Wednesday 30 September 2020

Get Unstuck Now: 3 Reasons You May Be Feeling Stuck in Life and How to Fix Them

Feeling stuck can be so frustrating. It sucks not knowing why you feel that way, and even worse, having no clue how to break out of it. The good news is, feeling stuck can actually be a good thing – it means you’re trying to grow. If you’ve never felt stuck, it’s probably because you’re someone who’s not striving to be, do, and have more in life.

But if you’re here reading this, chances are, that’s not you. I tell you that to let you know that where you are is a good thing, so honor it.

Here are 3 reasons why you may be feeling stuck in life, and how to fix them:

1. You haven’t gotten clear 

Clarity provides certainty. Think about driving on a foggy day – what may have been a routine drive on a normal, clear day, now has you white knuckling it to your destination. Why is that? Because your clarity was taken away, which took away your certainty and belief.

If the weather got too bad, you may even have to pull over. You’d be stuck, waiting for things to clear. So often in life, that’s exactly where we find ourselves – stuck in the fog, not knowing how to proceed. 

That’s why one of the biggest contributors to feeling stuck in life is a lack of clarity. When you don’t take time to gain clarity, you lose your certainty. You’re just like that car waiting on the side of the road for things to clear up.

The problem is, clarity isn’t going to come to you. You have to put in the work to find it. Will you have all the answers to figure out your whole life? No! But you don’t need them. You just need enough to get yourself started. The rest will be revealed as you go.

If you want to get unstuck and on the path to living a life you truly desire, there are 3 questions you’ll need to answer:

  1. Who are you/who do you want to be?
  2. What do you want?
  3. How are you going to get it?

Actually, in order to get unstuck, you really only need to answer those first two questions. The “how” will be revealed once you get going. It’s like driving a car – you don’t learn how to drive it until you actually take off and start driving.

So, focus on answering those first two questions. Start with who you are and who you want to be. In life, the way we create that which we desire is by showing up as the version of ourselves who can create and accomplish those things. So, step one is, get crystal clear on the version of you that you want to show up as every single day, and start showing up that way.

Next, get clear on what you actually want in life. Not what your small-minded friends and family tell you that you can have. Focus on what you want. Wealth, relationships, family, or freedom, what do you want your life to look like.

Once you know the answers to those two questions, you now have a filter through which you can base all your decisions. Then, it’s time to start taking action.

“It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.” – Steve Maraboli

2. Your circle of influence is keeping you stuck

We all know the famous Jim Rohn saying, “You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Well, the reason that quote has been popular for as long as it has is because it’s true.

The people we hang around determine how we show up in life and the results we create. So, if you’re feeling stuck right now, take a look at your circle of influence. Are you surrounding yourself with people who are content and playing small in life or people who are really going for it? My guess would be the content type. 

The reality is, you’ll never outgrow your environment. So if you’re feeling stuck and not living the life you want, it’s time to change it up.

Look, it’s easy to say, just kick the people who are holding you back completely out of your life. But, a lot of the time, those people are our closest friends and family. And while cutting them out completely may be the play for some, it’s not for most.

So, what you can do is create space between those who are holding your back and yourself. Limit your exposure to them in the areas that you feel they are preventing you from moving forward. Once you’re able to do that, then be very intentional about creating a new circle of influence with people who can and will help you get to where you want to go.

Go to networking events, attend seminars, and/or hire a coach or mentor. Those are the sorts of things that people who are trying to level up do. Again, just like with clarity, creating a circle of influence that helps you grow and achieve what you want isn’t going to find you. You have to put in the work.

3. You’re doing too much thinking, and not enough acting

The mind can be a powerful tool when used correctly. It truly can unlock your full potential. But, it can also be the source of your struggle and keep you stuck if used incorrectly.

The reason a lot of people feel stuck in life is because they can’t get out of their own head long enough to take action. They’re stuck at the starting line trying to analyze every detail of the race before they take off.

But, results come from action, not thinking. Remember the analogy about driving the car? The only way you’re going to learn to drive is by getting behind the wheel and doing it, not by sitting there thinking about it.

“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.” – Tony Robbins

How to get out of your head and start taking action

This one here can be tough, because it takes self-awareness. You’ve got to catch yourself in the act of overthinking, and force yourself to take action in that moment. That doesn’t mean being reckless or irresponsible. If you’re resonating with this one, you’ve done more than enough thinking. Now, it’s time to get going.

Another great way to combat this is getting an accountability partner or coach. Someone who can call you out and spur you into action when you’re stuck spinning your wheels. If you’ve got the self-awareness and strength to make yourself take action in those situations, great! If not, an accountability partner or coach will be a great resource for you.

How do you get unstuck in life & begin moving forward? Share your advice with our readers below!


Tuesday 29 September 2020

5 Reasons Relocation Sparks Creativity and Opportunity for Entrepreneurship

The thought of packing up your life and moving to a new city can be overwhelming and scary. You are leaving the place you are familiar with and may have called home since birth. There are a lot of uncertainties and fears that will enter your mind, but this is normal.

While there is an increasing number of startups that work remotely, and many established companies are transitioning from a traditional office setup to a remote structure, there is still something extremely powerful about relocating to a new city that sparks not only creativity but new opportunities as well.

When one chapter in your life closes there is always another opportunity. It’s not always going to fall in your lap or be within arms reach though. Sometimes you have to go get it, wherever it may be. Your goals won’t always come to you. The entrepreneurs who are fearless and willing to make uncomfortable moves are the ones rewarded with success.

Whether you are looking for a new opportunity or simply need a shot of creativity injected into your veins, relocation is something to consider. 

Here are the 5 key reasons why relocating to a new place is something entrepreneurs should consider:

1. It Gives You a Fresh Start

The most successful entrepreneurs have failed several times. Their first home run usually comes after multiple strikeouts. They eventually find success because they are relentless and don’t give up. 

When one business venture fails, there is an opportunity to start something else. Sometimes a new location can give you a fresh start, mentally, that will prove to be beneficial. A new setting and new creative energy can be positive, mentally, helping to remove memories of the previous failure.

New sights, smells, surroundings, and cultures can all be mentally stimulating, having a positive impact on your mental clarity and focus. The excitement of being in a new environment alone can help pave the way to success.

Considering a fresh start isn’t something to be ashamed of, either. The worst decision you can make is remaining in an environment that isn’t allowing you to reach your full potential. Admitting to yourself that a fresh start might help is the first step.

2. New Settings Spark Creative Thinking

A new environment is highly creative. You notice things you would have never thought of before. Your senses are at an all-time high. The noise, lights, and chaos — it’s all enhanced when you first arrive in a new location.

While it won’t last forever, the creativity that a new environment breeds, in the beginning, is powerful. Whether you are starting a new business that you’ve already conceived in your mind or you are trying to think of your next venture, there isn’t a better setting than somewhere new and uncharted.

How do you know what location will spark the creative juices? This is where you have to trust your gut feeling. Is there a place you visited before that made you feel alive? Is there a city you love and feel fits your personality? If you feel it inside, go for it. Remember, those that take risks are the ones that reap the reward.

“Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. You Can Position Yourself (and Your Business) in the Heart of the Action

Not all businesses can thrive in a remote environment and not all entrepreneurs shine working in a coffee shop hidden behind a laptop and headphones. While there are many benefits of remote work, you don’t have to fully adapt to this new startup culture.

If you have a business that will benefit from its location, then by all means go for it and plant it directly where it needs to be for it to grow to its full potential. Launching a creative agency that specializes in creating content for the entertainment business?

