Friday 31 January 2020

3 Ways To Not Let The Pressure Get The Best Of You

It’s very normal to think about giving up on the goals we’re working on and start thinking of something else to do, especially when we had a plan to complete the process in 2 months. Yet, it’s 3 months and nothing seems to be happening. Then we start harboring thoughts like “is this thing I’m doing right for me, or maybe I don’t have a lucky star in this area” and maybe it would be best to start looking for something that will bring reward and instant results.

Today, I want to remind you that the best things in life takes time to build. A Rolls-Royce takes a period of 6 months to build, and that’s why it’s a symbol of authority. Greatness takes time. So that’s why your goals are taking time.

Here are a few easy things you can do that will keep your goals and vision alive:

1. Know The More You Repeat Something The More You Believe It

Yes, I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’re hearing or even trying out affirmations. Maybe you’ve even been making affirmations since you started working on these goals, yet, these affirmations don’t seem to bring the dream to manifest. But here’s this, are you making the right affirmations and sticking to it and the process?

In making a concrete affirmation, know exactly what you want ($2000, a coach) and say it like you’re already in possession of it (I earn $2000 as a successful coach) until you become or get that thing you’re hoping for. Stick to the script because a change of script usually means a change in action.

Another thing you need to know about affirmations is sticking with the process. If you have to recite it three times a day, recite it three times a day. Don’t let “because I’m busy” make you ignore it. If you had to ignore it because of something, then it means that “something” is more important than that goal you’re trying to reach. And anything more important usually takes precedence in our life.

“I don’t sweat the small stuff.” – Gabby Bernstein

2. Don’t Forget “Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind”

Affirmations help you remind yourself of the thing(s) you want, but bigger than affirmation is a vision board. You cannot always carry your goal in your mind because you’ve recited it three times a day. But you will always think of something when you see it. 

So it’s best you have one affirmation and then let your vision board carry all the goals you’ll achieve when you reach that goal. The vision board should carry all the physical things you’ve always wanted which you’ll get when you fulfill your goals. On the other hand, your affirmations should talk about the person who you’ll be (the best life coach).

Your vision and affirmations should work hand in hand. When you recite your affirmations, it should automatically make you think about your vision board. I understand it might feel difficult to hang your vision board out there when you’re not living alone or you’re going to have friends visit you. Here’s this, if you won’t stand up for that which you want, it also won’t stand up for you.

If you don’t see the things which you want on your vision board, when you hit a problem, it will be easier for you to give up because it’s not working. But when the idea of giving up hits you and you turn to see your goals and the life you desire, you’ll have to convince yourself that you don’t want that beautiful life before you give up.

So photoshop yourself in front of that car, photoshop your face into that dream body, photoshop yourself in front of that house, into that stage, into that publication you want to write for. Then put them all up in your vision board.

3. Understand You Didn’t Start Because The Government Made Working On Goals Mandatory

The days where we’re forced to do something are almost way past or gone. This means that anything we’re working on is something we really want to work on. Bigger than you wanting to work on something is “why” you decided to work or start that particular thing. Yes, it’s easy to say it’s because you want a better life, but what exactly made you make the decision to want a better life?

Did someone tell you that you won’t make it? Did you lose all you have? Do you hate the fact that no one wants to help you? Are you tired of asking for the things you want? Write down the exact reason why you’ve decided to start working for a better life and don’t let go of it. The pain will push you. Nothing makes us do more than our emotions (how we feel).

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” – Simon Sinek


Often times when it isn’t working, it doesn’t mean it won’t work. It means you currently don’t know enough, and therefore you have to learn more because generally, your current stage is always a result of your current level of knowledge and you can’t do more than that.

So strive to know more about your field than anyone else does, because you’re striving to become the best.

These are a few things that you should do and acknowledge whenever the going gets blurry.

What do you do when you’re feeling a lot of pressure from work, school, or life in general? Share your tips and thoughts with us below!


Thursday 30 January 2020

Self-Awareness Is the Key to Unleashing Your Potential

The young Prince knocked the poisoned arrow on his bow, pulled back the heavy string and, for a brief moment, held his breath while aiming before shooting it towards his brother’s killer. The arrow Paris released entered the only vulnerable part of his body, the heel, and led to death of the swift-footed, godlike warrior, Achilles. Although Homer, the legendary Greek poet, doesn’t tell us about how Achilles died in Iliad, one of my all-time favorite books, later ancient Greek myths describe the scene similar to the above.

Achilles’ heel was his only weak spot because that’s where his mother, Thetis, held him while dipping his body into the river Styx to make him immortal. Had he known this about himself, would Achilles have put on special armor, to shield his only weak spot, Achilles heel? If we take off from the city of Troy, the modern day Truva in Turkey, fly due southwest, across the beautiful and deep blue Aegean Sea, on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, there stands The Temple of Apollo at Delphi. It is believed to have inscribed “Know Thyself” at its forecourt.

About 100 miles south east of Delphi, in the city of Athens, a wise man once said “I am not yet able, as the Delphic inscription has it, to know myself; so it seems to me ridiculous, when I do not yet know that, to investigate irrelevant things”. 

Now, fast forward about sixteen centuries, and from Athens back to Anatolia, but this time a little more central, the Turkish Sufi mystic Yunus Emre calls, “Knowledge means to know yourself.” 

While I am nowhere near able to talk about the depth and the true meanings of the above “Know Yourself” quotes from those great minds and thinkers, a similar one, even if not as deep; Self-Awareness is an important trait to be successful and happy at work.

1Self-Awareness Unleashes Our Potential

If we know our strengths, we can capitalize on them more, which has always seemed very efficient to me as an engineer. If I am very strong in my math skills, I can be quite successful in coding or I can take on the budget management task for my team. If I am naturally strong in people skills, I can be very successful working in the service industry, or I can take the lead on some key tasks for my team that require high level of collaboration across multiple groups.

If we also enjoy working in the areas we have strengths, which is not always the case, it would even bring happiness. For example, I enjoy strategic thinking and planning and it is one of my strengths. I am privileged to have the opportunity to employ this strength in my current role. It feels good and fulfilling every time I practice it and deliver results using those skills.

Knowing our weaknesses (I do not call them opportunities deliberately!) very well, on the other hand, also helps us manage them as potential blind spots so that they won’t trip us up. For example, one of my weaknesses is that I can be impulsive at times. Instead of trying to change that weakness, the best and most efficient thing that I can do about it is to learn how to manage it. 

Learn to manage your weaknesses to the extent that they don’t trip us up and go full throttle on maximizing the use of our natural strengths.

“Awareness is all about restoring your freedom to choose what you want instead of what your past imposes on you.” – Deepak Chopra

2. Self-Awareness Helps Us Understand Others Better

When we recognize and embrace our strengths and weaknesses, we are more authentic and genuine, which promotes recognizing and embracing others’ strengths and weaknesses as well. This is essential in pulling together winning teams with happy individuals. I like the saying “a team is greater than the sum of its parts.” I believe this is only true if the team has individuals with diverse skill sets and these differences are embraced, not criticized!

