myself that it was time to come out of my shell.

“As Joel Brown taught me, you can’t hide behind a bloody computer forever!”

I saw this as my coming out moment.


What’s possible.

So I won the entire competition. I beat the other two international level speakers and made it through. I don’t say this to brag; I tell you this because if I can do it then so can you. We all have dreams and when we take action, they come true.

Here are some tips to crush your public speaking fear:


A) Get them in the first 5 seconds with charisma.

How you start your speech will determine the rest of it. I was told by my mentor that what I did well was capture the audience using charisma in the first five seconds of the speech.


B) Be vulnerable and authentic.

When you share personal stories and tell people things about your own struggles, you make them feel safe – you inspire them. The key I learned is to hold nothing back and share all of the story. Even tell them you’re nervous and suck at public speaking if you have to. That will crush the nerves.


C) Focus on the audience and not on how you look.

An obsession with you and how you look will make you nervous. Focus on delivering one key message that will help your audience. I’ve found this to be the ultimate fear crusher when it comes to public speaking. Imagining how you look or sound will guarantee failure.


D) Dress comfortably and don’t be an actor.

On the day, I wore comfortable clothes and made no extra effort for the occasion when it came to my daily routine. The moment you put that special stuff in your hair or wear a suit, you tell your brain that today is different. You also tell yourself that you are going to be an actor instead of who you really are.

Public speaking is not a stage show and you’re not an actor wearing a mask. Be comfortable.


E) Grab every opportunity you can.

My peers also told me that because I grabbed every speaking opportunity I could, I had put in the hours even though I didn’t do any pre-prepared speeches. In fact, doing impromptu speaking is the hardest way to get good but it’s also the fastest.

Not knowing what you are going to speak about is where all the growth comes from. It takes your focus away from the audience and onto the words coming out of your mouth.


F) Believe in big things.

The whole time I was on stage I believed that I could go all the way to the finals. I told myself that today was only the beginning and tomorrow I will climb the biggest mountain that has scared the pants of me for as long as I can remember.

Focusing on how big your dream can get gives you an added energy boost. You can be world champion if you believe you can.


G) Share your public speaking stories.

As soon as I had won the entire competition, I shared the story on social media. Again, not to brag but to inspire others to do the same. The other reason I shared my story was because it reinforces in my brain that I am enough. Sharing your story gives you momentum to do it all again.

Now I’m ready for the next round of the competition because people sent me inspiring messages after I shared this success. It’s those messages that tell me I am enough.

During the packing up stage of the competition, my public speaking peers told me that they believed I was going to win from the start. The only person that didn’t believe was me. That’s what can be so stupid about having a fear of public speaking. Often, you’re better than you think.

It’s your negative self-talk that’s holding you back. Stop it!


Okay, what I didn’t expect.

Two people that I admire a lot saw the story of my public speaking fear on social media and sent me amazing messages. These are two people that I never believed would look up to silly old me and my crazy looking haircut.

They both speak in front of thousands and have made more money than I could ever dream of. That’s what can happen from public speaking.

Crushing your fears is fun and when you have people you admire telling you to keep going, you can become unstoppable. That’s how I feel right now writing these words.


Finally, some ingredients of a good speech.

Okay so if you want to be good at this whole public speaking game then there are a few really simple ingredients that will help you win:

Use humor.
Use inspiration.
Teach people something with simple steps to follow.

The same also works for blogging. Surprise, surprise!

Now stop being afraid and go and do that thing that you’ve always feared.
Practice being phenomenal. Take action.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on timdenning.net


Monday 30 October 2017

The First 90 Minutes of the Day Belong to You. What Are You Doing With It?

Have you ever wondered why many of the most successful entrepreneurs that you follow on social media and read articles about wake up early? Waking up early allows them to focus on themselves and get things done that they need to get done before everyone else wakes up and needs their attention.

Some of them use this time to work on their physical health by exercising and getting a work out in. Some of them use this time to focus on their mental health by meditating. Some of them even just do this so they can get to their tasks that they want to accomplish before the work day gets started.

Either which way, waking up early is the key to your success in the future. What you do in the early hours of the day will determine what dreams and goals you will accomplish in the future. Wake up early and be productive with that time.

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin

The first 90 minutes of the day are yours, to work on and create the life you truly want to live. Between 4:30am and 6am is when I work on myself, my body, my dreams and my vision for life; distraction free and with a fresh mind, body and soul.

For most of you, waking up that early is a weird concept but for me waking up and rolling out of bed to go to work for someone else is a weird concept. If you’re not doing something for your own pleasure, personal development and your dreams when you wake up, then you’re simply wasting the best part of the day.

Your life won’t change until you give yourself the gift of time to create and work on yourself and your ideas. I can assure you the number one reason people never get to live the life they want is they simply never give themselves the time to imagine a new life. To work and create the best version of themselves and work on their ideas, dreams and vision for life.

If you don’t make yourself and your dreams a priority then you will end up leaving this earth never having done what you truly wanted to do and find yourself in the rat race wondering why your life is the way it is.

“Make every day a great day by starting the day on your own terms and doing something for yourself and your dreams before you do anything else!” – Joe Duncan, Founder of Before5am

The first 90 minutes of the day belong to you and whatever happens during the day, happens but you’ve taken charge of your life and made progress on what’s truly important to you before anything else happens. That’s how you start to build the life you want while you live the life you’ve already created or fallen into for yourself.

You want change? This is the most basic and simple strategy of all and the easiest to implement into your life. In fact I’ve committed my life to helping people wake up earlier so they can make that change through my lifestyle brand Before5am. The concept is rather simple, wake up early and use that time to focus on you and your life, not anyone else’s. The rest of your day can be about everyone else, but the early hours in the morning are yours and you need to take advantage of that.

What are you focusing on when you wake up early? Leave a comment below!


The Motivational Video That Broke The Internet

This video took so many hours to produce, but the reaction has been amazing and more than 15 000 people have shared in Facebook already! So please if you like it, don’t forget to share the inspiration with others! The Motivational Video That Broke The Internet Unfortunately it’s really hard to maintain that video standard. […]

The post The Motivational Video That Broke The Internet appeared first on MotivationGrid.


25 Cruel Lessons That Will Help You Get To The Next Level Of Life.

You don’t fake it till you make it.

Anything involving you being “fake” will turn people away from you. We’re all sick of fake and people that are not authentic. Vulnerable is in fashion and is the new black.


We’re all just “winging it.”