Being located in the heart of Los Angeles is going to serve you better than working remotely in the middle of Ohio. In a situation like this being in the heart of the entertainment world is going to put you where the action is. Not every business can operate from the sidelines.

There is nothing wrong with having a physical presence when it benefits your business and your customers. Go where the action is and be aggressive. It’s not going to magically fall into your lap — go get what you want.

4. You Can Surround Yourself with Like-Minded Entrepreneurs

Does the thought of relocating scare you because you’re afraid of not knowing anyone? Thanks to co-working spaces in most cities you will make valuable new connections almost immediately and surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs. These relationships can turn into friendships, business relationships, and partnerships.

You can find local meetups via Facebook Groups,, and smaller co-working spaces. Even companies like Capital One are starting to create co-working spaces.

You could move to a new location and not know a single person when you arrive, and within a week have several amazing new connections. Never let the “I don’t know anyone there” excuse prevent you from experiencing a new location.

“I can accept failure. Everybody fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. Fear is an illusion.” – Michael Jordan

5. You Can Leverage Location-Based Relationships and Collaborations

Why do you think all of the top YouTube creators live in Los Angeles? They weren’t all born and raised there. LA became the creator hub, and those that wanted to make YouTube a career relocated there so they could leverage the power of collaborations.

When you look at some of the largest YouTube channels you will see so much cross-promotion and collaborations between the largest channels. The majority of them are all located in Los Angeles. They saw an opportunity and went for it.

If there is an opportunity to leverage relationships and collaborations based on location, it’s something to consider. Remember, you can always move back, so don’t be afraid to try somewhere new.

Are you living at your dream location? If not, what’s stopping you from moving? Share your thoughts with us below!


Monday 28 September 2020

The Power of a Paradigm Shift

In 2017 as I lay on my bed after finishing a class at university, I was feeling hopeless and lost. I didn’t enjoy the concept of university, and was feeling a significant lack of purpose in my life. While aimlessly scrolling through Instagram to pass the time, I came across Gary Vee’s post which read: “the most successful people in the world read on average 50 books per year.” I had never enjoyed reading, mainly because of the books we were forced to read in school. I always knew that conformity and the system was not for me, but that success was something I truly desired deep down, so I went to go and find a book.

Fortunately, my dad has a bookshelf with hundreds of options. After a quick scan, I picked out Positivity by Barbara Frederickson. I began to read it – and I was hooked. Within a week I had finished it, feeling like I’d learned more in those 250 pages than I had throughout 12 years of schooling. And so began my journey on the pursuit of knowledge, which has truly transformed my life. It enabled me to act on things I never otherwise would have, and has built me into the capable, outgoing and driven person that I am today. 

From the moment I picked up that book, my paradigm shifted. Essentially a paradigm is a framework – whether it be something we consciously or unconsciously embody, our paradigm is what guides our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions. A paradigm shift is when a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions of a belief system takes place, which allows us to transform and will inevitably shape us into the next version of ourselves that we become. 

Before, I was living in a paradigm where I was lost – wanting success, but not truly believing I could achieve it. After all, every habit, behaviour or belief is simply a pattern in our brain – the more you reinforce something into your mind and body, the stronger that pattern will become. The moment I began to empower myself through knowledge, was the moment I could start to see myself achieving the things I wanted to achieve. Many of them have manifested, and I’m truly excited to see how far I can take it. 

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” – Walt Disney

One of the biggest problems I see with society, some of my friends and family included, is that they’re stuck in the same paradigm they’ve been in most of their lives, because that’s all they know. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard to break free from the deep conditioning we’ve experienced since we were young, but with discipline and continuous work, we can. When you do, there is truly no better feeling than setting your mind to something and going out and achieving it. Unless you’re fortunate enough to have never struggled with your own mind, changes are quite often unnatural and difficult. 

Many of us find comfort and security in our beliefs, which is why it can be so hard to question and challenge them. It is scary and confronting to think that everything we’ve ever been taught is not true, which is why so many would rather live in denial rather than accept, face and embrace the often-uncomfortable truth. 

Regardless of this, not all hope is lost and it’s never too late to change – whether you’re 16 and want to start your own business, or 45 and want to quit your job to pursue something you’re passionate about. The first step is to change your mindset and shift your paradigm to get to a place where you have such a deep conviction in yourself and what you’re doing, that there is no way you can’t achieve it. 

“Conventional wisdom is the scripture of mediocrity.” – Dan Pena

Despite being a quote that ruffles a few feathers, it’s a mantra that I live by. If everyone’s walking in one direction, I’ve trained myself to go the other way. The majority of people never succeed, which is why I choose to take the lonely and uncertain path, rather than the one of least resistance. But believe me, if you had said this to my 15-year-old self, I would have quivered at the thought. That’s why I say if I can do it, anyone can.

In my opinion, a paradigm shift is the most profound, transformative and growth-causing thing one can do for themselves. After all, we will only regret the chances we didn’t take, and we won’t take those risks if we are stuck in a paradigm that tells us to take the safest route possible. 

What’s one thing you’d like to get done before the end of the year? Share it with us below so we can keep you accountable!


Sunday 27 September 2020

How to Tell a Story About Yourself That Leaves a Lasting Impact on Your Business

We all have a story to tell. For business professionals writing books, creating brand stories, and delivering presentations, it can be hard to share the raw and emotional aspects of that story. If you’re nervous about telling your story, you’re not alone — 61% of employees “cover” their identities in some way while at work.

Your mind might flood with worries around how to tell a story about yourself in a business context. Vulnerability — particularly in professional settings or published business books — feels like an existential threat. Our minds make up stories that if people knew certain things about us, they’d be scared away and withdraw their trust or business.

These assumptions are generally incorrect. When sharing vulnerable aspects of my own story, 90% of the room leans in. I recently spoke to a crowd of 50 business leaders about vulnerability at work, and a few of them leaned away when I talked about stealing from my first employer; meanwhile, the majority of attendees trusted me more for telling them how I wasn’t trustworthy. This is the power of vulnerability and the value of allowing ourselves to express emotions within a business context.

The Struggles of Storytelling for Professionals Using Their Left vs. Right Brain

Adding to the problem of business storytelling is the left vs. right brain challenge. Many people in business invest their educational resources in the left brain, which enhances intellectual horsepower. The right brain — the creative side — is often underdeveloped in comparison.

It leads to what psychologists refer to as Maslow’s Hammer: If the only tool you have is a hammer, you begin to treat everything as if it were a nail. Similarly, when your left brain is dominant, everything becomes an intellectual problem to be solved. But an intellectual approach doesn’t lead to great storytelling for professionals — creativity is necessary.

“Content” is made up of two primary ingredients: the information and the delivery system (if you interpreted “delivery system” to mean the technology used to propagate content, that was your intellectual brain showing bias). The delivery system is the medium (e.g., film, business memoir, whitepaper), and since businesses often include plenty of left-brain thinkers, they often don’t consider artistic delivery options for content.

When you use data-centric delivery methods, readers can’t easily see themselves in the data set. When audiences hear a story, however, they insert themselves into that world intuitively. Stories activate our imaginations and create greater connections to the subject. This points back to the benefits of sharing emotions and the power of vulnerability, particularly in a business context.

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.” – Steve Jobs

How to Tell a Great Story

Here are a few storytelling techniques for business that professionals can use to activate the imaginations of their audiences:

1. Invite people into the room where it happened.

There’s a difference between telling an audience what you learned and inviting them into the moment — when you learned it — in a cinematic way.