I am proud to be part of a team where we never say things like “Paris is great at shooting arrows, why am I not?” Instead we say, “I will ask for Paris’ help because I need a good archer and I am not” and Paris, in return, would say something like, “I need a swift-footer warrior here but I am an archer, let me ask Achilles to help me with this one.

3. How to Enhance Self-Awareness

We can recognize and appreciate our strengths and weaknesses better by objectively observing ourselves and by continuously getting feedback. There are numerous personality and skills tests out there that we can leverage as well as asking trusted friends and co-workers for continuous feedback through formal and informal processes. It just requires an open-minded approach and a growth mindset.

Self-Awareness is a much broader and deeper concept and here we covered the knowing our strengths and weaknesses well piece of it. Whoever we are, with our strengths and weaknesses, we are all unique only when we are our authentic selves, which is what makes each and every one of us beautiful and valuable.

“Self-awareness allows people to recognize what things they do best so they can then go hard on those aspects of their life. It also helps you accept your weaknesses.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

Priam’s son, Prince Paris knew his strength and weakness well and never took Achilles up on the battlefield one on one, where he would have no chance to win. Instead, he employed his strength of being a good archer. Achilles, my hero, despite being a godlike warrior, slipped on his only weak spot, his heel. Had he had a special armor to shield his weakness, the rest of the story might have been a different one. Will you go full throttle on your archery skills and shield your Achilles’ heel?

How do you make sure you’re practicing self-awareness on a daily basis? Share your thoughts for us below!


Wednesday 29 January 2020

4 Non-Business Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read

Successful people read a lot. Take a look at any study regarding how successful people differ from everybody else. One characteristic you will find among successful people is that they are constantly reading and learning new things. While this fact is true of people who succeed in any field, it is especially common among those who have mastered the game of business.

There have been many posts written about the best business books, the best books for entrepreneurs, and the best self improvement books. But in my own experience, some of my greatest insights have come from books outside of the business world.

To name just a few examples, here are 4 books that have been surprisingly helpful to me as an entrepreneur:

1. The Signals Are Talking – Amy Webb

In business, especially when you are just starting out, you often have to make decisions even when you have very little data available. “The Signals Are Talking,” by Amy Webb, helps you make sense of small amounts of data and predicts trends based on what the author calls weak signals.

A weak signal is data that is not based on big data and statistics. Instead, it is based on observations of human behavior that could signal a coming change. For example, a unique corner store that suddenly becomes more popular or a niche website that has been gaining increased activity are both weak signals that could signal the very beginnings of a new trend developing.

Many of the greatest entrepreneurs found success by building something that satisfied a small but fast growing market. Amazon and Uber are both great examples. At the time they started, online book sales and ride sharing were very small markets. What other people didn’t realize was that while those markets may have been small, they were growing fast. Although it is not strictly aimed at business people, “The Signals Are Talking” shows you how to spot the weak signals that can tell you where a new market might be forming.

2. The Glass Cage – Nicholas Carr

Do you use a mapping app on your phone? If so, you might want to reconsider, and this book explains why. “The Glass Cage,” by Nicholas Carr, describes how technology is having a negative impact on our skills. For example, research has shown that the use of mapping apps reduces your spatial awareness and map reading skills.

In a more dramatic example, the author also describes a trend in plane crashes over the last few decades. Overall, plane crashes have gradually become less common, thanks to advances in autopilot and other tools. But those same tools can be hazardous when they fail because pilots have ceded control of the aircraft to technology, reducing their own skills as pilots. As a result, the cause of plane crashes have shifted away from safety and equipment malfunctions, and pilot error is now the leading cause of plane crashes.

This fascinating book describes the double-edged sword of technology that is around us every day, and it has changed how I work as a business owner. In light of what I learned from this book, I have gone back to doing a lot of my creative work with pen and paper, and I’m happy that I did. By learning which technology to embrace and what to avoid, I’ve become more creative and more productive in my business and in my life.

3. Who Gets What And Why? – Alvin E. Roth

Typically, selling a product is a simple matter of building something great and getting it in front of the right people at the right price. This is what economists call a commodity market. But there are some products and services that do not fit that pattern, and those products fall into a category called matching markets.

A matching market is one in which the customer not only has to choose the product, but the product is also selective about the customers. College admissions are a great example. In the college admissions market, it is not enough for a student to decide on a particular school, the school must also decide to accept the student. This is a matching market in action. Some other examples of two-sided markets are online dating, organ transplants, and job searching.

Matching markets are important for any business person to understand because they can create an uphill battle for those trying to enter an industry that is shaped by such a market. I personally have rejected product ideas I’ve had because I realized I would be working against the friction of a matching market.

If you want to learn about matching markets, the best book is “Who Gets What And Why?” by Alvin E. Roth, who won a Nobel Prize in economics for his pioneering work on this very topic.

4. Hagakure – Yamamato Tsunetomo

I first read this book in college, lent my copy to a friend, never got it back, then forgot about it. Years later, I rediscovered this incredible book. “Hagakure”– also known as The Book of the Samurai— was written by Yamamato Tsunetomo in the years from 1709 to 1716. Tsunetomo was a scribe and retainer to a samurai named Nabeshima Mitsushige. This book is a collection of thoughts and observations made by Tsunetomo over the course of those years.

Written during a time period when samurai fighting was illegal, this book covers a vast range of topics including adapting to change, confronting fear, risk taking, and the value of lifelong learning. Another common topic in the book is the importance of finding a higher purpose and casting aside selfishness in pursuit of that cause.

As entrepreneurs, these are all skills that we must be striving to improve upon. This 300 year old book is full of timeless lessons on those and other topics we must master to succeed in our pursuit of success.

What’s your favorite non-business book and why? Share it with us below!


Tuesday 28 January 2020

7 Ways You Can Help Keep Employee Passion Alive in Your Company

Starting a new job often begins with a blissful honeymoon phase, in which someone’s best work is consistently produced. Inevitably, this comes to an end sooner or later, when the flaws of the job gradually start to reveal themselves, and it’s natural that an employee’s passion may fade away once they’re comfortable.

When business owners fail to recognise that the flames of passion need to be reignited, they are likely to see an overwhelmed, bored and exhausted workforce, which inevitably invites the possibility of increased employee turnover. Since it’s no secret how expensive it is to find, hire and onboard a new member of staff, it makes a good deal of sense for managers and owners to understand how to spot the signs of passion fatigue and ultimately how to keep the embers glowing.

5 Tell-Tale Signs of Passion Fatigue

Fear of Failure – If your employees are more preoccupied with the consequences of making a mistake as opposed to taking a risk and learning from it, there’s a problem. It’s important to embrace failure as a means of learning, almost to the point of celebrating it.

Withheld Information – If you find that a small group of high-ranking employees are the only one’s privy to essential department information, such as financials, objectives, and performance evaluations, you should be concerned. This information should be available to all so that everyone is entirely aware of the company direction. 

Restricted Communication – If you begin to notice that your employees are communicating exclusively through email, even when a phone call or face-to-face meeting is more convenient, this can often spell trouble. It may mean that your employees just aren’t willing to go that extra mile to speak to a client or colleague.