I know you think that person who’s the CEO is successful but the truth is they’re just winging it. They don’t have all the answers. The truth is none of us really know what we’re doing.

We keep the L Plates on for our entire life. We’re always learning and no one has all the wisdom or knowledge that’s available. So instead of trying to be perfect, learn to wing it like the people you look up to as “successful.”


You should value your time more than you do.

You procrastinate more than you realize. Your not so smartphone is the new form of procrastination. You tell yourself that looking at your phone is work, but it’s not. Your phone wastes your time and you’re fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

Time is what allows you to think and make smart decisions. Time is where your dreams can be created and it’s how you start a side hustle. If you have a 9-5, time is also what you need to escape and start your own thing. Stop wasting your time!


Saying no is the discipline you need.

There’s no point having goals if you say yes to every Joe Blow that comes your way wanting your precious time for their own project. Learn to say no. Only say yes if it feels good in the moment; otherwise, you’ll end up with too many priorities and not enough time to work on your dream.

No will give you space. Yes will exhaust you.


You really shouldn’t have “just one more.”

The phrase “just one more” is the sign to stop. It’s never just one more. Stop lying to yourself homie and understand that giving in to temptation hurts your success big time.

You don’t need one more beer to numb your life.

You don’t need one more episode of that TV show to numb your life.

Enough is enough. No more.


You’re not that much of a big deal.

I know it’s easy to believe you’re a big deal – especially now with the power social media gives us all. The truth is you’re not a big deal and neither am I. We’re all human and kind of the same. Turning the dial down on your ego will make you more sociable. People want to know someone who is interested in them and not just themselves.

Your job title is not that cool.

Your car is meaningless in the scheme of things.

Your Gucci sunglasses aren’t impressing anyone.


Finding your unique value is a moment of awakening.

The day you discover how you can bring value to the world, is the day everything changes. Spend as much time as you can discovering what your value proposition is. In simple terms: How can you help us all? What do you know that we do not? What problem can you solve?

My day came when I realized I could inspire people through blogging. I want your day to arrive. Be patient and it will.


Honesty is super sexy.

Exaggeration has become the new lying. Talking things up all the time is tiring. When you stretch the truth or lie, you’ll get found out – eventually. So now you know, there’s no point. Tell the truth because it’s easy. You’ll never be lost for words. Tell the truth through your experience.

Honesty leads to effective communication and that’s what we all suck at. Problems stem from a lack of clarity and many of us make assumptions about stuff we have no clue about. Make the decision to become sexy through honesty. Hubba Hubba!


We all have our own problems.

That’s why I don’t have time to be focused on yours. So, therefore, no one’s thinking for more than a second about the fact you messed up. Now you’re free. You can make mistakes and have the piece of mind that no one is going to remember what you did wrong.

We’re all toddlers at heart trying to explore the world and find what’s true and what’s not. We’re all trying to find the meaning of life and that will come through taking huge risks with no understanding of what might occur. Next time you stuff up that speech, remember it’s all gravy.


Your idea of success changes over time.

When you’re 18, you’ll think having a car is success. When you’re 25, you’ll think graduating university is success. When you finish university, you’ll think getting a corporate job is success. When you hit your 30’s, you’ll think owning a home and having a family is success.

When you hit 50, you’ll think seeing your kids grow up to fend for themselves is success. When you’re 65, you’ll think retirement is success. When you’re 70 plus, you’ll think just being alive is success. Your vision for success changes based on your age. Learn what true success is at the youngest possible age and your life will get better.

Success is living your purpose.

Success is finding a way to give to others.

Success is finding and understanding love.

Success is being grateful instead of being pissed off.

Success is seeing the world for its infinite positivity.


Saying WTF is making you sound dumb.

Really dumb. Acronyms are for lazy people who are going nowhere. Don’t use them.


Doing what you say you’re going to do is a superpower.

Ever been promised something and then not received it? The next time that same person promises something, do you believe them? No, you don’t. Doing what you say you’re going to do is a superpower because no one does it.

Rather than over promising, set lower expectations. Then when you deliver, you’ll find people are over the moon when really they shouldn’t be. Try it. It works.


We all have to build something.

A life. A business. A family. A romantic relationship. A house. If you’re not building, then you’re not growing. Things that don’t grow die (like many of the people you meet who are alive, but dead inside).


You don’t work as hard as you think.

Yep that’s another lie you tell yourself. Most of us don’t know what hard work is. We do one hour of emails and then take a break to watch something on YouTube to reward ourselves. Hard work is going ten hours with nothing but a glass of water in front of you.

Put the hours in.

Do the extra reps.

Work your butt off.

Then your hard work will translate into something special.


You also don’t take a break as often as you should.

Almost sounds like a contradiction – it’s not. Working hard is important but so is taking a break a few times a year. If you don’t recharge your mind through travel, you’ll become comfortable and bored. This is the worst feeling in the universe.


Quitting is sometimes necessary and really hard to do.

Do it regardless.

Quit if you hate it.

Quit if you’ve had enough.

Stop talking and start doing. You don’t have to “put up” with anything if you don’t want to. Stop being so soft. Quitting leads to opportunities.


Being you is attractive to the opposite sex.

The opposite sex is only interested in your “washboard abs,” car, money or clothes for maybe a split second. The truth is being you without all of that fakeness layered on top that impresses nobody is the game you want to play. Being you and being authentic is attractive because it’s so rare.


Subtract rather than add.

If you’ve missed your goals, it’s because you need to subtract more. Focus comes from subtracting, not adding more things to that stupid to-do list that makes you feel like a failure.

Subtracting gives you time back in your day to reallocate towards the goals that you care about.

Less is more. Minimalism is funky. 


Show me your Ferrari and I’ll show you what really matters.

How you feel is what you want. That’s the only reason you’d buy a chunk of red metal to feel differently. Nothing wrong with Ferrari’s, but let’s focus on making you feel incredible instead.


Who am I?

Ask this question to yourself a lot.

Self-reflection brings the answers you’ve been seeking. These answers will steer you down the right path and stop you becoming incongruent.


Being nice for the sake of it is rare.

So be nicer for no reason if you want to stand out and make people smile.

Smiles take your life up a notch.


Your neighbor is not that fly.

They look successful. They tell you they’re successful. They throw big parties with all of their friends to appear successful. Whether they truly are, you’ll probably never know. That’s a good outcome because you don’t have time to think about your neighbor. You’ve got your own party to prepare for called “life.”