For example, if I want an audience to understand the power of vulnerability, I don’t just cite research; I tell a vulnerable and personal story, like the time I had an opportunity to cheat on my wife. I share how much personal development work I was doing and explain that my wife rarely joined me because she’s extremely private. I felt lonely, and I ended up bonding with one woman as we shared our experiences. I had cheated on girlfriends when I was younger, but I made it clear to this new connection that I had no desire to repeat this cycle.

When I told my wife I had set these boundaries, she accused me of emotionally cheating on her (which she said was worse). I made good decisions and still almost ruined my marriage! My wife eventually understood the depth of my loneliness and joined a program with me, which repaired our relationship. At this point in the story, I typically ask audience members to notice their body language. Is my vulnerability repelling them or pulling them toward me?

The imaginations of those leaning in are activated to a point where their physical reactions defy logic. The intellectual side of their minds might be saying that vulnerability is too risky, but their physical responses made them feel drawn to me when I was vulnerable. Business storytelling and inviting people into moments like this can provide greater emotional connections that build trust between you and your audience.

2. Share the origin story.

When we want to persuade an audience to trust us, we assume they need a list of achievements demonstrating our authority. If I want you to believe in my ability to capture the defining stories of your life, I can say I’ve been trusted by clients like the CEO of Zappos or executives with Microsoft. I can use these data points to build a case for your trust. But would you feel in your bones that you trust me? Probably not.

Instead, I might talk about an instrumental time when I helped a member of a company’s leadership team articulate the moment he started dreaming that a future without his wife (whom he lost many years ago) might still be possible for himself and his son. Helping him reveal a vulnerable story to his team — and having that story become an essential part of what the company stands for — was an origin story for him, for the business, and for me.

When we take the time to explore the stories that define us and experience the benefits of sharing our emotions, we invite the world to see how the universe has prepared us for what we do. That builds trust in ways that data cannot.

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” – Robert McKee

Focus on the five senses.

How can we engage our audience to tell them a great story? By focusing on the five senses and giving just enough detail that their imaginations fill in the rest.

For example, I could tell you that I learned about the power of connection when I was 10 years old and stared into my baby cousin’s eyes at my grandparents’ house. If I want to activate your imagination, though, I could share the following:

  • Sight. Visually, what do I recall? The blue shag carpet in my grandparents’ living room, and my cousin’s eyes staring back at me.
  • Sound. What do I remember hearing? My cousin’s coos and the rustle of his pajamas against his diaper when he wiggled his arms and legs.
  • Smell. What is my scent memory of that moment? My grandmother’s famous chopped liver and my grandfather’s signature bagels and smoked fish.
  • Taste. What could I taste? Remnants of baby powder from kissing my cousin’s forehead.
  • Touch. What did I feel at that moment? His tiny hand in mine.

When we focus on the five senses in business storytelling, we allow our audience into the moment with us. Don’t share so many details that there’s no room for them to play; offer just enough to shift them from audience members to participants.

Embrace the power of vulnerability and invite your audience into the room with you. In doing so, you’ll create the kind of content people are excited to revisit, reflect upon, converse about, share, and, most importantly, act upon.


Saturday 26 September 2020

5 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Striving for Perfection

We live in a culture where striving for perfection is hailed as a virtue. Over the centuries, that ideal has become embedded in our collective consciousness as something to aspire to consistently. Perfection is what drives us to improve upon past efforts and keep working to better ourselves at every opportunity. While that sounds like a good thing, it is time we came to terms with how much damage this personality trait can cause in the long run. 

Below I’m going to talk about five reasons you must stop striving for perfection and give yourself a happier and more fulfilling life.

1. Perfectionism leads to high levels of stress.

A perfectionist often experiences extreme stress because, in their view, things are rarely good enough. They go through life, continually worrying about making everything perfect. It is an unhealthy mindset as it keeps you from feeling satisfaction and deriving fulfillment from your work. 

Chasing perfection means having to live with a relentless inner voice that continually tells you to work harder while also reminding you that nothing you do is good enough. When left unchecked, this habit may lead to burnout. You may feel so exhausted mentally and emotionally that you will find it easier to give up altogether.

“Here’s the uncomfortable truth about perfection. It’s often just insecurity in disguise.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

2. Refusing perfection helps you deal with change more comfortably.

As they say, change is the only constant. But if you’re focused on keeping things perfect at all times, it will get more and more complicated and frustrating to deal with change. You may set up an ideal schedule for the day and set your mind to accomplish every task on your list. 

But then life throws a curveball, and all the best-laid plans can go out the window in an instant. What do you do then? You can fret over the new situation and keep struggling to keep things perfect. Or, you can accept the change, get comfortable with the less-than-perfect situation, and make the most of what you have. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out which is the more wholesome approach.

3. You will be braver about taking risks.

The more you chase perfection, the more you stop yourself from taking risks. Perfectionism is often driven by an extreme fear of failure. It creates a mindset when you tell yourself that it is not even worth trying if something can’t be done perfectly. You shy away from new opportunities and different challenges that could be quite rewarding if pursued.

This is the mindset that stops you from applying for a new job or a better position and keeps you stuck in the same place with hardly any scope for growth or progress. The fear of failure, then, becomes an unexpected roadblock to success. Once you let go of the need for perfection, you will be able to take risks and become more open to new experiences.

4. Perfectionism stifles creativity

Just as perfectionism keeps you from taking risks and trying new things, it also suffocates your creative impulses. If you’ve hit on a perfect way of doing something, you will no longer rely on your creativity or imagination to solve problems. Your work will suffer in the long run from a lack of innovation. 

When you forget about being perfect for a second and focus on doing something new or trying the same old thing in a new way, it is bound to be rewarding no matter the result. You will learn something new about yourself and also pick up a new skill. Being creative helps you grow as a person and gives you a unique personality – and being unique makes life much more fun and fulfilling than striving after perfection.

“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” – Winston Churchill

5. Saying no to perfection will leave you with more time.

If you are or have been a perfectionist, you may be familiar with how little leisure time is left to yourself. Perfectionists inculcate certain habits that keep them so occupied with their work that it takes up all their time. For example, they are prone to multitasking, they avoid taking breaks, and they refuse to delegate tasks.

Perfectionism creates an all-or-nothing mentality where you struggle with delegating tasks to others because you don’t trust them to do things perfectly. Since you disapprove of how other people accomplish their tasks, you start to believe that it would be easier to do everything yourself. All that does is leave you buried under a mountain of work, feeling exhausted, cranky, and unable to kick back and relax.

As you can see, striving towards perfection isn’t all it’s cooked up to be. Perfectionists often turn into their own worst enemies and create problems and suffer easily avoidable stress. By saying no to perfection, at least every once in a while can help you replenish your energy while still continuing to chase excellence. Perfection may seem like an ideal, but it causes most headaches and is not something worth sacrificing your mental and physical well-being for. If a life well-lived is what you aspire for, it may be time to give up seeking perfection and focus on things that truly matter.


Friday 25 September 2020

Why Quantum Physics is So Important to Your Spiritual Awakening

Quantum physics plays a big part in your spiritual awakening. We are all familiar with Newtonian physics as it deals with the reality of physical matter that we know. We know that if we want to make any type of change to physical matter, it is going to require another physical tool to make that change. As an example, we must have a pick and shovel to move a mound or a mountain; we must use physical strength to move furniture from one place to another; we must use the physical force of heat to melt an iceberg.

This works for us because the earth is subject to a series of natural laws that are related to matter. As such, we know that when we make that physical change, it will stay that way—or maybe it won’t. The mound that we moved can be reversed by a landslide. The furniture that we moved can be undone by an earthquake. The physical phenomenon of temperature can re-form the iceberg.