Lack of Collaboration – Pay close attention to how your employees interact with each other. An employee going through the motions will usually not be interested in going out of their way to help their colleagues. 

Think About Your Own Behaviour – If your employee begins to miss deadlines, your first thought will be to dole out the consequences. And it’s entirely right to hold your employees accountable. However, before you go crashing in, consider if your actions may have contributed to these delays. Consider if your communication could be more explicit, or whether you could have delegated the project sooner. Your own processes can also contribute to passion fatigue in your employees.

Here are the 7 Ways to Rekindle the Passion

If you’ve noticed one or more of the above, then it’s time to put some plans together to help employees realise why they were so passionate in the first place. No one likes to feel negatively towards something; especially when it’s something you’re expected to do on a daily basis, so it’s up to you to help your employees reconnect and reengage.

1. Encourage Social Interaction

Human beings are social creatures by nature, which means that employees are far more likely to work harder and go that extra mile for a company that takes an interest in their personal life. In fact, according to, almost 40% of employees feel a greater sense of belonging when colleagues regularly ask how they’re getting on, both in a personal and professional sense.

2. Provide Opportunities for Creativity

The biggest hurdle towards achieving employee engagement is often a lacklustre strategy and conflicting priorities when it comes to training and development. You can prevent this by presenting employees with an opportunity to think outside the box and by offering rewards and recognition for doing so. 

We’re all wired with a need to learn new skills; by tapping into this instinct you can help your employees feel wanted and valued again. This could be anything from encouraging them to read a book you’ve recommended, volunteer for new projects, take an online course, or simply empowering them to ask more questions of superiors to improve their day-to-day work.

3. Celebrate the Wins Together

Whether you commit to celebrating a significant achievement, hosting monthly lunches or promising to celebrate employee birthdays or other personal engagements, these events should be aimed at giving your employees a chance to interact in a more relaxed setting. They also present a fantastic opportunity to increase engagement. A study undertaken by the McKinsey Global Institute found that productivity improves by 20-25% within organisations that have well-connected employees.

4. Recognition

Have you ever taken the time to show your employees how their work contributes to the continued success of the business? Do you make a point of telling your employees when KPIs are reached, and goals are achieved? Will you offer an incentive to ensure that company goals are hit faster? According to, 37% of employees consider recognition the most important of their job, so you need to ask yourself, do you recognise team and individual success?

5. Make Every Voice Heard

Asking your employees for feedback and following through with their ideas is one of the easiest ways to revitalise your workforce. If your employees feel confident enough to voice an opinion, then it’s up to you to follow through where possible. According to Salesforce, employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel confident enough to perform their very best work.

6. Offer Praise

We’ve covered the fact that employees like to be recognised for doing a great job; however, it’s also important to praise employees for the contributions that may otherwise have gone unnoticed. Whereas recognition means making a big deal of the wins, offering praise is more of a personal touch for the everyday actions, such as dealing with a problematic customer particularly well or suggesting a colour for a new piece of design work. By complementing good work, employees will be far more motivated to achieve these positive affirmations in the future.

7. Supportive Teams

Building talented teams within different departments means you should encourage the prospective managers of those teams to run a department built on honest discussions, its goals and the hurdles it faces. It’s only through honest discussion that your teams will be able to assess their strengths and weaknesses. This can encourage creativity, remove stumbling blocks and create new avenues for further growth and success.


Monday 27 January 2020

If Your Life Isn’t How You Want It, Here Are 4 Start Anytime Resolutions to Experience a Better Life

Life has never felt different for anyone just because they want life to feel different. There’s usually this feeling that we’re not experiencing our best life or we’re not where we want to be that causes us to feel like life isn’t fair to us, because it seems like everyone is doing less than we’re doing but enjoying more than we do.

If you’ve ever wanted to experience things differently from how you’ve been experiencing them, then you just need to do things differently from how you’ve been doing them. Because what you currently have is as a result of the amount of knowledge that you have.

So here are the 4 things which you’re currently doing that when you do differently, will bring about that amazing life:

1. Replace Chasing People With Finding Yourself

I want to be in a relationship with A, I want to be like B, I want to have fun and travel like C.” Although it isn’t a bad thing to want better, you need to be reminded that all these things you’re trying to do are putting you on someone’s path, which isn’t making you the engineer of your own trail.

So instead of trying so hard to fit into people’s criteria, or chase people whom you want, it’d be best to start finding yourself. Most times, the people who end up saying money doesn’t bring happiness are those people who chase making money because others were chasing money.

If there isn’t a strong why, or a deep reason why you want to become that person or get that thing, quit it because it could not bring you the best experience or the happiness which you want.

In order to find yourself, take time to completely analyze yourself. Define your own tune, dance according to your rhythm, and sing with that voice which you have. There’s beauty in the struggle. When you focus on creating your own path, you’ll surely become better, and then people will be more attracted to you because originality is what attracts people.

2. Replace Not Being Real With Yourself, With Facing The Truth

There are thousands of things which we’ve said we’d do better, that if we think about now, would have made us somebody better than we are. Procrastinating is too easy. It’s easy to give in, but giving in isn’t what brings results. Taking the extra step or doing that which you don’t want to do is what always brings about success.

When the situation presents itself that you have to procrastinate, tell yourself “I’m going to procrastinate doing this because it’s not important”. If your conscience lets you go scot-free, then you have the right to ignore that thing. But if it doesn’t, it only means that thing is very important and it will help you live a better life, so by not doing it, we’re hurting ourselves.

Most of the time, we procrastinate just because we have to watch that new episode and then leave more important things which might bring us a reward. By procrastinating because we have to watch that new episode, we’re unconsciously telling ourselves that the new episode is more important than our goals or that thing which we have to do.

3. Replace Yes With No When It Doesn’t Suit

This is usually a tough one. Especially when you have to say NO to your loved ones. It generally makes us feel like we’re not empathic or we’re boring people. But on the contrary, most times when we agree to do what the other person is requesting, we often don’t enjoy the process because we know we’ve left something more important to do.

So here’s a way out, when it begins to feel awkward to say no, remind yourself that you’re not saying no because you’re a bitter person, rather, you’re saying no because you have something of greater value to do.

And here’s a less offensive reason to give when you say no. Instead of saying “No, I have something more important to do,” say, “I already have something that’s running out of time that I have to do” even if it’s you just working on your goals.

4. Replace Sleeping With Worry For Sleeping With The Future Vision

This might prove difficult when, let’s say you didn’t get the money you needed to do something the next morning. But as you already know, it’s bedtime meaning worrying at that time won’t bring a solution because it’s too late.

So when you replace worrying with the vision of the future, where you’re already enjoying that thing, an idea of what to do next might come to you. Even if an idea doesn’t come, just sleeping with happiness will allow you to have a good night’s rest and also keep your body in a more relaxed state compared to when you’re constantly fussing about the problem at hand.

Remember, you’re not starting anything new that will require you to do much, rather, you’re replacing what you don’t like for something that will make you feel happier and joyful.