Don’t tell us, show us.

Talk is cheap amigo. Most people can talk a head off a chicken. Stop telling and start showing through action.

Action, Action, Action. More success comes from action.


Pat yourself on the back when you fail.

That’s right. Enjoy it! That’s another lesson you can reflect on and share with others. That failure forms part of how you can help others and create value. I think you should celebrate again. Shall we?


It’s not who you are; it’s who you become.

Don’t worry about who you are right now. Yes, there may be some cracks and that’s fine and dandy. The truth is that who you are becoming is the most important way to step up to the next level of your life. You’ve got to start somewhere so about where you are right now?

Enough reading this blog post. Trust yourself and the unlimited potential you have. Time for action.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on timdenning.net


Sunday 29 October 2017

The 5 Most Effective Productivity Hacks for a Busy Entrepreneur

Technology is both sinner and saint. The Internet and its mobile cousin, the smartphone, have given us incredible gifts: unlimited knowledge at our fingertips and a reach greater than the Pentagon had just 40 years ago.

Despite this, our lives seem to be getting harder and more stressful.. We have become so dependent on technology to the point where it’s become the opposite of what it set out to do – make our lives better. It’s certainly more convenient, but for many people, it’s become an addiction. And no addiction is good.

Numbers don’t lie

According to a national survey from TeleNav, here are some statistics to think about.

  • 66% of smartphone users said they sleep with their phone next to them.
  • 21% of respondents would give up their shoes for a week instead of their phone.
  • 21% of iPhone users said that they would rather go a week without seeing their significant other than give up their phone
  • 34% of iPhone users regularly check their email at the dinner table.

So we have a problem and the first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging you have one. The second step is going to work on it.

Here are five productivity hacks that are surprisingly simple, and yet incredibly effective. It’s not a question of if they’ll work for you and your unique situation, but how many of them will you actually put into use.

1. The email trap

This is something a friend learned from Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Academy and was kind enough to share it with me. Want to be 30% more productive today with almost no effort? Stop looking at your email in the first 60 minutes of the day. 90% of people wake up, grab their phone, and check their emails. By doing this, you let other people’s needs and wants dictate your life.

2. Health

Tony Robbins would talk about this back in the 80s with his late-night infomercials, and it’s something he’s gotten even more passionate about as new information is uncovered in the fields of nutrition and neuroscience. Health can be divided into three separate areas: Food, water and stretch.

Food is fuel for your body. You wouldn’t put cheap oil in a Ferrari, so why do people eat fast food? Because they want something quick that fills them up. I get it, and from time to time it’s no big deal, but you want to have a well-balanced diet full of vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken, and pork.

Hydrating, aka drinking water, is one of the fastest productivity hacks around. Every high-performance coach talks about it. Instead of drinking alcohol, coffee, soda, switch to water. Within a week, you’ll feel a difference in how you feel. You’ll have more energy, sleep better and more productive than ever. Try it and see.

We all know the benefits of exercise, so why is it we find every excuse not to do it. A work-out takes time, you sweat, you feel tired and it can be downright depressing to see how out of shape you are when you haven’t exercised for a long time. Stretching, on the other hand, is quick and easy. No heavy lifting. Just 10 minutes to get your body limber will go a long way to feeling better. Your body will thank you.

“Love is not as important as good health. You cannot be in love if you’re not healthy. You can’t appreciate it.” – Bryan Cranston

3. Oxygenate your body

If you want to give your body a boost then breathe. Not unconsciously, like we all do but consciously like people doing yoga. This takes less than five minutes and you’re good to go. Athletes such as swimmers, runners, and karate fighters understand the power of breathing better than anyone, and how it is a critical component of success. The best part, it’s easier than ever to train yourself to breath better with the help of apps such as Breathe2Relax, Pranayama, Breathing Zone and Relax: Stress and Anxiety Relief.

4. Confirmation email

This was taught to me by my mentor back in my late twenties and it transformed how I dealt with coworkers. We often think that the greatest pull on our time are clients, but what is often overlooked is the frenemy. Colleagues that are seemingly on your side, but are taking advantage of your time and energy.

We have all met them before. They are the ones who pawn off their most difficult, challenging tasks to others. They appeal to people’s kindness and ask them if they can “help” them with something. What they often mean is, “Can you do it for me?” But they know that doesn’t fly so they resort to sneakiness.

When I first learned the technique of the confirmation email, I could hardly believe my eyes because tasks that had been thrown in my lap and taking up much of my time, suddenly vanished. People eventually stopped asking me to help them, because they couldn’t be bothered.

Car salespeople have an expression for these people: tire kickers. In business, to weed out the serious from the not so serious, just ask them to put their request in an email. It’s amazing just how powerful this technique can be.

We cannot waste time. We can only waste ourselves.” – George Matthew Adams

5. Chunking

My personal favorite productivity hack, and the one I have my clients implement immediately because it’s just so easy. Essentially it’s doing two tasks at the same time, but no, I’m not talking about multitasking. Multitasking is dividing your energy between two or more tasks, which is counterproductive. Chunking is combining two activities together that don’t detract from the other.

Here are some examples of chunking that work for me:

–      Having a meeting while walking

–      Stretching while watching TV

–      Doing breathing exercises while sitting in front of your computer

–      Listen to an audio program while driving

And there you have it, the five most effective productivity hacks for the busy entrepreneur. Easier than you think, more powerful than you realize.

Which one of these was your favorite productivity hack? Let us know in the comments below!


Saturday 28 October 2017

12 Signs That You Need to Grow Up and Stop Ruining Your Opportunities for Success

Quite often in my profession, I encounter a grown child. It’s typically a person who thinks and behaves like they never matured past junior high. It’s a sad reality, because as I process through strategies for them to achieve personal success, the recurring theme is simple: if they can’t shake off the attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs of childhood, they cannot succeed.

If you want to know if you’re still acting like a child and that is the reason you cannot achieve the maximum levels of success then read below:

1. You believe popularity is more important than integrity

Popularity is child’s play, but so many adults treat social status as a key to personal validity. In the process, they often sacrifice honesty, loyalty, and basic manners. The moment you place a value on popularity, you’ve distanced yourself from success. Popularity can get you more likes on social media, but it won’t bring you success. If you want to be validated, be known for having integrity. Like it or not, people will respect you and you will attract success.

2. You act like you know everything

The older I become, the more I realize I have so much more to learn. That’s the way it should be, but if you find yourself feeling like you already know enough, you’re stagnant or dying, because at this point, growth becomes impossible meaning success becomes impossible.