Everything Starts in the Energy Field and Moves to Physical Matter

This is why alternative medicine works when disease is still in the energy field. Once disease moves to the physical level (think of cancer) it can still be healed on the energy level, but it is much more difficult. 

Once a frequency pattern has moved to the physical level, it becomes more permanent, as it has become mired in the concepts of matter itself. Then it’s necessary to use more physical concepts such as radiation energy or surgery to kill the cancer cells. Energy healing is still necessary to keep the cancer from recurring in another part of the body.

These Principles of Quantum Physics Are also True for Life Concepts

For example, let’s say you have a frequency pattern within you of “I don’t support myself.” You will find it difficult to get a job. Let’s say that, even with this pattern, you manage to land a great job in a great location with great benefits. If you don’t address this limiting frequency pattern, you will eventually lose this job and find yourself looking for another. 

On the other hand, let’s say you have a frequency pattern of “I support myself.” You may also lose your job, but you will continue to find better and better jobs with more ease than if you have the pattern of “I don’t support myself.” You are also an excellent candidate to be an entrepreneur.

“Don’t become a prisoner of your own reality, set yourself free by creating a life worth living.” – Steven Redhead

Quantum Physics Explains Our Lives in Other Ways

Tthere is the concept that the “observer” can affect that which is observed. Quantum physics and Newtonian physics would answer the question of “If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a noise?” very differently. Newtonian followers would answer, “yes, of course, matter striking matter makes a specific noise whether anyone is present or not.” The quantum follower would say “if no observer is there to observe it, noise is unnecessary and irrelevant.”

As you move ahead on your spiritual journey, you will undoubtedly become familiar with the concept of “you create your own reality.” When you think of what quantum physics has to say about the observer, you will know that it is true—there simply is no reality if you, the observer, can’t observe it. This concept is difficult for many newly-awakened individuals to embrace, as most of our social framework trains us to embrace a victim mentality

As you pursue spiritual awakening, however, you will find that “you create your own reality” is very empowering and no longer frightening. It gives you control over what is happening in your life. As you learn new techniques to have power over your life and your existence, you will have powerful experiences that will convince you that you do indeed create your own reality.

Five Senses Become More Heightened

As you progress on your spiritual journey, you will find yourself relying on the energy of what is happening and assign less importance to the things that you can see, hear, feel, smell or touch. You will also find that your five senses will become more heightened. You can do this by starting to learn to relax and enjoy the earth and everything in it. A program of deep meditation will enable you to start feeling or sensing the energy of thoughts, concepts and situations and to sense the energy fields surrounding them. 

As an example, after I started a program of meditation and self hypnosis, I was able to see and read the auras surrounding the people in my life. I was in business at the time and I remember observing the various people sitting around a conference table and being able to tell what they were thinking about the subject being discussed. A large expansive aura with multiple colors meant that they were open and receptive to what was going on. A very small, tight white aura concentrated around the head of only two or three inches indicated someone who was relying only on their brain to make decisions. 

It usually meant this person felt uncomfortable or threatened by the subject at hand. It could also mean they felt overwhelmed or angry. By asking my higher self a series of yes-or-no questions, I could determine what emotion they were feeling. In my job of selling consulting services, this gave me a great competitive edge.

“It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.” – Eckhart Tolle

Quantum physics opened up many new doors for the exploration of spiritual issues by explaining in terms of science that everything is made up of different types of energy. As you continue your spiritual journey, you will find more and more ways to apply the principles of quantum physics.

Is there anything we can do to help you on your spiritual journey? If so, let us know in the comments below!


Thursday 24 September 2020

5 Ways to Encounter Creativity and Innovation That Lead to Incredible Success

There comes a time when to take oneself seriously becomes the detriment to all creativity and innovation. The drudgery of a day alongside the monotony of tedious repetition brings with it a grayness that inundates the brain with a fog and blinds the eyes to potential. 

How can one cultivate spaces within likened to the windshield wipers on our cars, some element that will go back and forth and back and forth wiping away the dullness so as to see again?

I am a huge advocate for childlikeness in the workplace. I haven’t witnessed anything else like when that type of courage and creativity abounds, releasing a sense of innovative presence so intoxicating that it enlivens spaces lifting them up to new heights of achievement.  

What am I talking about? Have you ever watched a child head down a mountain on skis? The child tends to exhibit fearlessness filled with utter abandon. They’re delighted with the feeling of the wind upon their face, the speed upon their body invigorating beyond their words and experience to truly understand the potency of what they are creating for those that witness their feats. 

Keeping that image in your mind’s eye, trust me as you read that these 5 suggestions are the very ways for you to encounter creativity and innovative thinking today: 

  1. Hum, whistle, or sing a tune 
  2. Smile, laugh, or let a touch of giddiness in
  3. Play, skip, hop, jump 
  4. Act, serve, volunteer
  5. Breathe

Now I give you the secret of success behind those 5 things:

  1. Vocalize: Find your authentic voice and make a loud or soft sound. Speak and say what you want to say.
  2. Meditate: Yes! Add joy and levity into your life. Laughter yoga is actually a thing. Start laughing even by force and notice the energy that enters your body.
  3. Take yourself a little less seriously: When we strain and stress, strive and push, we touch blockage after blockage and hurdle after hurdle. In those other moments when we distract or move, break up the tension and shake it off, creativity comes forward. There is a reason the ancients beckoned us to cease striving. Play is the creative force that brings success as we drop into our bodies and stop overthinking everything.
  4. Think about someone else, do something for someone else, and make moments that are about someone else. In serving and acting on another’s behalf, you will grow into different spaces, see moments from another perspective, feel more human, and connect to others.
  5. We are a culture of shallow breathers, breath holders and stuck breathing individuals. No wonder why we feel run down and stuck. I’m notorious for running my car down to the fumes only to feel the consequences when I’m stuck on the side of the road waiting for my son to bring me a container of gasoline. I know too many people who live their lives that way, wondering why they feel ragged, run down and stressed. It is amazing to watch the transformation that even a few longer breaths can bring. While I could teach you dozens of “official” ways to breathe that have fancy and important names, I would rather you simply take 5 longer breaths three to four times today. Pause and center yourself in the moment, leave your eyes open, and take the longer breath in through your nose allowing the exhale to leave through your mouth.

“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” – Oprah Winfrey

It is time to break up the lethargy, stir up your being and step forward with a renewed sense of purpose, energy and capacity to achieve. Taking to heart the simple things that might seem obvious to some yet in our busyness are too often overlooked, will help us to nurture levity, creativity along with a workflow that catapults us through the afternoon hours into incredible moments of success.

How do you spark up creativity in your life? Share your advice with us below!


Wednesday 23 September 2020

3 Easy Steps to Achieving Your Goals According to Science

Many people are living in mediocrity and most don’t seem to get anywhere worthwhile because they lack direction. They have no idea what they want out of their lives. One of the most important keys to success and living a fulfilling life is to know what you want and work relentlessly toward that worthy ideal. The problem is that most people have no idea what they want. Or in other words, they don’t set goals for themselves.

If you think about extraordinary people who went on to accomplish amazing success in life such as top-level athletes Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, and successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Mark Cuban, you will notice that they all shared a common trait – they know what they want, they set goals, and they are making progress towards reaching their goals every day.

When you set goals, it gives you a long-term vision to focus on and at the same time, it also provides you the short-term motivation you need to work through each day. Dr. Gail Matthews, a professor at the Dominican University, once conducted a study on how writing down goals, committing to action, and being accountable, can influence the achievement of the goal.

