Thursday 31 August 2017

28 Inspirational Nelson Mandela Quotes

Nelson Mandela is the former president of South Africa, as well as a well known and respected humanitarian, activist, philanthropist, politician, and revolutionary.  Millions look towards Mandelas actions as they fight for their own human rights across the world.  It is hard to argue against the idea that he was one of the most influential leaders in recent memory.

Here are a few of his most powerful quotes:

1. “I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.” – Nelson Mandela

2. “Forget the past” – Nelson Mandela

3. “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela

4. “Difficulties break some men but make others. No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps on trying, one armed with the hope that he will rise even in the end.” – Nelson Mandela

5. “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination” – Nelson Mandela

6. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

7. “When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace.” – Nelson Mandela

8. “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela

9. “And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same” – Nelson Mandela

10. “Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people.” – Nelson Mandela

11. “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy.  Then he becomes your partner” – Nelson Mandela

12. “A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.” – Nelson Mandela

13. “Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.” – Nelson Mandela

14. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

15. “Let each know that for each the body, the mind, and the soul have been freed to fullfill themselves” – Nelson Mandela

16. “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” – Nelson Mandela

17. “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” – Nelson Mandela

18. “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb” – Nelson Mandela

19. “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela

20. “When the water starts boiling it is foolish to turn off the heat” – Nelson Mandela

21. “Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will.” – Nelson Mandela

22. “Courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace” – Nelson Mandela

23. “We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.” – Nelson Mandela

24. “Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished” – Nelson Mandela

25. “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” – Nelson Mandela

26. “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela

27. “I like friends who have independent minds because they tend to make you see problems from all angles.” – Nelson Mandela

28. “When people are determined they can overcome anything.” – Nelson Mandela

What is your favorite Nelson Mandela Quote?  Comment Below!


4 Animated Films That Motivate Us to Have a Positive Attitude in Life

Attitude is the compilation of how we view everything around us as well as reflecting what we think and feel towards something. It also influences our actions and decision-making which makes it all the more important. Nowadays, because of increasing problems, people are having a hard time in keeping up a good outlook in life.

However, attitudes and behaviors are easily influenced from external sources in the environment. The most common and influential external factor that can affect people is by watching television and/or movies. A recent survey shows that an average person will watch approximately 5,000 movies in their lifetime. It also revealed 10% of the people based their career paths on movies while 25% were influenced in choosing where they want to live.

Different movies can prompt varying responses to our mental capability and beliefs. Research revealed that the wrong kind of movie can affect a person negatively. Some movies can stress you further while other movies can make you gain weight. The good thing is that there are films that can motivate us to have a positive attitude.

Here are the most influential animated films promoting a better perspective in life:

1. The Lion King – Worry-free life & the art of moving forward

The Lion King has a lot to teach us. For one, it shows that maybe you just need some Hakuna Matata (No Worries) in your life. Panicking and stressing out will only make it worse for your situation and your health. Sure, it won’t solve your problems with work or pay your bills but it will calm you and give you some peace of mind to be able to think of a solution.

Every one of us has a past and everyone has something in their past that has hurt them. The severity may vary but the pain caused by our past still hurts. As Rafiki, the baboon stated, we can either run from it or learn from it. Running away from it and ignoring it is the easiest thing to do but it will still be there, haunting you. The only way for us to develop and grow to our full potential is to confront it. You have to be brave and face the pain and fear of the past and learn from it to move forward.

“The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.” — Rafiki

2. Mulan – Empowering women & just be yourself

This movie introduced the gender discrimination that is present in the world. Responsibilities and roles are limited to women whose duty is to only give birth. However, the movie motivates women and shows them that they can be more when they want to and not limit themselves to how other people expect them to be.

Apart from empowering women, it also teaches you to be true to yourself despite the adversity that you will be facing in every corner for being that way. Challenges and struggles make us into better and stronger people. Never give up even if you fail because being yourself is your greatest weapon to overcome the problems that are blocking your way to your goals.

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” – The Emperor

3. Ratatouille – Dreams do come true & everyone has talent

This animated movie urges you to follow and chase after your dreams no matter what as long as you know you’ve got what it takes. Everyone can do something such as cooking, writing or acting, showing the difference between a normal talent from a great talent. Those who can be brave enough to try something new and accept failure will achieve great things.

The movie also portrays talent and genius as coming from anyone and anywhere. Even the lowest person can achieve this great talent as long as they take courage to improve it and develop it to perfection. You just have to think that you are talented and that talent can only be wielded by you and no one else so take care of it, improve it and cherish it.

“Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.” – Food critic, Anton Ego

4. The Princess And The Frog – Success is hard work & never lose sight of what’s important

The Princess and the Frog revealed the value of perseverance and hard work to reach your dreams. You have to plan ahead and do your best to overcome the possible obstacles along your way. You have to face struggles and hardships but always look forward and look at your dream as an inspiration. Although daydreaming and wishing isn’t all that bad, what truly makes you see the results you want is putting in 100% effort all the time.

“My daddy never did get what he wanted. But he had what he needed. He had love! He never lost sight of what was really important.” – Tiana


Being an adult doesn’t mean that you can’t watch animated films anymore. Animated films are made and produced by fellow adults and successful professionals also. With it’s light hearted plot and witty humor, it might only take a little laugh here or a small smile there to jumpstart positivity back in your life. Life doesn’t need to be serious and problematic all the time.

Positivity is to never give up in order to become a winner in life because a winner is a loser who just tried again. Whether you struggle with your business, weight loss, or education it just takes the right motivation to spark a positive attitude, and it takes a positive attitude to gain the success that you are looking for.