The average CEO reads over 50 books per year, and that’s only one piece of knowledge ingestion. If you want to be successful, recognize you don’t know enough, and never stop learning.

3. You would rather nap than work

There’s a Proverb that says, “if a man doesn’t work, he shouldn’t eat.” Hard work brings about success, but avoiding the work will hamper your ability to achieve. If you want to continue an upward track, embrace everything it takes to get there. Work now, rest later.

4. You don’t respect authority

We’re not talking about respecting abusive authority, but when it comes to achieving your goals, you need to understand that how you treat those in authority over you has a significant impact on your future. Children may be insolent, but winners show respect.

5. You excuse all your mistakes

Mistakes and failures are an inevitable part of your journey towards success. While excusing your mistakes might have seemed like a good idea when you were 12, doing so as an adult prevents you from learning and growing.

“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” – Bruce Lee

6. You are arrogant

Most successful people in life will tell you that humility is a requisite attitude. Arrogance, after all, usually precedes some form of stupidity. Arrogance may have scored the prom king his throne, but it won’t give you the upper hand in real life. If you want to succeed, lose the attitude.

7. You don’t listen

As a kid, I remember my mom telling me not to ride my bike without a helmet, and my first boss telling me not to mix chemicals when I was cleaning the equipment. I ignored both of them, and suffered the consequences. As an adult, if you don’t listen, people notice. Ignoring others may not put you in the hospital, but it will send a message that you don’t value them, and value is a two-way street.

8. You blame

Blaming your siblings or classmates may have helped you avoid discipline as a child, but when it comes to being an adult, personal responsibility is a key to growth. Don’t pass the blame, but instead look for ways you can take responsibility for your own actions. Personal responsibility is a hallmark of leadership.

9. You can’t admit being afraid

If you’re not a little afraid each day, you’re not pushing yourself far enough. Success requires that you step outside of the humdrum of routine and push yourself to the edge. The drop off, however, is scary, so don’t hesitate to admit your fear. When you identify it, you can master it.

10. You think you can do it on your own

Very few well-known leaders believe they have achieved success alone. Even fewer people actually achieve success going solo. If you want to reach the furthest limits of success, learn the value of teams – mentors, supporters, and everyone in between. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but when it comes to opportunity, a “village” can get you further than you can do yourself.

11. You can’t work well with others

The arrogance and autonomy of immaturity often impedes our ability to effectively participate in teams. Yet, aside from helping push us further, teamwork highlights our strengths and weaknesses. If you can’t work well with others, it shows the world you’re insecure, and when you’re insecure, success avoids you like the plague.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” Michael Jordan

12. You alienate those not like you

I was an athlete and a skater in high school. The two groups would not mix, but I was content to spend time with both groups without feeling ousted by either. Group dynamics for jocks, nerds, headbangers, and goths may work well when you’re a kid because they help establish identity and social norms.

As an adult, they can undermine your ability to succeed. More importantly, when you alienate those who are not like you, you send a clear message that you have no value for them. Successful people show value for others; losers alienate them.

You have a shot to be all that you were meant to be, but you can’t get to new places using old tools. Let go of the childhood antics and step into success today.

What is the hardest thing about being an adult for you? Please comment below and et us know!


Friday 27 October 2017

5 Ways College Grads Can Embrace Entrepreneurship

It’s never too early to pursue your dream of becoming an entrepreneur, yet when you graduate college, you might feel like you’re not quite ready to jump fully into an entrepreneurial endeavor. Perhaps you feel like you don’t have enough experience, or perhaps you’d just like to get a more conventional job and save a little bit of money first.

Perhaps you’re already anxious to start your first business and you can’t wait to get it going. Whatever the case, you can lay the groundwork for your entrepreneurial endeavors early on.

Below are 5 ways new college grads can embrace entrepreneurship:

1. Get a Sales Job

No matter what line of work you’re in, you’re selling something. You’re selling yourself as well as whatever product or service you represent. This is especially true as an entrepreneur. If you don’t know how to sell, you’ll probably have a rough go of it at the beginning and selling definitely doesn’t come natural to everybody.

As a result, you could benefit from getting a sales job early on in your career. This will help you learn the ins and outs of sales, get comfortable with sales rejection, and learn how to persuade people.

If you already know what type of business you want to start, then aim to get a sales job in that industry. This will be even more powerful for you later on since sales is a grind. Nonetheless,everything you learn in the sales job will help you be a more successful entrepreneur later on.

2. Work at a Small Startup

It’s one thing to work at a big company where you feel like nothing more than a cog in a giant machine. It’s a whole different experience to work in a small startup where you interact with leadership everyday and can see how the business runs.

This will give you the opportunity to ask questions, learn from the triumphs and mistakes of the leaders, and see a type of management style up close.

When you start your own company, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture. You can see things from the point of view of your employees as well as your own point of view as a CEO/founder type of figure.

“Just try new things. Don’t be afraid. Step out of your comfort zones and soar, all right?” – Michelle Obama

3. Learn Other Marketable Skills

As an entrepreneur, you need to have a general understanding of a lot of different skills such as copywriting, design, marketing, management, and sales. That way, when you eventually hire for those positions, you’ll know how to spot a potential rockstar employee who has the capacity to do a good job.

Spend some time learning marketable skills, and especially those that are related to the industry you’re most interested in. These skills may even help you get a freelancing gig, which we’ll talk about next…

4. Consider Freelancing

It takes discipline to work and build something on your own. For some people, that discipline is more difficult to develop than others. So, you should consider freelancing online. This will help you get comfortable working from home, and give you the first taste of online success.

Freelancing can add a nice chunk to your monthly income as well, which increases your financial runway and gives you more time to get your eventual business up and running. It’ll also help you potentially make valuable connections within your future industry, which will help accelerate your entrepreneurial success.

5. Move to a City Filled With Entrepreneurs

It’s difficult to understand the lifestyle of an entrepreneur until you’re around it and see it for yourself. So, you should connect with as many entrepreneurs as possible. This will help you understand things from their perspective and get you acclimated with the lifestyle. It’ll also help you determine what type of business you should start.

Luckily, there are plenty of cities in the USA where entrepreneurship is growing rapidly. You can start with any one of these 7 US cities that are great for young entrepreneurs.