Dr. Gail Matthews recruited 267 participants from various groups ranging from age 23 to 72, and they were all from different countries including the United States. England, Japan, and Australia.

The participants were then randomly divided into 5 groups:

Group 1 – Participants were simply asked to think about their goals (what they wanted to achieve over the next 4 weeks) and rate the goals according to their difficulties, importance, motivation, and more.

Group 2 – Participants were asked to write down their goals and rate them.

Group 3 – Participants were asked to follow Group 2 and also to formulate action commitments.

Group 4 – Participants were asked to follow Group 3 and also send their goals and action commitments to a supportive friend.

Group 5 – Participants were asked to follow Group 4 and also send a weekly progress report to a supportive friend.

Guess what happened at the end of the 4 weeks?

Results grew from a 43 percent success rate in Group 1 and increased to 76 percent success rate in Group 5.

This means when you write down your goals, make actionable commitments, and send a weekly progress report to a supportive friend, you are 76% more likely to achieve the goal.

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Therefore, to achieve outstanding success and reach your goals, you need to focus on these 3 easy steps:

1. Write down your goals

First, you have to identify what you want to achieve, and then you will have to write it down. Many personal development coaches like Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, and Robin Sharma suggest their students write down their goals because when you do so, you increase your commitment to your goals.

After all, you will never bother writing something down if it is not important to you, right? Hence, make it a habit to write down your goals and constantly review them.

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert comic strip and one of the most successful cartoonists in the world, said that he wrote down his goal 15 times a day. He wrote down, “I, Scott Adams, will become a syndicated cartoonist.” And he continued to do so day-in and day-out, for 15 times a day.

Eventually, his dreams came true. He became the world’s most syndicated cartoonist. In the year 2000, Dilbert was featured in 2,000 newspapers in 57 countries and 19 languages. The comic strip also spawned dozens of television series, books, and themed merchandise items.

Therefore, if you are serious about achieving your goals, write them down. In fact, do it like how Scott Adams did, write down your goals every day so you condition your goals to your subconscious mind.

2. Create action commitments

Writing down your goals is the first step. The second step you need to take is to create action commitments. In other words, you need to come up with a plan of what you need to do to reach your goals.

You can’t just think or write down what you want and hope that things will magically appear in front of you. No, goal setting is not a magic lamp, it is a technique that helps you identify specifically what you want so you can formulate a plan to achieve it.

Most people don’t make plans for their goals. They just think of their goals and nothing more. Remember you need to make a plan if you are truly committed to your goals.

Write down all the specific action steps you can take to accomplish your goals. If you have no idea what you can do to achieve your goals, your action commitment is to do just that.

There are plenty of books and courses you can learn from. For instance, if your goal is to set up an e-commerce website, but you have no idea how to do that, your action commitment is to learn how to do it.

List down all the possible action commitments you need to take. Lastly, work on each of them one-by-one because that’s how you make progress.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

3. Get an accountability partner and send your weekly progress report

Finally, to make sure you stick to your plan, you need to be accountable for it. Thus, get an accountability partner who supports your work. Commit to sending your partner a weekly progress report each week.

You want to get an accountability partner because if you don’t, you will never hold yourself accountable. However, when you know someone is watching and monitoring your work, you become more committed to working on your plan.

Plus, when you commit to sending a weekly progress report, it creates a deadline and urgency to get the action commitment done.

Getting an accountability partner doesn’t need to be difficult. You just need to get someone who supports and is willing to keep an eye on your progress. Your job is to send your progress report to him or her each week.

When you do this, you will make sure you are making progress toward your goals every week.


These are the 3 easy steps on how you can achieve your goals. Remember, according to research, you can greatly improve your success rate by as much as 76% when you follow the 3 simple steps above.

So, identify your goals, write them down, create action commitments to achieve them, and get a supportive partner to hold you accountable for your progress.

What’s one goal you’re looking to accomplish this year? Share it with us below so we can help keep you accountable!


Tuesday 22 September 2020

5 Mindset Hacks to Gaining More Opportunities and Increasing Your Income

Growing your business and slaying your sales isn’t an upward-only trajectory. The highs and lows can be exhausting, so it’s important to have a few mindset hacks in your back pocket to get yourself in the frame of mind that invites opportunities instead of polarizing momentum.

Here are five mindset hacks that you can use right away, either in a pinch or consistently in your routine to amp up your results:

1. Get Fired Up

Learning how to motivate yourself is a priceless skill, especially because you won’t be inspired to take action every day. There will be days that it’s hard to motivate yourself to wear pants, let alone conquer your day. That’s when you have to motivate yourself to move forward.

Simple ways to get fired up are to pick a weekly or monthly theme song that you can vibe with. Music is a great motivator because you can borrow the energy of the song to create your own momentum. 

Similarly, having a role model or mentor that you can connect with and stay accountable to can be the difference between a long arduous road to getting what you want out of life and fast-tracking your way to success. Mentors can inspire you in special ways that other people just can’t. They’re invaluable.

Another way to get fired up is to call a super loyal or grateful client. Their excitement about working with you is contagious, which will get you in the right headspace to bring in more clients just like them. If you find yourself in a moment of doubt or where your confidence is shaken, borrow the confidence other people have in you to refill your cup and move forward. 

“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” ― Steve Maraboli

2. Find Reprieve 

Owning a business is freaking intense! It’s easy for your body and energy to get tightly wound in the day to day activities of it all. That’s why it’s important to find reprieves where you can calm down. That doesn’t always mean finding a getaway or going on a silent retreat for two weeks (although I’m not knocking it). Something as simple as calling someone special or spending time with someone you love can help you relax your mind and body. 

Another way to find a reprieve is to find a time of day that you protect as your peace time. This may look like doing yoga, going rock climbing, journaling, reading a book, singing, or anything else that makes you focus on only that one thing while you’re doing it. Intentional attention to something that brings you joy or clears your head is a powerful way to keep your mindset strong. 

3. Focus

What you put your focus on grows. That’s why you want to focus on what you’ve done right and the opportunities ahead of you, instead of beating yourself up over mistakes you’ve made. It’s great to see where you need to grow and make a plan to move forward, but getting stuck in “I should’ve known better” and similar perspectives will only hold you back. The faster you pivot a loss into a lesson, the faster you’ll create opportunities for success.

One way to keep your focus on what you’ve done right is to create a cave of wins. This could be a box that you keep all of your wins in, a journal you use to record your wins, or even a file on your home screen that you can open to see the wins you’ve created thus far. Every day, catalog all of the wins you’ve had for the day. These don’t have to be just business wins either. 

If you’ve been working on your health and you stuck to the food plan your nutritionist gave you, that’s a win! If you’ve been trying to have more present conversations with your significant other and you went through dinner without picking up your phone, that’s a win! Review your cave of wins each week to see just how far you’ve come on your journey of success.

4. Burning Building

This mindset hack is the most important tool in this entire list. This is a technique that will help you take action when you’ve been paralyzed by fear. Are you ready?

There’s a burning building and someone you love is inside. The action that you’re afraid of taking is the only way you can run into the building to save them. In many cases, this is what’s happening metaphorically when you show up in your business. 

As a business owner, you solve problems for your customers. If you don’t take action to get your solutions out there, you’re ignoring the people who are suffering and shouting for help. You wouldn’t leave your loved one in a burning building, so don’t abandon your customers either.