Sunday 26 January 2020

The Power of Keeping a Daily Business Journal

When most of us think about keeping a journal or diary, our minds are often transported to the potentially embarrassing things we used to scribble before we went to bed back in our middle and high school days. However, nightly journaling is actually one of the best ways to organize our thoughts, catalog our experiences, and measure our progress. As strange as it sounds, when applied to our professional lives, the practice of keeping a brief but structured journal can actually be extremely valuable, and help us become more conscious decision makers.

Not only does taking a few quick minutes to recap at night help us come to a solid point of closure for the workday, but it also provides a number of other tangible benefits as well. While there are numerous ways to go about keeping an effective daily business journal, this short guide should help you learn the fundamentals, and help you understand why it very well might be something that you should be doing.

How to approach business journaling

The best way to keep a business journal is digitally, as a running word processor document. It can be formatted however you feel most comfortable, just make sure that each day is clearly marked, and chronologically organized. 

By doing this, it’ll allow for easy use of both your word processor’s “search” or “find” function to look for key phrases, as well as a logical way to read through your thoughts relative to when you had them. Since this content will purely be for your personal use, don’t worry too much about presentation, as long as it’s organized.

As opposed to simply having a free-writing session, in which you simply spend a few minutes writing about your day, it’s highly recommended that you keep a standard set of questions that you ask yourself and respond to, in every entry. This helps make the process quick and easy while allowing you to structure your thoughts in a manner that will ensure you come up with something concrete and beneficial every time you write.

While there’s a wealth of questions to draw from that could provide value, the list below should give you an excellent depiction of how well-thought out and repeatable questions can turn a quick journaling session, into a growing database of real-world information, and actionable thoughts.

“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” – Mina Murray

Answer these 5 questions everyday in your business journal:

1. Who Did I Deal with Today?

You don’t have to list everyone you spoke to, but make sure to mention new potentially important contacts, and any interactions that had major implications for your business. Listing numbers and email addresses for these people while writing can be beneficial as well, though not necessary. Interesting personal facts  such as birthdays, hobbies, and family news are a great idea as well.

This question is designed to help you keep an accurate account of the numerous people you’ll do business with, which can go to great lengths to help you prepare for future meetings or in dealings down the road.

2. What Did I Get Done Today?

Answering this question not only allows you to positively reflect on the successes you had that day, but more importantly, also forces you to hold yourself accountable if you gave an effort less than your best. Not being able to have a good answer here isn’t a good feeling.

3. What Did I Struggle with Today?

This question is critical in defining the things you should focus on in order to become a more well-rounded executive or business owner. If you notice a trend in similar areas, you should be able to figure out exactly what skills you should look into developing.

4. What’s One Thing I Learned Today?

The business world is always evolving and changing, and it’s a guarantee that your specific industry is too. As a result, even the most intelligent, talented of senior executives and business owners should always be looking to learn new things, and take in new ideas. By consciously answering this question each day, you can rest easy knowing that you’re progressing along with the world around you.

“A personal journal is an ideal environment in which to ‘become’. It is a perfect place for you to think, feel, discover, expand, remember, and dream.” – Brad Wilcox

5. What Do I Want to Accomplish Tomorrow?

The best way to end a business journal entry, and your workday in general, is to close it out with a clear and actionable list of what your goals are for the next day. This practice allows you to get up, get to work, and get straight to that list – and any productive business owner or executive should understand the value of an organized check list.

Maintaining Your Business Journal

As you could probably imagine, taking just a few minutes of your night to maintain a business journal can lead to the creation of a great deal of useful information. While the concept might seem a bit silly at first, having a personal database of information on key clients, a running tally of your most important thoughts, and giving yourself a chance to reflect on each day’s performance isn’t a ridiculous idea in the slightest bit. 

You don’t have to invest a lot of time into your journal. Just make sure to dedicate at least 5-10 focused minutes each night, and you’ll see a huge difference in your life. 

Do you keep a journal? If you do, share your thoughts below on how you think it’s helped you!


Saturday 25 January 2020

10 Negotiation Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have

We all want to get as much as we can in every deal or transaction. We cannot help considering our self-interests every time we negotiate a deal. This is not selfishness but how we have been created and conditioned by nature. However, to become a great negotiator, you’ll have to put your needs and wants aside and start looking at things objectively. The last thing you want to happen is to blow up the deal just because you couldn’t stop thinking of serving yourself.

Similar to running a business, negotiating is not the easiest thing on the planet. You need to know what you are giving so that you can take what you want. Successful negotiators understand how to strike this balance to build and grow their business. What separates successful negotiators from unsuccessful ones?

Successful negotiators take their time to develop the essential skills that will give them an edge over other negotiators. It takes time and practice to master negotiation skills because every deal will be unique, and you’ll need to use the right approach every time. 

Today, we are going to discuss the top ten negotiation skills that every entrepreneur must have to master this game. Let’s get started:

1. Planning skills

All successful negotiations are the results of planning and preparation. This means that you should do your research properly and know the other party. Knowing the nature of their business and talking to others who have worked closely with them will help you know their strengths and weaknesses.

You can’t offer something to people who you don’t know. After doing your research and knowing the parties involved, you should get adequate rest and show up for the meeting on time. When you do this, you’ll be confident and happy and they will respond in a great way.

2. Understand the opening offer

In most cases, the opening offer anchors the negotiations. It’s the place which holds most of the important details. Therefore, you need to look at it carefully. Some of the elements of an offer include the work being proposed, the goods or services to be used, time of delivery, warranties, incentives, terms and conditions and most importantly, the price.

If you are the person who is going to initiate the opening offer, you’ll have the opportunity to set the stage for negotiations. Keep in mind that the other party doesn’t know what you want. Therefore, you need to be bold and state what you want clearly. If you are on the other side, you should be analyzing how close you are to the proposed offer.

Also, have a clear bottom line. What will you accept? Look at the details closely and understand what you are signing up for.

3. Emotional control

While you should be confident because you’ve done adequate research, you should leave your ego at home. Lack of emotional control is one of the best ways to fail terribly. When negotiating, you should be as neutral as you can. When you control your thoughts and emotions, you’ll be able to think clearly and objectively during tough times and make informed decisions.

Similar to other aspects of life, you have to think clearly when negotiations become stressful. Instead of being rigid, you should be willing to find a common ground. By doing this, you’ll strike a balance between not giving much away and getting what you want. Leaving your ego at home will put your emotions in check help you figure out the way forward.

“The most difficult thing in any negotiation, almost, is making sure that you strip it of the emotion and deal with the facts. And there was a considerable challenge to that here and understandably so.” – Howard Baker

4. Play the game well

Before entering into high-stakes negotiations, it’s important to run through all the possible scenarios with a loved one or colleague. You’ll end up feeling less anxious and you’ll discover several objections to the offer that you had not considered or discover a side of the deal that could benefit you and the other party.