All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.” – Pope Paul V

The job market is more competitive than ever, and as a result, working for yourself as an entrepreneur is a smart long term move. It’s never too early to get started with your own entrepreneurial pursuits, even if you’re a new college graduate.

Whether you’re ready to start your first business right now, or you simply want to gain experience to jumpstart your career and lead yourself down a path towards entrepreneurship, these tips will help you make your goals a reality.

How are you making steps towards becoming your own boss one day? Let us know in the comments below!

Image courtesy of Twenty20.com


35 Motivating Michael Phelps Quotes

Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian Athlete of all time with 28 total medals.  One of the most recognized and admired athletes of all time, Phelps continues to inspire millions not only in the world of swimming, but also in other sports.  In his retirement, Phelps hopes to motivate a new generation of swimmers to achieving their goals and break records.

Here are some of Phelps’ most motivating quotes:

1. “When I feel tired, I just think about how great I will feel, once i finally reach my goal.” – Michael Phelps

2. “Swimming is normal for me.  I’m relaxed.  I’m comfortable, and I know my surroundings.  It’s my home.” – Michael Phelps

3. “It doesn’t matter what else is going on.  When you walk into your arena or you – whatever you excel at..  You’re there to take care of the job that you have to do.” – Michael Phelps

4. “The more you dream the more you achieve.” – Michael Phelps

5. “I won’t predict anything historic.  But nothing is impossible.” – Michael Phelps

6. “You can’t put a limit on anything.  The more you dream, the farther you get.” – Michael Phelps

7. “Every day after I wake up, I think, ‘Wait….this can’t be real; I’m going to still wake up.’” – Michael Phelps

8. “Things won’t go perfect.  It’s all about how you adapt from those things and learn from mistakes.” – Michael Phelps

9. “Records are always made to be broken no matter what they are.  Anybody can do anything that they set their mind to.” – Michael Phelps

10. “Perseverance, determination, commitment, and courage – those things are real.  The desire for redemption drives you.” – Michael Phelps

11. “I can’t remember the last day I didn’t train.” – Michael Phelps

12. “I don’t like to be second in anything.” – Michael Phelps

13. “The one thing that’s common to all successful people.  They make a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do.” – Michael Phelps

14. “I want to test my maximum and see how much I can do.” – Michael Phelps

15. “If you say ‘can’t’ you’re restricting what you can do or will ever do.” – Michael Phelps

16. “There are always going to be obstacles that come in your way, stay positive.” – Michael Phelps

17. “So many people along the way, whatever it is you aspire to do, will tell you it can’t be done.  But all it takes is imagination.  You dream.  You plan.  You reach.  There will be obstacles.  There will be doubters.  There will be mistakes.  But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits.” – Michael Phelps

18. “Nothing is impossible.  With so many people saying it couldn’t be done, all it takes is an imagination.” – Michael Phelps

19. “Records are made to be broken.” – Michael Phelps

20. “I found something I love…and never gave up.” – Michael Phelps

21. “I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” – Michael Phelps

22. “If I didn’t swim my best, I’d think about it at school, at dinner, with my friends.  It would drive me crazy.” – Michael Phelps

23. “With so many people saying it couldn’t be done, all it takes is an imagination.” – Michael Phelps

24. “You have to have a dream so that you can get up in the morning.” – Michael Phelps

25. “I have a lot of goals, but I think that I just want to take it day by day.” – Michael Phelps

26. “I knew I was not a failure in any way, and so did those close to me.  It doesn’t matter if you fall short; it is never a failure to go after goals with everything you’ve got.” – Michael Phelps

27. “I think with practice, you can be whatever you want to be, and with a goal you can go in any direction that you want to go in.” – Michael Phelps

28. “I like to just think of myself as a normal person who just has a passion, has a goal and a dream and goes out and does it.  And that’s really how I’ve always lived my life.” – Michael Phelps

29. “I want to be able to look back and say, ‘I’ve done everything I can, and I was successful.’ I dont want to look back and say I should have done this or that.  I’d like to change things tof the younger generation of swimmers coming along.” – Michael Phelps

30. “I can only control my own performance.  If I do my best, then I can feel good at the end of the day.” – Michael Phelps

31. “Dream as big as you can dream, and anything is possible.” – Michael Phelps

32. “If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren’t willing to do.” – Michael Phelps

33. “I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” – Michael Phelps

34. “I listen to music before my competitions to get me pumped up.  It helps me stay focused.” – Michael Phelps

35. “I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and you put the work and time into it.  I think your mind really controls everything.” – Michael Phelps

Which Michael Phelps motivated you the most?  Comment below!


27 Conor McGregor Quotes To Make You A Champion

Conor McGregor is the most widely known MMA fighter in the world right now. He is a 2 division champion, something that had never beed done before and he is also one of the most entertaining fighters to ever step foot in the octagon. Considered by many the greatest MMA fighter ever, he is also […]

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What Life Insurance Taught Me About The Value Of My Life.

I’d never bothered to insure my life, income or health. That fact right there says a lot about who I used to be. Then I changed super funds (okay stay with me) and was forced to renew the insurances that came with it.

Previously I had always had automatic insurance and never checked it, but this time around I had to do it all myself. Having the initial phone call was scary. The whole process of insuring myself against the dangers of the world taught me so much.

Here’s what I learned:


The process involves thinking about the worst situation.

Through the life insurance process, I had to think about the worst-case scenario.

What if:

– You get hit by a car
– Get cancer
– Die from a skiing accident
– Are disabled and have to have a nurse fulltime

The thing is that the worst case scenario can happen to any of us. We can’t let fear control our lives.

All of these things can occur and we should at least try and have some plan, but living in this state is unhealthy. The life insurance process was supposed to make me fearful. That’s what would ultimately make me spend my hard earned dollars and go overboard trying to cover every scenario.

Unfortunately, there are a thousand things that can happen to you and you can’t insure every one of them. Even if you get the insurance, they can always come back later and determine that you didn’t qualify – especially when it comes to medical related events.

By all means, take up life insurance. Just remember that there are no guarantees in life.


What is the value of your life?

The conversation went like this:

Insurance salesman: “So Mr. Denning how much would you like to insure your life for?

Me: “I have no idea. What does the average Joe insure themselves for?”

Insurance salesman: “Well it depends on a number of factors. I can’t advise you of that. You have to tell me a figure though and it’s got to cover all of your costs in case you become disabled, sick, unable to work or die.

Me: “Geez, that’s a big deal! Okay, I need to go now and procrastinate on this for a while.”