“There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.” ― Napoleon Hill

5. Decide

All powerful mindset shifts come down to one thing—making the decision to do something different. Once you’ve made a decision, you follow that up by taking the actions that support that decision. Practicing steadfast decision making is a great way to experience quantum leaps in your growth because it puts all of your focus, attention, and energy into creating what you want with certainty. This growth can turn you into a magnet for business and income growth opportunities.


Monday 21 September 2020

3 Things Every Entrepreneur Must Know to Grow Their Business

It seems like everyone these days is an entrepreneur. After all, anyone with a computer and an internet connection has the opportunities to serve a global audience. The harsh reality is that the vast majority of these budding entrepreneurs will never make the money they hope to through their new business venture. Most will fail to ever make a dollar, others will earn very little and eventually abandon the idea as the novelty wears off and discouragement sets in. 

The difference between the runaway success stories and the masses of entrepreneurs silently toiling in their businesses is that the former possess a skill that the latter do not. The winners know how to sell.

Weekly, I encounter starry-eyed entrepreneurs with big ideas and a palpable disdain for sales, sales processes, and anything that conjures mental images of used car salesmen in cheap suits who reek of equally cheap cologne. These entrepreneurs likely won’t make it. If you want to succeed you have to learn to sell.

Here are three lessons from top sales leaders on how entrepreneurs can improve their sales results:

1. Educate, don’t pitch

Don’t even think about pitching your offering until you know exactly what ails your would-be buyer. The fastest way to sink a deal – and your reputation – is by pitching an offer that won’t actually work to alleviate your customer’s pain point. A superior way to sell, however, is to avoid pitching at all. This proverbial high road is one that will set you apart from virtually every other sales person who comes knocking. You will become more than another offering in a crowded field; you will become the trusted advisor.
The first thing you must do in any selling situation is take the time to self educate by asking thoughtful questions that invite your prospect to open up about their current situation. The best sales leaders do this effortlessly and the meeting begins to feel more like therapy than a sales call.

Once you’ve established a level of trust with your could be buyer, now is the time to show them how your offering would be the right next step to solve their problem – but only if it actually will. Spinning your offering to shoehorn a customer into a deal they’ll later regret is a fast way to trash any trust and goodwill you’ve managed to create. By demonstrating how your offering will make their lives better, you have put yourself into the role of the trusted advisor and your soon-to-be customer will thoughtfully consider your offer free from the typical pressure of transactional sales.

“Keep yourself positive, cheerful, and goal-oriented. Sales success is 80% attitude and only 20% aptitude.” – Brian Tracy

2. Expect to hear ‘no’

Hearing no is hard. Especially when you know that the product or service you’re selling will genuinely help make your customer’s life better. The first time you hear a no it can be pretty devastating, especially true when it’s your business that you’re trying to get off the ground. Rejection is always hard though a healthy perspective can go a long way towards keeping you on the path to eventual success.

The good news is that every no is a great opportunity to learn. From building your confidence as you pitch your offer to modifying how you present the benefits of your offering each no give you permission to experiment with your presentation.

3. Do the Hard thing

Bottom line is you’ve got to put yourself out there. Yes, it’s easy to send out a handful of cold emails to potential prospects and wait, with fingers crossed, and hope for an unlikely ‘yes’. Unless you are able to craft a curiosity inducing subject line and an email that provides an astounding amount of value, cold emails seldom work. That widely accepted reality doesn’t stop scores of entrepreneurs from spending untold hours in their inbox sending messages to every email address they manage to track down.

If you want to succeed you need to strand out and that means finding less crowded spaces to occupy with your message. It means doing the thing that no one else has thought of or that no one else wants to do. Sending an email is easy while getting up on a stage at an industry trade show is not. Neither is cold calling prospects out of the phone book. Consistently do the hard thing that no one else will and you’ll find success sooner than later.

“If people like you, they’ll listen to you. But if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” – Zig Ziglar

Falling in love with the process of selling is no small task but it’s critical for entrepreneurs who desire to leverage their businesses to achieve lifestyle and wealth. The most successful entrepreneurs and sales leaders are the ones who have designed processes that align with their personality and strengths. Ultimately the road to success is one of consistency so map out your path and commit to walking it out every day.


Sunday 20 September 2020

Acceptance is the Key to Resiliency and Success

I was sitting on the sofa, waves of emotions poured through my thoughts streaming downwards from my mind into my heart. They are the sensations that wrap the mind in a fog or steal up the heart into a ball of anxiety. I allowed somewhat of a sarcastic puff of air to exhale out of me, blankly staring forward looking at my dog laying on the floor and the pile of dishes in the sink. I laughed at myself.

“This is what I do for a living,” I said out loud. My dog just gazed up at me with his perfect golden retriever eyes. These are the moments I walk people through everyday, when the mind goes blank or anxiety tightens the breath. When the burdens of life and living increase upon the back, neck and shoulders closing in on the individual’s breaking point. These are the very moments I train people on how to use a variety of tools and methods to find center, calm and grounding amidst the onslaught. 

As all of us can, I recognize that the life I live out in the world can be seen and experienced one way while the life I live at home, in private, can be lived out in another. Do I walk the talk? Do I live the practices I teach? Do I pause, take a deeper breath, refocus and hold to intention when  the waves of emotion or stress build up and the undertow threatens to pull me under? 

It is important to me to live congruently. What do I mean by that? I think we all know the person, perhaps we have lived being that person, where we are more like a chameleon of sorts, living one way within one set of circumstances only to show a different face in another. I’ve been that person whose shape shifting skills reached an admirable level, being a people pleaser while also longing to keep the peace I could morph my body into all sorts of contorted positions. 

“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” ― J.K. Rowling

I was also truly apt at hiding what was going on within the insides, creating a facade of peace and strength while my interior was crumbling. I learned how to show up, play the part and be the actor on the stage. My body and mind paid the price as the reality of sustaining such practices became wearisome, it was not the life I wanted to be living.

Moments as I was having on my sofa, cross the paths of our lives all too often. They are always going to come, that is the truth about living in today’s world. What you and I do next is where the real story begins. I wish I could say that with all the skills I possess as a yoga therapist and spiritual advisor, I instantly snapped out of that space, but that would not be the case. I did place my feet more firmly upon the floor lengthening my breath, lifting myself from a slumping position to create intention deep within my body. It is those seemingly small adjustments that create different spaces time and time again. As it would be, something did happen that turned my sarcastic grin into a genuine smile.

In that moment something came back to me to serve as an anchor in the storm. I remembered being in two places at one time during a visit to an amusement park. This one in particular straddles the state lines of North and South Carolina where there exists a painted line that provides just such a space. I remembered the fun of it and the pictures that were taken, most importantly, I acknowledged that it was possible. It was the shift I needed to remind myself that one doesn’t have to pretend to not be where one is currently physically, emotionally and mentally. I can be in two places in one moment recognizing the stressors and anxiety of the day while remembering the practices that abide deep within my sense of being. 

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu

Acceptance is the very gateway to resiliency. Allowing oneself to be “both and,” or giving yourself permission to be in a bad mood, anxious or frustrated is key to your daily success. Take the labels off of what are deemed “bad” emotions in order to give them space to breath and move through the moment. It isn’t about feigning peace or contentment beyond what is actually happening but, being with what is actually happening. I can acknowledge that I do, indeed, know what to do in moments like the one I was having on the sofa AND I can still have the moments like the one I was having on the sofa and so can you. It is this ONE secret that has built up the resiliency in my life that has launched me into successful daily living.