If you don’t have someone to help you out, you should play all the scenarios in your mind. This will help you feel less attached to your expectations. Yes, it’s important to care, but don’t care too much as this may result in a lack of emotional control in case you fail to get what you wanted. Remember, stay neutral and keep your emotions in check. Keep practicing regularly and you’ll master this skill.

5. Strategic thinking

To begin negotiations successfully, you need to think strategically and exercise self-awareness. You need to understand not only your strengths and weaknesses but also the other party’s strong points and weaknesses. Doing this will help you avoid being exploited.

If your company is an infant, how big can it grow in five to ten years? Will you have the ability to respond to your customers needs? What can you offer that the other party can’t? What can the other side offer that you can’t? Knowing clearly where you stand will help you make informed decisions.

6. Be ready to walk away

When you get into a negotiation with the mindset that you can walk away if things don’t happen as you envisioned, you’ll be in a position of power. That’s why it’s important to stay neutral the entire time. You can’t be bullied if you can get up and leave.

When you tell yourself that this deal is everything to you, you’ll find it difficult to control your emotions. And this will weaken your position. Your success or failure in negotiating will be determined by your mindset.

Remember, you are going to hold hundreds of negotiations. If one doesn’t go through, you are keeping your space open to get better opportunities in the future. Don’t force a deal that doesn’t sit right with you. Listen to your intuition. It’s the best and most accurate guide you have. You can never ignore your intuition and succeed.

“To win a negotiation you have to show you’re willing to walk away. And the best way to show you’re willing to walk away is to walk away.” – Michael Weston

7. Ask good questions

You can gain useful information by simply asking good questions. All successful negotiators ask questions. Do not be afraid to ask because no one knows everything. Asking questions is a sign of intelligence. However, you need to formulate your questions properly to hit the jackpot.

Avoid asking yes or no questions because they won’t help you get crucial information. Instead of asking, “It’s a great idea, right?”, you can ask, “Can you share the challenges you’ve been facing this year?”

8. Listen attentively

We all like to hear the sound of voices and have someone listen to us without interrupting. All successful negotiators are effective listeners. They don’t think of what they are going to say next when the other party is talking.

They listen to the arguments presented carefully and then paraphrase what they heard to ensure they’ve understood each other. You cannot acquire valuable information if you dominate the conversation most of the time.

9. Prepare and present several offers simultaneously

Instead of making only one offer, consider presenting more than two offers at once. If the other party rejects all offers, ask him or her to tell you which one he liked most and why. Then go to work and improve that offer. 

You can also brainstorm with the other party to reach a conclusion that pleases both of you. This strategy not only reduces the odds of a failed negotiation but also promotes creative solutions.

10. Respect culture

Most of the things we do in the US are unacceptable in other cultures across the world. The other party might avoid associating with you because of your behavior. Therefore, it’s important to know who you are negotiating with and their cultural background. People like the Chinese, Japanese and Indians respect their culture because it controls all aspects of their lives. Learn how to greet the elderly, serve your food and when to start speaking to name a few.

Always negotiate with the person in charge of making decisions to avoid wasting time. Also, keep your conversation light and funny to avoid destroying your reputation. When you master these ten essential skills, you’ll be one of the best negotiators in the world.

What do you think is one of the most important skills to becoming a great negotiator? Share your thoughts with us below!


Friday 24 January 2020

How to Deal With the Fears That Hold You Back From Happiness

Fear is an emotion that most of us experience in this lifetime. However, some of us live in a more heightened state of fear, and sometimes it can rule our lives. Of course, I’m not talking about instinctive fear that our organism provides in dangerous situations. In this case, it serves for our protection. 

The fear I speak of would be one in which it rules your life and makes happiness tough to achieve. But how do you deal and eventually overcome this heightened state of fear that rules your life?

Dealing with your fear is by far an easy process, and it requires an open mind and a specific strength of character. But it is not an impossible mission – it’s mostly about your perspective and changing your belief system. 

Therefore, in today’s post, we’re presenting how to deal with the fears that hold you back from happiness.

1. Accept and Observe Your Fear

Fear is an unpleasant emotion which we wish never to feel if possible, yet sometimes we do, and sometimes it can even rule our life. But that’s ok. 

Life isn’t perfect. It’s a beautiful experience that comes with both positive and negative experiences. The positive ones are here to enjoy life at its fullest and the negative ones to learn as much as we possibly can.

Therefore, instead of denying your fear or letting it take the best of you, accept it for what it is – a simple part of your life, not your enemy. First, allow yourself to feel afraid – denying it won’t extinguish its existence. Accept that you are feeling fearful. Next, take your time and whenever you notice that you are afraid of something, observe the processes your mind is going through.

2. Understand Why You’re Experiencing this Emotion

If you started to accept and observe your fear, you’d have to try your best to understand the root of your fear. I am aware that dealing with your fears isn’t an easy or pleasant process, but understanding your fears is a crucial aspect of overcoming them and assuring that they will never trouble you again.

Therefore, be patient with yourself, and while you observe your behavior and your thoughts while you’re afraid, try to understand something out of it. Perhaps it will be easier to keep a journal to keep track of your emotions, thoughts, and progress. Through journaling, you’ll be able to notice some patterns if you’re consistent.

“In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself.” – Susan Sontag

3. Try to Be in Control of Your Fear Not the Other Way Around

Fear has the power to take control of your life. When you live in fear, all the decisions you’ll make will be fear-based. In other words, fear chains your freedom. But how do you control fear? I don’t believe that there is a practical method to control the fear that will work 100% for everyone who tries it. But some techniques will come in extremely handy.

I like to say it’s not an emotion but rather a state of mind. Based on this premise, to control your fear means to change your mindset and belief system. For example, fearful people believe they are weak, or they tend to have this perspective of themselves of not being good enough. But if you start thinking that you are stronger than that and keep acting accordingly, you will eventually become stronger, and fear won’t stand a chance against you.

4. Perceive Fear From Another Point of View

Fear can help you and tear you apart, depending on your point of view. Generally speaking, fear is considered something you should hide from other people so they won’t pity you – as if it is wrong to feel afraid.

Well, it is not wrong to feel afraid. You are allowed to feel whatever you feel like – we are not living in a bubble where everything is perfect. Fear is part of our life, and you can decide how you welcome it in your life.

Will you let the fear you’re experiencing to tear your life apart or will you take it as a challenge to help you become a stronger and wiser person? 

5. Fear Is a Learned Behavior

One crucial aspect you should know regarding fear is that it is a learned behavior. We aren’t born afraid. Most of us grow up having our parent’s fears because when we’re young, we copy our parent’s behavior – without being able to decide for ourselves if it’s a good thing to learn or not.

For instance, the fear of dogs is born from one or more bad experiences we had with an aggressive dog. It happened because we associate dogs with pain, and, naturally, our body wants to avoid pain. Therefore, the way you were able to learn to be afraid of certain aspects, you are perfectly able to unlearn them and overcome your fears.

“The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela


Living in fear is not how we should experience our existence on this beautiful planet. We are powerful creatures who come across difficult situations throughout their lifetime. How you manage to overcome every obstacle and learn from that experience is you’ll evolve and become a stronger version of yourself.