Putting a dollar figure on my life seemed normal at the start. Later on, I realized it was complete madness. Am I not worth more to the world than numbers on an Internet Banking Screen?

Reflecting on this conversation still makes me feel weird. There are so many unanswered questions. Life insurance, again, made me rethink what the meaning of my life is.

I have the life insurance process to thank for this miracle deep thinking I did on the days that followed.


You’re forced to contemplate death.

Having to think about the 101 ways there are to die is a worthwhile process. You start remembering (even though you already know) that your time on this planet is limited. In my opinion, the more reminders you get, the better.

You again are faced with the question “When I’m gone, what will I leave behind?”

Life insurance companies would like you to think that leaving a truckload of money behind should be your number one priority. Through the life insurance process, I again remembered that I want more than that. I’m hoping that everyone reading this also has a similar realization.


My gianormous aha-moment!

Life Insurance taught me that my life is not about me.

Okay I know you probably think I’m stating the obvious but this whole life insurance thing taught me this lesson in an entirely new way. The reason that I decided to take up a few insurances was not because of me.

The old me was selfish, a brat and didn’t give anything to anyone.

The new me wants to ensure that my priority is the people around me. You take up insurance to make the lives easier for the people you love. You take up insurance to support those around you in case of the worst happening.

Life insurance is not about you. Life insurance is about the people you care about.

Just like with insurance, your life is not about you. Your life is about something bigger than you.

“The aim of the life game is to transcend yourself. To go bigger than just you with your nice little white house, with white picket fence and box car”

The value of your life is about what it means to everyone else and the difference you can make. Your life is about inspiring, giving and being more than you ever dreamed you could be.

Your life is worth more than money.
Your life is part of a much bigger picture and I want you to realize that.

You’re here for so much more than money and success.

Again, you’re here for more than just you. That’s what life insurance taught me.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on timdenning.net


Thursday 26 October 2017

42 Inspiring Angelina Jolie Quotes

Angelina Jolie is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian. She has received an Academy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three Golden Globe Awards, and has been cited as Hollywood’s highest-paid actress.  She is also known for her humanitarian and activist work in Africa and the Middle East.  She continues to be a role model and inspires millions to be confident & powerful people who change the world.

Here are 42 of her most inspiring quotes:

1. “I’ve realized that being happy is a choice.  You never want to rub anybody the wrong way or not be fun to be around, but you have to be happy.” – Angelina Jolie

2. “If I make a fool of myself, who cares?  I’m not frightened by anyone perception of me.” – Angelina Jolie

3. “People have two sides, a good side and a bad side, a past, a future.  We must embrace both in someone we love.” – Angelina Jolie

4. “We have a responsibility to be aware of others.” – Angelina Jolie

5. “If you ask people what they’ve always wanted to do, most people haven’t done it.  That breaks my heart.” – Angelina Jolie

6. “Different is good.  When someone tells you that you are different, smile and hold you head up and be proud.” – Angelina Jolie

7. “People always slow down for a train wreck.  It’s like junk food.  If you don’t feel good about yourself, you want to read crap about other people, like gossip in high school.  You don’t understand why it’s there, but somehow it makes a lot of people feel better.” – Angelina Jolie

8. “If I didn’t have my films as an outlet for all the different sides of me, I would probably be locked up.” -Angelina Jolie

9. “I’m very happy and very excited when my adrenalin is going.” – Angelina Jolie

10. “Nothing would mean anything if I didn’t life a life of use to others.” – Angelina Jolie

11. “Be brave, be bold, be free.” – Angelina Jolie

12. “We have a choice about how we take what happens to us in our life and whether or not we allow it to turn is.  We can become consumed by hate and darkness, or we’re able to regain our humanity somehow, or come to terms with things and learn something about ourselves.” – Angelina Jolie

13. “It is not where you start out in life that counts the most, it is how you choose to face it.” – Angelina Jolie

14. “You’d think, ‘what if I make a mistake today, I’ll regret it’. I don’t believe in regret, I feel everything leads us to where we are and we have to just jump forward, mean well, commit and just see what happens.” – Angelina Jolie

15. “Everyday we choose who we are by how we define ourselves.” – Angelina Jolie

16. “Life comes with many challenges.  The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.” – Angelina Jolie

17. “I am a strong believer that without justice, there is no peace.  No lasting peace anyway.” – Angelina Jolie

18. “If I think more about death than some other people, it is probably because I love life more than they do.” – Angelina Jolie

19. “I’ve never lived my life in the opinion of others.  I believe I’m a good person.  I believe I’m a good mom.  But that’s for my kids to decide, not for the world.” – Angelina Jolie

20. “I never felt settled or calm.  You can’t really commit to life when you feel that.” – Angelina Jolie

21. “I’ve been reckless, but I’m not a rebel without a cause.” – Angelina Jolie

22. “Wherever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else.” – Angelina Jolie

23. “Make bold choices and make mistakes.  It’s all those things that add up to person you become.” – Angelina Jolie

24. “I’m not somebody that thinks about destiny and fate, but I don’t walk away from it when something unfolds.” – Angelina Jolie

25. “People say that you’re going the wrong way when it’s simply a way of your own.” – Angelina Jolie

26. “Figure out who you are separate from your family, and the man or woman you’re in a relationship with.  Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone.  I think that’s the most important thing in life.  Find a sense of self because with that, you can do anything else.” – Angelina Jolie

27. “Love – is when you wish all the best to the people you love, when you put their interests and well-being above their own.  Always.” – Angelina Jolie

28. “It’s better to have nobody, than to have someone who is half there, or doesn’t want to be there.” – Angelina Jolie

29. “I have so much in my life.  I want to be of value to the world.” – Angelina Jolie

30. “If you don’t get out of the box you’ve been raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is.” – Angelina Jolie

31. “If every choice you make comes from an honest place, you’re solid, and nothing anybody can say about you can rock you or change your opinion.” – Angelina Jolie

32. “We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” – Angelina Jolie

33. “I do believe in the old saying, ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ Out experiences, good and bad, make us who we are.  By overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity.” – Angelina Jolie

34. “The truth is I love being alive.  And I love feeling free. So if I can’t have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I‘d rather not be in cage.  I’d rather be dead.  And its real simple.  And I think it’s not that uncommon.” – Angelina Jolie

35. “I like someone who is a little crazy but coming from a good place.  I think scars are sexy because it means you made a mistake that led to a mess.” – Angelina Jolie

36. “Our diversity is our strength.  What a dull and pointless life it would be if everyone was the same.” – Angelina Jolie

37. “There’s something about death that is comforting.  The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now.” – Angelina Jolie

38. “I try to lead by example, being conscious of others and being responsible.” – Angelina Jolie

39. “When I get logical, and I don’t trust my instincts – that’s when I get in trouble.” – Angelina Jolie

40. “I’m happy being myself, which I’ve never been before.  I always hid in other people, or tried to find myself through the characters, or live out their lives, but Ididnt have those things in mine.” – Angelina Jolie

41. “Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes.  To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.” – Angelina Jolie

42. “It’s hard to be clear about who you are when you are carrying around a bunch of baggage from the past.  I’ve learned to let go and more more quickly into the next place.” – Angelina Jolie

Which quote inspired you the most?  Comment below!