Saturday 19 September 2020

10 Things Holding You Back And How to Take Control of Them

It’s no secret that we all have far more potential than we could ever imagine. Well, it may be a secret for some. Why is it then, that so many people never get where they want to go in life? Why do so many lack simply being able to visualize what they want their life to look like? It’s because they’ve been held down. We all have things holding us back to some degree and often we’re completely unaware of many of these things. The great thing about being human is that we have the ability to control our circumstances and create change, which is exactly how to break free of the shackles holding you back.

Here are 10 things that can hold you back and how to take back control from them:

1. Dependence

What is a tell-tale sign of someone who is not in control of their life? Dependence. Whether that be dependence on family, friends, or even the government, it is you and only you who is in control of your life. The sooner you realise this, the sooner you reclaim your independence and take back control.

2. Indecisiveness

How many times have you gone to a restaurant, only to be plagued by having to decide on ordering one of the one hundred items on the menu? If you’re like most, chances are you’ll take 15 minutes before making up your mind. Even then, you might still question your decision! 

The most successful people in the world make decisions fast. Develop your decision making muscles by being conscious every time you have to make one – think fast and trust your gut.

“The way to develop decisiveness is to start right where you are, with the very next question you face.” – Napoleon Hill

3. Friends & Family

Oftentimes it’s the thing we least suspect that’s holding us back the most. One of the biggest factors of people not succeeding is friends and family. Whether it be their own limiting beliefs, negativity or lack of belief in you, it is critical to distance yourself from anyone or anything that will bring you down. Sometimes you have to be ruthless about this, because you’d rather cut someone out of your life, than be stuck in the hamster wheel forever with them.

4. Lack of Discipline

Will Smith notably stated that “self-discipline is at the centre of any kind of material success in the world” – which I 100% believe to be true. Are you waking up on time? Are you exercising? Are you eating the right foods and going to bed on time? If the answer to any of them is no, then you’re holding yourself back. Fortunately, discipline is transferrable and by taking more control of discipline in one area of your life, you will be able to bring it across to others.

5. Your Phone

On average, people check their phones every 12 minutes, which is quite disturbing when you really think about it. Our phones are perhaps the greatest hindrance of them all, as we have them on us at almost all times.

The fastest and easiest way to take control of your phone usage is to set your intentions. Remind yourself to only use your phone for important tasks, and to turn it off when you don’t need it. The less time you waste on your phone, the more success you’ll be able to achieve.

6. Social Conditioning

Now this one isn’t really our fault – we are all conditioned by society and its expectations from a young age. As our journey of growth continues however, it is necessary to break free from the chains holding us down. It’s far too easy to fall back into these patterns of self-doubt and lack of self-worth that are imposed upon us, which is why it is vital to practice discipline in this area daily. Whether it be through affirmations, visualisation, or meditation, we must only feed our minds with information that will help us grow.  

7. Vices

If you’re a human being, then there’s a strong chance you have some kind of vice. Whether it be alcohol, binge watching TV, pornography or excessive eating. These are the things we know are bad, but they somehow continue to draw us in. We become addicted to the dopamine rush the vices provide us, except we’re usually left feeling down and depleted. 

I’m a big believer in removing anything in my environment that will hold me back. Whether that be turning the TV off at the power, blocking certain websites or not keeping bad foods in the house. Our willpower is limited, which is why we need to make it as easy as possible to steer clear of our vices.

8. Fear

Some of the biggest fears that most people experience fall into these three categories; fear of failure, fear of rejection and fear of embarrassment. I like to refer to fear as ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’, to which I analyse and make the choice to no longer acknowledge it as real. A great way to break out of certain fears is to remind yourself that one day, you will die – and all those decisions and things you did, or didn’t do, will no longer matter.

“You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky 

9. Lack of Awareness

Self-awareness is one of the biggest keys to happiness, purpose, and fulfillment. From my own personal experiences, I realised I lacked awareness for a long time – who I was, what I wanted to do, and what was possible for me. It wasn’t until I began to implement deep work on myself that I began to develop my self-awareness. This truly helped me regain control of my life and see exactly who I was along with who I wanted to be. 

See yourself from the outside, looking in. Take a step back and reflect upon your actions, who you are, and what you want to be. 

10. Perspective

Perception is reality, for some at least. Everything we experience in our own lives comes down to our perception of it. What often separates those who succeed from those who fail, is their perception. Some perceive failures as the be-all-end-all, while others see it as an opportunity to learn and know what to do next time. 

Viktor Frankl, a well-known survivor of the holocaust is someone who we can learn from. Frankl was able to control his perception of everything that was happening, allowing him to remain in as positive a frame of mind as you possibly could in the circumstances he faced.

Your mind is the most powerful thing on earth – and what life boils down to is just that. If you can control your mind, you control your circumstances. There is real power behind positive thinking. Refer back to these 10 tips if you are ever doubting yourself or simply aren’t sure what’s currently holding you back.

What’s currently holding you back in your life? Is there anyway we can be of service to you? Let us know below!


Friday 18 September 2020

How to Appreciate Life and Not Just Exist in It

Do you sometimes stare off into space and wonder “Why am I here?” “What am I doing?” or “There has to be more to life than just this.” We get caught in the everyday routine of sleep, work, home, sleep, work, home, and…you get the point. 

Since when do we become conditioned to settle for this way of life? Was it from our parents and their parents before them? Or is it from our environment that we have to accommodate in order to comply with the rules in place? I believe this way of life is called ‘existing.’ When we go through the motions of everyday life and fall into the routine, we don’t realize that there is another way of life, which is called ‘living.’

Few people understand the difference and very few people make the leap from existing to living. We don’t realize that there’s another way until we choose to recognize that there is. Usually, it’s shown to us by a mentor, teacher, elder, or a friend. When you choose to ‘live’ rather than ‘exist,’ you start to view your life on earth in a completely different perspective. It’s as if your mind opened and you are seeing your life with a new pair of glasses, never wanting to take them off.

I understood the power of ‘living’ when I saw a mentor in a webinar. The things discussed made sense to me and I wanted to learn more. This mentor was talking about creating experiences to enjoy life, surrounding yourself with rich and loving relationships, and being purposeful and intentional in everyday actions. I wondered “How do you start to live life that way? I want to do that.” I got to work and read anything I could about how to live life, not just exist in it. 

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

I came across three helpful tips that I use today to guide me in living life. Below, you can read about them:

1. Become mindful and present in every situation

This is a skill that is continuously worked on all the time! What does that exactly entail? It involves becoming aware of your own thoughts and what you say to yourself. We generate thousands of thoughts everyday and it’s impossible to be mindful of each and every one. You can be mindful over most of them though. Becoming mindful requires mental discipline and focus. It’s just like a muscle, it gets stronger with more practice.

Being present is also a challenge that requires mental discipline and focus. It’s being able to appreciate and acknowledge your surroundings, whether it’s eating a meal or sitting at a park or even being stuck in gridlock traffic. 

Reminding yourself to be present in the moment brings to light the ‘living’ part of life. It’s the fall colors in the tree you saw in the park or it’s relishing each bite of your meal and the delicious flavors you’re tasting. It’s paying attention to the here and now.

2. Create experiences

I feel that a majority of people don’t take advantage of creating experiences in their lives. Sure, you take the annual family vacation 2 weeks out of the year but what about the other 50 weeks? What kinds of experiences do you create in the remaining 50? 

Recently, I was listening to a mentor of mine and he shared that given a pool of money, it is best to use the money into creating experiences and adventures than to use it towards objects. The rationale behind this is because with objects, we create momentary happiness with that object. Happiness doesn’t last long. 