Fear is a powerful emotion, so a person who manages to overcome his fears, with or without professional help, will become stronger than he could ever imagine. For that reason, take fear as a friend who comes to help you become a better and stronger version of yourself.

How do you use fear to your advantage and not let it paralyze you? Share your thoughts and ideas with us below!


Thursday 23 January 2020

The Big Lie That Could Be Costing You Thousands And How To Quickly Turn It Around

If you are a coach or entrepreneur, there’s no doubt in my mind that you will have heard this lie. You will have seen people posting about it religiously on Facebook and you may have nodded your head in agreement, while throwing them a love heart. If you did, I wouldn’t blame you. On the surface, it seems like very good advice but if you followed it, you would probably find yourself confused, frustrated, and broke.

Every day, I see this untruth being repeated time and time again in various formats, with an army of people waving their hands in the air and commenting with an enthusiastic ‘hell yes.’ It’s no wonder that this idea gets people pumped- if it was true, it would mean that the business world would be simple, easy to navigate and everyone following this tidbit of false wisdom would have an endless supply of clients. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

So, what is this big lie?

All you have to do is show up as your authentic self and people will buy from you!”

Before I carry on, I want to make it clear that I’m not implying that being authentic is not important and I’m certainly not encouraging you to be fake to convince people to part with their hard earned cash. What I do want to get across is that it’s not the most important thing and showing up as your authentic self is not enough to build and sustain a profitable business

The idea behind it is that if you post a zillion times a day, on every platform that ever existed, as your true authentic self, the right people will be attracted to you and want to work with you. However, what’s more likely to happen is that they see your post, they may engage, and may even shoot you a DM letting you know how much they love your content.

Why is that a bad thing?

You think Wow, this is amazing. I’m gaining traction and people are loving my posts. You are on a high, excited for the cash to hit your account, but… nothing. Nada. Zilch. You kick it up a notch. 

You post more regularly and reveal more of your true self. You may have posted something highly personal which took a lot of courage and you are proud of yourself for doing so. Once again, your followers are shouting from the rooftops “You are amazing!”, “You are so authentic” and “Wow, you are so inspirational.”

Dopamine levels on a high, you keep checking your account to see if your new found authenticity has translated into cash yet. It hasn’t, but you just know that it’s going to happen real soon. These things take time and only the ones willing to do what it takes will persevere. The engagement is proof that it’s working. The money will follow! Sorry to burst your bubble, but it won’t. 

Here’s why it doesn’t work. 

You posting regularly showing your true authentic self will attract people to you, who share common outlooks, experiences and beliefs but for them to actually hand over their cash to work with you requires so much more. The number one thing that your potential clients need to know about you is – can you get away from the pain they are in, or towards the result that they want? 

So, what do I do instead?

Show them that the answer to the above question is a resounding yes by sharing regular credibility posts. 

Prove it with client results and testimonials. Show them why they need the result that you can provide and above all, make sure you have an offer with a clearly defined result. This is extra effective if you can also specify a time frame. 

Make sure that anyone who clicks on your profile can see immediately who you are and what results you can get for them. Create an eye catching banner, write a captivating bio and post with strategy and a clear intent as opposed to throwing as much mediocre content as you possibly can out into the world. 

Get used to doing this consistently and that is when you’ll experience rapid growth in your business with your social media engagement converting into cash.

What’s the biggest take away you got from this article? Share it with us below!


Wednesday 22 January 2020

3 Signs You’re Helping Raise a Quitter

Quitting is a bad habit and one that is taught and learned. As parents, we have way more control over this than we think, or even want to take responsibility for. Our children emulate what they see. If you bounce from job to job, or hobby to hobby, your child is more likely to do the same.

Conversely, if you have been committed to your marriage, your career, your faith, or to a fitness regimen, your children are likely to do the same. Duplication is by no means guaranteed, and as a father of 5 who has stumbled, fumbled, and bumbled my way through parenthood, I’ve discovered 3 key indicators of when I am enabling, perhaps even cultivating, a culture of quitting.

1. You Use Your Excuses As Their Exit

Being a good parent is hard. Very hard. Harder than most people think. Combine this with your faith, a meaningful relationship with your spouse, a career, a fitness regimen, and you’ve got a resume that would make any circus juggler envious.

It’s our job as parents to nurture the interests and creativity of our children. So what do we do? We have them learn an instrument. We put them in sports. We send them to coding or acting class. We keep them busy-especially during the summer months. Here’s the catch, keeping them busy makes you busier.

After a particularly stressful day, the last thing you want to hear is, “Mommy/Daddy I have practice at 6:30 pm.” Don’t even get me started if you are the coach. All you want to do is sit on the couch. I’ve been there. When I get home after a long day, I don’t want to jump back in my car to drop off my kid.

Your child sees this and feeds off this energy. The last thing a kid wants to hear or see is their mom or dad groan about taking them to band practice after anxiously waiting for you to come home for the last hour. It sets a precedence and one that children can use as leverage to quit in the future. Remember, everything is fun in the beginning-until you want to be exceptional at it. Then the reality of what it takes to be good settles in. When this reality settles in is when most people, not only children, abandon their goals or dreams.

“But Paul, I have to force my kid to go and it’s a battle every time.” I’ve been there. It is easy to just give up and let your child stay home or worse yet, quit because you don’t want to deal with the regular confrontation of forcing them to participate in their activities or because you are exhausted. You cannot permit your lethargy as a way out for your child or they will use your moment of weakness as an escape. Once your child learns how to use this as leverage they will exploit it. Trust me. They will. I know some of you will argue, “Not my child.” and I’ll just smile and agree with you. Don’t let your excuses be the reason your children quit.

“Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.” – Vince Lombardi

2. You Finish/Fix Things For Them

It never fails. There is a class assignment or a science fair and one child turns in a project or a diorama that was clearly completed by a parent. I’m not trying to make a blanket statement, I realize that there are many talented children who are beyond their years, but let’s be real. When Tommy turns in a model of Fenway Park that looks like Frank Lloyd Wright could have done it, it’s going to raise an eyebrow.

I’m all for participating in the assignment with your kid and using it as an opportunity to connect, just not doing it for them. Winning an award for work they did not personally complete is just as bad, or worse than participation trophies. Buy them the supplies and all the tools they need to complete the assignment, just don’t do it for them or you’ll find yourself doing this more times than you think.

It is important that we let our children finish what they start. This applies to everything, even household chores. There are more times than I can count where I ask one of my kids to do something, knowing that I can get it done faster and better than they can, and yet I sit on the sidelines watching and waiting for them to complete the tasks.

It wasn’t always this way. I used to:  1) assign a chore to my children, 2) wait for them to complete it, 3) get tired of waiting, and 4) do it myself. This was a horrible pattern and it taught them that if they didn’t do something, it would eventually get done by someone else. Bad. Bad. Bad.

There is an amazing sense of satisfaction and self worth that is accompanied with finishing things on our own and as parents, it can be challenging to watch our children struggle, but it is necessary.

“Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit.” – Edwin Louis Cole

3. You Make Quitting an Option

I cringe when I hear someone say, “Try it, and if you don’t like it-quit.” When you start something with that kind of mentality you have one foot in, and one foot out the door. I’m not saying that there isn’t a time and place for exploring options, because there is. I am saying however, that if all you are doing is exploring options, and never committing to them, you are setting yourself up for guaranteed failure.

Shame on you if you are teaching your children the same method of operation. Live your life as you wish, but don’t rob your child of the pride and self satisfaction that comes from committing to something and following it through.

My wife and I have taken our children to their activities on days when they were kicking, screaming and even crying. We’ve taken them on days where we were tired, hungry, stressed out, and broke. We are non-negotiable. My kids know this. In our family it isn’t about being the best in as much as it is about finishing what you start. Being the best is a by-product of staying committed and putting in the work when others are “trying it out.”

If you make quitting an option, most children will opt in and develop a habit of not finishing what they start. If you make finishing the only option they know, they are less likely to head for the hills upon the first roadblock they hit.

I hope you enjoyed this piece may it bring more commitment and success to you and your children.


Tuesday 21 January 2020

5 Multi-Tasking Tips for the on the Go Mogul

It’s no secret that the business world – actually, the world in general – is moving at a speed that wasn’t even possible just a short generation ago. Our new tech tools, most notably the emergence of the wireless Internet enabled device, have made communication, logistics, and management a quicker process than ever before. Combine that with the competitive nature of the business environment, and instead of being able to sit back and enjoy the productivity increases of these new tools, we’re often required to get more accomplished – in the same amount of time.

In order to maintain any ability to balance work and life, we must often learn how to get multiple things done at once, just to keep up. These 5 tips are designed to help you – the CEOs, entrepreneurs, and small business owners of the world – get more than one thing done at the same time, business-related and personal, so that you can achieve your goals, and more importantly, feel good while doing so.

1. The Magic of the Meal Meeting

Any business owner knows that networking and developing strong relationships is key when it comes to finding new opportunities, managing their team, and generating sales. They also know that finding time to get a healthy meal in can be one of the first sacrifices made, and on a regular basis. Considering nutrition is a critical factor in functioning at our absolute best, missing meals can be a slippery slope.

By scheduling as many informal meetings as possible over meals, it’s possible to facilitate strong business relationships while getting the food fuel you need to operate at 100%. By having a coworker or prospective associate meet you over a meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner), you’ll not only free yourself time to be in the office when you absolutely need to be, but allow yourself to maintain healthy eating habits as well. The added sense of camaraderie, and opportunity for some small talk, can go a long way too.

2. Harnessing the Power of Your Smart Phone and Its Email Capabilities

Granted, not all of us are blessed with the ability to be technological wizards that know how to make the most of the gadgets we have. However, with a little effort to learn, the time saving capabilities of accessing email on any modern smartphone can be great. As long as your phone is by your side, having your email inbox just a quick glance away can be invaluable.

You’ll instantly know when an important message comes through, and combined with some savvy use of filter settings, be able to keep all your messages organized with minimal effort. Not only does this prevent your inbox from becoming a cluttered, time-consuming, organizational nightmare, but being able to shoot out a quick response while waiting for an elevator, or a small handful while say, waiting for a haircut, can be a huge time saver over the course of a week.

3. Rethink Your Commute

For professionals that commute, switching to a passive form of transportation, such as the train or carpooling, can free up a great deal of time over the long term, and allow you to get a ton of less thought intensive tasks done. It might not be the most glamorous way to get to work, but now that so many devices can access the Internet through a cellular signal, being able to answer emails or work on a presentation while you’d otherwise be driving, can eliminate a lot of the work you’d be doing at home, ultimately freeing up time for you to relax or be with your family and help you balance work and life.

4. Put the “Work” in Workout

This tip might not be possible for the real work out warriors of the world, who go 100% percent at the gym. But, for those of us that only hit the treadmill to get a light jog or brisk walk in, it can be a great way to “kill two birds with one stone”. Peering over a report, listening in on a meeting (or a recording of one), and doing some light emailing or messaging, can all be accomplished while getting your heart rate high enough to be considered aerobic exercise. Not only does this allow you to multi-task, but also helps ensure that you can take care of yourself physically at the same time. That doesn’t begin to factor in the mental benefits of exercise either.

5. Master the Art of Delegation

The most difficult, but also most effective way to multi-task is to make the absolute best use of your most valuable resources – your subordinates, assistants, or employees. Sure, you could argue that this isn’t multi-tasking in a traditional sense, but whenever you’re doing anything that someone else could be doing for you, it drastically reduces your efficiency.

As you go throughout your day, make a mental note of the tasks you commonly do, that you might be able to source elsewhere. By effectively “outsourcing” some of them to others who may have some time on their hands, you’ll be able to get that original task done, while actually working on something more complicated or intensive yourself, which can go great lengths to giving you the power to balance work and life.

Many people say that multi-tasking is bad and that it’s impossible to do several things simultaneously. But as you can see, it is not difficult to combine useful and necessary things. We can show it on the example of informal meetings. On the one hand, you just have dinner, but, on the other hand, you maintain positive relationships with your partners and colleagues. There is one more opportunity to save your time answering email letters while waiting for an elevator, or a small handful while say, waiting for a haircut etc. Moreover, you can save time thinking over your plans and ideas when going home or exercising.


Monday 20 January 2020

5 Things I Did on the Way to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Everybody’s story is different, and while some people choose to not share their stories, I’m proud of mine not only because of how far I’ve gotten, but also because of where I started. It was not normal for my family to have much food because we grew up poor. Today, I have a comfortable life, and appreciate that when I look back, I see I’ve made difficult but fruitful decisions. Today, I am an Entrepreneur, an IT guide, a project consultant, a professional sales trainer, an author, and a youth awardee.

Here are the 5 things I did on my journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur:

1. Don’t wait for an opportunity, create one

When I was old enough, I started working in a call centre to support my family. If I had waited for a better opportunity, either I would’ve started very late or worse – never started at all. Yes, it was a small paying job, but it was something. We must learn to make big things happen from small opportunities.

I learned a lot from my first job. I could experiment more freely in my first job. So if you are offered a small paying job today and you have limited options, I would suggest you go for it. 

2. Never quit learning

We were not taught English in school because we were taught all our subjects in Gujarati. Due to this, I could hardly speak a word or two of English. I couldn’t afford to go to classes because of time and funds. I learned English by hearing others communicate, and I picked up on it. Now I can speak, read, and communicate in it.

This gave me the confidence to learn and master what you love. I learned enough to write a book, named ‘You Gotta Close The Deal’ and got it published. Never stop learning, knowledge isn’t bound to age, you must seek and offer it all your life. 

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

3. Accept rejection, correct your mistakes, and improve yourself

I never went to college, hence I do not have any specialised degree. When I thought of switching jobs, I was rejected many times because I did not have a degree. I had acquired some soft sales skills, but when I sought jobs, people with college degrees and no skills were given preference over me.