3 Questions Entrepreneurs Can Ask to Find the Source of Rejection & Improve

Rejection is inevitable. I know it’s cliché, but it’s true. Entrepreneurs experience rejection a lot. However, there’s three vital questions that, if one gets into the habit of asking after being rejected, can drastically improve your chances of succeeding the next time.

It’s a bit of reflection mixed with the concept of feedforward, which is only focusing on what to do better next time. All three questions are different and require a different course of action to succeed the next time around. The three vital questions one should ask are quite simple but are a huge game changer. The answer can be a combination of 2 or more or simply one. Am I being rejected? Was my idea rejected? Was my price rejected?

1. Am I Being Rejected?

Success gurus love to tell you to never take rejection personal. While this a good mindset to have, sometimes it is personal. There have been many products and ideas that were amazing. When individuals were turned down, it wasn’t because their idea sucked like some would assume.

Sometimes it happened to be the actual person that the client didn’t have faith in that made them decline their business offer. If you want to grow through life, you should always ask yourself a vital question when being rejected. Ask yourself, “Am I being Rejected?” Impressions are everything.

Sometimes prospects may doubt your capabilities based on the impression you made while giving them your pitch. If you suspect this is the underlying reason for your rejection, think about how you may have come off. Did you seem confident, nervous, Inexperienced, or untrustworthy? Reflect on these things, work on self-development, and make necessary changes.

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” – Confucius

2. Was My Idea Rejected?

Another common reason you’re rejected is because of your idea which is quite common. Whatever story that you told or vision you attempted to cast didn’t resonate with the person on the other side of the table. They don’t see what problem it would solve.

In most scenarios, when this occurs, the person sitting across from you will tell you exactly why they don’t believe in or want to buy your product/service. Maybe they didn’t see a market for it or the idea was too complex. Either way, if your idea is the cause of the rejection, go back to the drawing board and make changes based off feedback and questions that were asked during the meeting.

Just like the saying “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning,” every reason given for why your idea won’t work is the best place to begin when making improvements.

3. Was My Price Rejected?

Unfortunately, there are many businesses and individuals who make choices on price alone, without considering anything else. Of course, I would argue this is a bad way to go about business because you miss opportunities that can help you grow, but it happens. I recently pitched ECommerce web development to 2 start-ups and they absolutely loved my proposal!

They were super excited to get things started, and they had faith that it would work. However, once I gave my presentation and gave them two options for pricing, the entire tone of the conversation changed. They both stated they would get back to me after they look at their ‘budget’ and of course neither one kept their promise.

I wasn’t surprised by this, and I was quite happy. You should only want clients who understand that the price for your services is nothing compared to the value you provide. You should be fine with people not being able to afford you. Even if your idea is bulletproof, you are going to encounter penny pinchers who will not invest in your companies.

If you know your pricing is fair and worth it, this shouldn’t haunt you at night. When this happens, you should simply move on to the next prospect and continue the hustle.

“Men are rich only as they give. He who gives great service gets great rewards.” – Elbert Hubbard

In short, rejection happens for many reasons. Asking yourself these 3 questions gets down to the source of the rejection and puts you in a better position to fix the problem before moving on to the next prospect. When you don’t know the source, you simply lose potential customers because of ignorance and this isn’t something any entrepreneur wants to happen. The formula is quite simple. Find the source, solve the problem, and improve.

What have you found to be the best way to understand why you were rejected? Let us know in the comments below!

Image courtesy of Twenty20.com


Wednesday 25 October 2017

What A Daily Gratitude Tracker Did To My Mindset.

I’ve read the books of every self-help, inspiring person I could get my hands on. I’ve done the same in the podcast world too.

The topic of gratitude comes up almost every time. While I lied to myself and pretended I practiced gratitude, the truth was I didn’t – I just told myself I did.

Then one day, enough was enough. I realized I was taking my career for granted. I took the following three steps to practice daily gratitude:

1. I went into Microsoft Word and created a blank document called “Gratitude Tracker” and saved it on my desktop.
2. I set a calendar reminder for 9 am every day called “Gratitude Exercise.”
3. Without fail, every day, I entered in three things I was grateful for.


I used to think I was grateful.

This 3-step process taught me I was not. The feeling before and after is totally different. When you keep a gratitude tracker for a minimum of 30 days straight, you’ll notice a shift. I found myself becoming less greedy and my craving for material objects decreased.

I saw the simplicity in the world through crystal clear vision and the benefits that came with it.


I found gratitude in the smallest things.

Do you want to know what ended up in my gratitude tracker? Small things like fresh water to drink, lunches with clients and feeling valued in my team at work. Before having a gratitude tracker, I would never have found happiness in such small things.

Other things that showed up were:

– Finding a beautiful girlfriend
– My career
– Being able to overcome my fear of flying
– My mentors
– Drinking tea
– Having a blogging audience
– Overseas travel
– Nice text messages from family and friends


It forces you to look for the good.

I found out my career was down the toilet. On that particular day, I didn’t feel like seeing the good in the world. My habit of writing in a gratitude tracker forced me to.

“No matter what, I had convinced myself that not coming up with three things I was grateful for daily equaled failure”

I look everywhere in my life to find something that I could be happy about. Having to look so hard to find good made me realize that it’s actually pretty easy. Good is everywhere when we practice focusing on it.

This day was made much less challenging because of my gratitude tracker. My gratitude tracker became my emergency sanctuary that I could bask in like the sun when the thunderstorms of everyday life hit my little world – also known as my mindset.


Don’t overdo it.

Only list down three things in your gratitude tracker every day. Any more than that and you’ll get busy and then lie to yourself about not having time. Lack of time is a myth. Complication is what is truthfully stopping you from taking up these life-changing habits. Also, don’t write war and peace.