When we use money towards creating experiences and adventures, we are left with the memories and the physical response to that adventure or experience. You can relive it again and again. It will continue to provide happiness. When was the last time you created an experience? Was it camping in the back yard with your kids? Or taking a cooking class with your friend? Or how about that weekend getaway with your partner and did everything spontaneously? Inject experiences into your life so that you can ‘live’ and see what’s out there. Create memories!

“The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” – Louis E. Boone

3. Do more of what makes you happy

I’ll be honest. This is a really tough question for a lot of people to answer. “What makes you happy?” It’s as if there’s some unwritten rule or law about being happy. Like it’s forbidden or something. 

It seems that once you become an adult, you’re not supposed to be happy or happiness is only meant for children. Or worse yet, happiness is temporary. Yes, there are times where we are facing unfortunate circumstances such as a divorce or perhaps you have just been given bad news regarding your health. There can be some bad things in the world. I don’t deny that. But the choice is how you want to feel regarding these circumstances. Even if you are in a horrible situation, there is absolutely something that can brighten your mood, even for a moment. Whether it’s reading a book or going for a walk or even talking to a friend. 

When we become conscious and choose to do more things that bring us joy and happiness, we start to look at life a bit better. When we realize and notice what makes us happy, it’s up to us to make the intentional purpose of doing it often so that we can enjoy being happy. Regardless of if you’re 8 or 80, make sure to allow yourself to feel the emotion of joy and happiness.

I frequently utilize these three tips in my life, and it’s helped me see life in a new way. I’m more mindful of the people I’m interacting with, appreciate and express gratitude in everything I experience, and spoil myself with happiness because there’s nothing wrong with that. Isn’t it time you start ‘living’ and not ‘existing?’

What makes you the happiest in life? Share your thoughts and stories with us below!


Thursday 17 September 2020

7 Ways to Declutter Your Personal Health

For most of us, our health is cluttered. Not necessarily cluttered by stuff, mind you, but cluttered with information. Too many new diets, new must-have supplements, or new workout plans. Too many opinions on how much water to drink, which must-have supplements to take, and how much sleep you need.

Enough. Caring for your health starts with the basics we all know well: eat nutritious food, break a sweat every day, get enough sleep, and take time to meditate. But, if you’re asking for tips to follow, this is where I would start:

1. Get rid of the diet books

You don’t need them! Think about it: how many times have you seen or heard about a new cure-all diet plan, rushed out, bought the book, skimmed the first 40 pages, and then shelved it?

Now, how often do you think back, and say to yourself, “I really need to follow that XYZ plan…it makes so much sense!”?

You’re cluttering your mind with information that, frankly, is only made to sell books. Yes, there’s tons of research being done on various methods and strategies of eating. But that’s all they are: strategies. No one system is going to work for everyone, and unless you’re a doctor, dietician, or nutritionist, you’re not in a position to do the experiments yourself! Mass-market diet advice is designed to sell copies to as many people as possible, not solve problems for individuals.

It’s okay to read a blog post explaining what keto or paleo or vegan is. But beyond that, are you really going to change your lifestyle every time a new book comes out?

2. Get rid of the supplements

You don’t need them! Yes, I recommend supplements to my clients. But they are (ready for this?) Supplements.

The research tells us that most people in North America are deficient in some or all of the micronutrients. But the people in those studies are also deficient in plain old healthy food. Supplements make up for deficiencies in nutrition, which may result from a poor diet, a medical issue, or extreme training. Outside of that, if you’re a relatively healthy adult who eats well and gets regular exercise, you probably don’t need much or anything for supplementation.

A multivitamin may help, but anything you’re not deficient in will just get peed out anyway. So, don’t waste your money. Start with food, and have your doctor or nutritionist review your blood panel for gaps or symptoms. Then tweak only what you need.

And don’t obsess over “cure-all” herbs either. While they can be nice to add support, no illness was ever caused by a lack of ashwagandha in the diet.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.” – Buddha

3. Simplify your food

You’re really overthinking your food. Somewhere along the way, we got to thinking that we need to be constantly entertained by our food. Do you sit there, scratching your head wondering what to make for dinner because you had chicken and broccoli last night? So what?! Eat it again if that’s what you have on hand.

Research shows that even though we have this notion that constant and ever changing variety is necessary in our routine meals, most people default to the same four or five go-to meals every day anyway. It’s in our nature. 

We evolved eating what was available when it was available. But too much variety, and the self-imposed pressure of constantly changing things up, actually leads to increased stress and anxiety. What if you choose the wrong thing? Is kale healthier than spinach? What if it’s not what you really wanted? Will you be disappointed?

Don’t stress over cluttered piles of cookbooks and an overstuffed pantry. You know what’s healthy and what’s not. When you’re not working on a specific goal, formulate four or five consistent go-to meals so you don’t have to stress about having the ingredients on hand. Then on the weekend have some fun with something new.

4. Simplify your training

What’s best: cardio or strength training? Walking? HIIT? Yoga?

Stop it. Unless you’re training for a specific goal or sport, my 5-4-3-2-1 recommendations are very easy to follow:

  • 5 times a week (minimum), internal and breath work. That means meditating, at least 10 minutes a day.
  • 4 times a week (minimum), mobility and internal work. That means yoga, taiji, qigong, or some other stretching routine (this CAN double with breath work).
  • 3 times a week, resistance training. That means weights, bands, bodyweight, whatever.
  • 2 times a week, cardio training. Whatever you like doing, or whatever your trainer prescribes. I like burst training because it’s usually 15 minutes or less and metabolically active.
  • 1 day a week (minimum), playing. That is, go for a hike, zipline, go to the park with the kids, swimming, or skiing. Make it fun and outside of the house.

These are minimum guidelines just for healthy and active living. If you’re behind in any of these areas, or you’re not sure how to fit them all into a busy schedule let me know.

5. Simplify your water

Argh!! Water drives me crazy!! No, you’re not constantly dehydrated. Remember, the vast majority of these nutrition and health studies came out in the 80s and 90s, and were based on a very different health paradigm than we’re living now.

In truth, new research tells us that yes, you do get water from your tea, coffee, juice, fruits, vegetables, protein shakes, etc. And yes, you do probably get enough during the day that keeping a little timer to make sure you get your 72 glasses every day is maybe just giving it a little too much brain space.

On average, aim to finish a glass of water over the course of every two hours. The rule of thumb is that if you’re peeing 5 to 6 times a day, you’re plenty hydrated. Stop tracking it.

And taper off closer to bedtime. Overnight dehydration is a thing, but disrupting sleep to go to the bathroom is actually worse.

6. Go to sleep

You don’t have to be a member of the 5 a.m club to be successful. But you do need a good night’s sleep.

Think about when you need to get up, and calculate 8 hours back from there. That’s bedtime. If it feels “too early,” tough. You need sleep more than you need late-night talk shows (and they certainly don’t need you…they’ll be fine).

Two hours before bedtime, kill the phone. Just put it away. You don’t need it, except maybe to text a good night message to someone special. Just get some sleep.

“The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

7. Simplify your morning

Following on from the previous night: in the time you have left before bed, get yourself set up for morning. Once you know your morning ritual (let me know if you need help planning one of those), you’ll know what you need laid out.

  • Get the coffee maker set up.
  • Get your pre-workout set up (if you’re using supplements…see #2).
  • Get your writing tools set up.
  • Get your top three morning tasks set up.
  • Get your workout gear set up.
  • Get your clothes for the day laid out.

When your feet hit the ground in the a.m., you shouldn’t have to delay or think about any of these steps. They’re ready to go, so you can own the morning and control your day.

How do you take care of your personal health? Any suggestions for our readers? Share them below!