I accepted the rejections but never thought of staying stagnant and giving into my failures. I knew my pace would be slow, but no one was going to stop me from trying.

Accepting rejection made me accept reality and realize what I lack along with making the most from what I have. I could not go back and secure myself a degree, but I could procure more skills to the point where no one would ask for a degree. Today I’m just a high school graduate who is a sales trainer and teaches MBA students.

4. Grow in the environment and learn all you can 

I have always made the best out of any situation, and learned all I could. Once you feel you’ve learned all you can or that you’re not growing anymore, it’s time for you to leave and choose your next challenge. 

“The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” – Tom Bodett

5. Maintain consistency, don’t quit easily

For the hope of a better tomorrow, we pick up positive habits, make resolutions, join classes and more. However, only some succeed in following through. A lot of people join the gym in January, but only some meet their fitness goals. Why? Because they give up after a few days. They are not consistent.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Hard work doesn’t pay off instantly. You have to have faith in yourself, and be okay with potentially struggling. You need to keep your composure and be patient as the situations unfold in your favor.

When I had a small paying job, I tried to be the best at it. When I got rejected in the first sales job, I did not quit going to them. When I was writing my sales book, there were many nights when I wasn’t satisfied with what I had written so I kept scribbling my ideas and working on my thoughts. I was persistent since I never skipped a day on writing.

A lot of us start something which has great potential, but only a few of us continue it to the point where it turns out to be great. Being consistent is equally as important as it is to start. Don’t wait, and don’t quit easily. You will make it one day!

I started with little knowledge and skills in my pocket. As I moved ahead of my journey, I earned confidence, dreamt big, made friends, gained knowledge, and still have space to welcome more of the things life has to offer me.

I am walking with my hands wide open to embrace all the challenges to face and overcome before I call it a day. I hope you develop the courage to follow your dreams and passion. I wish you luck and work hard to get what you have always wanted. 

What do you think are the most important skills to become a successful entrepreneur? Share your thoughts with us below!


Sunday 19 January 2020

10 Things You Need to Understand About Self Motivation

Often, many of us find ourselves in motivational slumps that we need to escape. Sometimes it resembles a continuous cycle where we are motivated for a while, fall out and afterward need to build things back once more. This vicious cycle can be harmful to a person’s life, work, and relationships too.

Self-motivation can be lost due to a wide variety of reasons and factors. This could be dissatisfaction at work or a horrible boss, difficulty in personal and professional relationships, financial constraints, or health issues. 

Demotivation has also become very common in youngsters too. It results from studies, inability to cope with pressure, exam stress, education loans or fear of unemployment. Motivation is gained or lost due to deeply personal issues.

There is nothing more imperative for self-motivation than the correct attitude. You can’t pick or control your situation, yet you can pick your attitude towards your circumstances. 

Famous American inspirational orator and author, Dr. Stephen R. Brood once commented: “Inspiration is a fire from within. If another person attempts to light that fire under you, odds are it will burn quickly.”

How Would You Characterize Motivation? 

There are two distinct kinds of motivation: 

  • Intrinsic Motivation which originates from within ourselves. 
  • Extrinsic Motivation that is derived from an outside source, for example, a companion, partners, seniors at the workplace, religious or spiritual leaders, spouse, kids, or any other source.

Basically, motivation can be depicted as a reason or cause by which an individual or a group of individuals behave in a specific way. The reason or cause must be very strong, and it often involves personal interests. 

Here are a few things you need to understand to develop your Self-Motivation Plan:

1. Setting a Goal

Defining an objective for yourself is a tried and tested technique to stay motivated. In any case, it is necessary to set practical and attainable goals. Set yourself a deadline by which you expect to accomplish these objectives. 

There are three kinds of goals: 

  • Short-term goals: These might be accomplished in 15 days or a few months. 
  • Mid-term goals: These typically take a year or two to accomplish.
  • Long-term objectives: Here you can include your career, plans for marriage, purchasing a home or anything that takes a longer period of time. 

“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do. ” – Norman Vincent Peale

2. Money Matters 

In any case, money does make a difference in staying motivated. While we are not talking about a very large sum of money, you should have adequate funds to lead a decent life. This is an excellent motivator. You can begin by saving a substantial part of your pay daily or monthly. 

3. Get Rid of Any Loans

Without a doubt, people burdened with loans show a propensity to lose motivation. The explanation is straightforward: A substantial part of your profit will go towards clearing any debt or loans you have. Avoid taking credit, except under specific circumstances.

4. Mingle with Constructive Individuals 

Mostly, people with a positive attitude and disposition are the best motivators. Despite your circumstances, they will consistently attempt to elevate your perspective. Such positive-minded individuals will inspire you regardless of whether you are feeling low and depressed. Further, if you experience negative thoughts, talk with such individuals to get a different perspective.

5. Value Yourself First 

Whenever you lose inspiration, think about all the positive stuff you have done before and think about the good things you have had. Similarly, recollect all the unpleasant occasions you have experienced and how you cruised through them safely. Valuing yourself for your accomplishments is an incredible motivator.

6. Use Mistakes as Experiences 

This implies gaining from your past mistakes, on the grounds that as people we are inclined to missteps because of innate imperfections or flaws in our character. Keep in mind, mistakes don’t last, and they are essential lessons for us. The vast majority of people will lose motivation when things go astray and favorable outcomes are not inevitable. 

7. Inspect Your Motive 

The path to motivation lies in our thought process itself. If your motives are good, motivation follows automatically. Still, be careful because the wrong motive can prompt a lack of motivation which can land even the most steady and calm individual into a major dilemma. When your motives are certain and clear, motivation comes naturally. 

8. Avoid Getting Stressed 

Stress can be separated into two distinct classes: 

  • Negative stress: This emerges out of negative actions, interacting with irritating individuals and lethargy, or continuous exposure to difficult circumstances and depression. 
  • Positive stress: Accrues by resolving business-related or domestic issues. Positive stress usually leaves you fulfilled and happy once the issue has been settled or after a difficult day’s worth of effort. 

Worry in everyday life is impending. Remaining motivated causes you to stay driven. 

9. Decide to be Happy 

Currently, this may seem like a difficult task for anybody experiencing unfavorable circumstances. However, it is beneficial to take note of each terrible circumstance that consistently passes. 

Know that each unfortunate circumstance will in the end disappear. Losing motivation won’t help take care of any issue and neither will be stressing over something. You can maintain your motivation with the sheer idea that each issue is short. 

“The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have.” –  Woody Allen

10. Chart Your Path

Sadly, most people begin a journey or endeavor without much regard for the final result. Instead, you can chart your own path. Take stock about how you want to start and why. This in itself is a big motivational factor. Simultaneously, keep in mind what is the precise goal or the end where your journey should come to a full circle. Be fearless in the pursuit of your dreams and goals.


It is worth remembering that at some point or the other, we all lose motivation in our lives. It is perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed or worried about. However, when one is feeling low or demotivated, one should try to analyze the causes of losing motivation, understanding its reasons, and finding ways to counter it.

How do you motivate yourself to push forward? Share your thoughts with us below!