“This whole process should take about 45 seconds”

Overthinking and going into detail will force you to be lazy over time. Keep it “simple stupid” (an Aussie catchphrase).


What happens if you miss a day?

Don’t be angry with yourself – you deserve better. Just get back on the horsey and write double the list of things you are grateful for the next day. Feel free to mention things that you wrote down previously as being grateful for. The only goal when doing this is to write them in a different way.

Hearing the same thing over and over, said slightly differently, helps to reinforce it into the mindset you live your life with.


***Final words***

Gratitude only works when you practice it just like any “Success Habit.”

The self-help gurus may be exaggerating a lot of what success is but one thing they’re not wrong about is practicing gratitude. I’ve done my best to describe the feelings and changes to my mindset although ultimately you need to try it for yourself.

Fantasising about success will never get you close to it. Telling yourself to be more positive doesn’t really work either. Make gratitude be the vehicle you use to be positive and become successful in whatever pursuit you put your mind to.

Be bold. Be courageous. Practice gratitude.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on timdenning.net


37 Positive Robert Downey Jr. Quotes

Robert Downey Jr. is one of the highest paid and most celebrated actors of our time.  However, he spent much of his life overcoming drug addiction and alcoholism before breaking out into the iconic roles that we know and recognize him for today.  Downey credits much of his success to staying humble, positive thinking, and always giving back.

Here are 37 of Robert Downey Jr’s most positive quotes:

1. “I know very little about acting.  I’m just an incredibly gifted faker” – Robert Downey Jr.

2. “The lesson is that you can still make mistakes and be forgiven” – Robert Downey Jr.

3. “Remember that just because you hit bottom doesn’t mean you have to stay there” – Robert Downey Jr.

4. “There is unpanned gold in every soul you run into, no matter what walk of life they are from” – Robert Downey Jr.

5. “Mediocrity is my biggest fear.  I’m not afraid of total failure because I don’t think that will happen.  I’m not afraid of success because that beats the hell out of failure.  It’s being in the middle that scares me” – Robert Downey Jr.

6. “There’s somewhere you’re suppoused to go, and if you get quiet enough, you’ll make it” – Robert Downey Jr.

7. “Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the f*&k you were gonna do anyway” – Robert Downey Jr.

8. “I used to be so convinced that happiness was the goal, yet all those years I was chasing after it I was unhappy in the pursuit. Maybe the goal really should be a life that values honor, duty, good work, friends and family.” – Robert Downey Jr.

9. “People rise out of the ashes, because, at some point, they are invested with a belief in the possibility of triumph over seemingly impossible odds” – Robert Downey Jr.

10. “There’s a little bit of asshole in every nice guy, and there’s a little bit of genius in every moron” – Robert Downey Jr.

11. “I’ve always felt that if you’re not on your side, why should anyone else be.  So I always encourage people to be confident, and sometime even a little falsely so, just so you can give yourself an opportunity” – Robert Downey Jr.

12. “I’ve always felt like an outsider in this industry.  Because I’m so insane I guess” – Robert Downey Jr.

13. “I have a sense of destiny that you are led to the things you are supposed to do” – Robert Downey Jr.

14. “To me, friendship means loving tolerance” – Robert Downey Jr.

15. “Nothing will serve you better than a strong work ethic. Nothing. And it’s something that you can’t teach. You have to be thrown into it, where you’re going to sink or swim. It’s amazing how self-correcting and how clarifying a good, hard, shitty job can be. Because at the end of the day, any profession I’ve seen anybody in, when you peer behind the curtains of ‘Oh, wouldn’t that be a great job? Wow, what an amazing thing, a philanthropic endeavor!’ it really just comes down to ‘It’s a f**king grind.’” – Robert Downey Jr.

16. “I want to give myself the freedom not to have to be projecting my whole life ahead” – Robert Downey Jr.

17. “It’s really not that difficult to overcome these seemingly ghastly problems…what’s hard is to decide” – Robert Downey Jr.

18. “People never change because they are under threat or under duress.  Never.  They change because they see something that makes their life seem valuable enough to start moving toward a life worth living” – Robert Downey Jr.

19. “Life is just so painful and messy and hard and worth it and all that stuff” – Robert Downey Jr.

20. “I think that we all do heroic things, but her is not a noun, it’s a verb” – Robert Downey Jr.

21. “Sometimes you just gotta be drop-kicked out of the nest” – Robert Downey Jr.

22. “I understand reversal of fortune; that usually has come through my own hand, but you know, you live life on life’s terms” – Robert Downey Jr.

23. “I just think it’s good to be confident.  If I’m not on my team why should anybody else be?” – Robert Downey Jr.

24. “The higher the stakes, the happier I am, the better I will be” – Robert Downey Jr.

25. “Everyone has a story, and the story changes, and the more I can root into the truth of things – it’s so hard – I don’t think anyone ever really puts it all together.  But somewhere along the way it all became fused” – Robert Downey Jr.

26. “I think it’s miraculous that anybody survives themselves” – Robert Downey Jr.

27. “It’s hard to get out of the barrel.  It’s slippery around the edges and people are happy to see you fall back in” – Robert Downey Jr.

28. “Job one is to get out of that cave.  A lot of people do get out but don’t change” – Robert Downey Jr.

29. “Look, even bad years are pretty good years I think” – Robert Downey Jr.

30. “I think you end up doing the stuff you were supposed to do at the time you were supposed to do it” – Robert Downey Jr.

31. “I’ve noticed that worrying is like praying for you don’t want to happen” – Robert Downey Jr.

32. “Do I want to be a hero to my son?  No.  I would like to be a very real human being.  That’s hard enough” – Robert Downey Jr.

33. “Nothings a break for me.  Not even the breaks are breaks” – Robert Downey Jr.

34. “Discipline for me is about respect. It’s not even about self-respect; it’s about respect for life and all it offers.” – Robert Downey Jr.

35. “Whenever I watch someone doing something, even if it doesn’t turn out so great, I at least admire their intentions and stuff” – Robert Downey Jr.

36. “I always think part of success is being able to replicate results, taking what is interesting or viable about yourself as a professional person and seeing if you bring it into different situations with similar results” – Robert Downey Jr.

37. “I think that the power is the principle.  The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you the confidence when you look back and see what you’ve done” – Robert Downey Jr.

Which RDJ quote resonated with you the most?  Comment below!