Motivation for a positive attitude comes in different forms and in this case, this form satisfies the child in us. A child that seeks the happy, simple and stress-free life that we once had.

What motivates you to stay positive in life? Let us know by commenting below!


Wednesday 30 August 2017

How To *Not* Screw Up Your Life

I’ve seen many people screw up their life over the years.

Most of it has been the result of poor decisions and a lack of discipline. I’m no angel myself – I too have screwed up parts of my life as well.

Your life is something you should reflect upon regularly. Learn to become your own critic and commit to fixing the things you know deep down inside are screwed up. Sometimes it takes a rock bottom period in your life to work out that you’ve screwed up.

The frustrating part is that you shouldn’t have to go to hell and back to figure out that you have screwed up your life. Personal improvement and reflection can get you to a place of understanding much faster. It takes time to get there though.

You might need to spend ten minutes a day assessing your life and seeing your decisions for what they are. I know what you’re thinking though: “Tim, I don’t have ten minutes a day, I’m flat out trying to survive and stay above water!”

If that’s your answer, then my response is this: If you don’t have ten minutes a day to reflect on your life and make sure you’re not screwing it up, then you already have a massive problem. Lack of time is the beginning of all of your problems.

Here’s how you will screw up your life:


Falling for addictions you think you don’t have

We all have one of the following addictions:

– Food
– Drugs
– TV shows / Online Games
– Sex
– Escapism
– Depression / anxiety
– Money

These addictions are at the root of what goes wrong and force us to screw our lives up. No matter who you are, you’re probably suffering from one of these even if you won’t admit it. I know I’m guilty of many of these. The first step is to admit your addiction.

Pretending you’re fine and not obsessed with one of these will force you to become ignorant. Ignorant people then go on to believe the lie that they can be perfect and that the problem is with everyone else. Before you worry about someone else’s backyard, think about your own first.

“If your own backyard is full of weeds, it’s because of your addictions”


Significant other

Romantic relationships are a big part of why we screw up our lives. While it’s impossible to avoid making mistaking in this area of your life completely, you can certainly minimise the damage. Ask yourself the following questions:

Why am I in a relationship?
How do I treat the other person?
What’s one negative similarity I have experienced in each romantic relationship?

The key phrase to remember with this part of your life is that you take “you” with you to each relationship.

Until you answer the above three questions, you’ll keep experiencing the phenomenon that is déjà vu in your romantic life.


Not saying this word enough

Your life get’s screwed up because of complexity. When your time is not focused in the right areas of your life and you have too much going on, everything goes bad.

Saying no is how you take back control. If you listen to interviews of billionaires, you’ll find that they are all superb at doing one thing: saying no unashamedly.

Part of what causes us to say yes to so many meaningless offers is that we don’t want to upset people. Living in this pretend world where everybody loves us causes us to become lost. Not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay. The key I’ve found is to learn to say no with respect.

By saying no respectfully, you become much better at it. That’s because the reactions you’ll get will be far more positive.


Never taking risks

Making the decisions that are always comfortable is the fastest way to screw up your life. We must grow as human beings otherwise we fall for addictions because we become bored. Life starts to lose it’s meaning when we don’t choose uncertainty.

Having the answer to every problem is not the way to go; not having the answer to every problem but taking the risky option anyway is where you want to get to. Everything I’ve achieved in my life has come from taking a chance and not knowing what could happen.

“The times I’ve personally fallen for addictions have been when I’ve become bored or stopped growing”

In this state, I’ve wanted to choose addictions to help experience some uncertainty or a high that quickly wears off and brings me crashing back to rock bottom.

Taking risks is harder than it seems. It takes practice and discipline. The beauty is that we all get options to take risks every single day. There’s no lack of risky decisions in this world. You’ve got a playground to practice in.

“Sometimes it’s fun to swing on the monkey bars of life and fall down a few times”

Taking these seemingly crazy risks opens up your perspective. From these new heights, you can see the world for what it is: a beautiful place, full of wonderful people all trying to live their purpose and find meaning.

Risk taking will eventually lead you to your individual purpose if you stay on the right path and don’t fall for comfortable results or addictions.


Allowing limiting beliefs to win

The beliefs you have will determine whether you’ll make decisions that will screw up your life. We all have limits that are caused by our beliefs. For a long time, I thought that I couldn’t be world class because I wasn’t smart enough and didn’t have the resources.

When you analyze your beliefs (and I recommend you do), you realize that they can limit you in so many ways. The reason you don’t make certain decisions is because of the underlying belief of what you believe the outcome might be.

When you remove the speed limiter that’s controlling your life, you can go in any direction you want, at whatever pace you want. You can achieve what ever you want, whenever you want. All of a sudden, anything is possible. The challenge is that your limiting beliefs are invisible to your brain.

They’re not easy to see and it takes practice to find out what they are and then throw them in the bin. It’s worth doing though because your beliefs can mess everything up. They can cause you to be broke, selfish, unlovable and very unhappy.


Not believing in yourself

“The biggest idea, the best person, the greatest tool you have, is you!”

Your life will be screwed up when you don’t believe that you can achieve your dreams. No one else can believe in you unless you do so first. You must know that you have everything inside of you to produce any outcome you desire.

Think about all the good things you have done and focus your time on that. Be grateful for how far you’ve come and then you’ll appreciate what it takes to get to the end game. Most of all, treat yourself nicely. Talk nicely to yourself and be patient.


Thinking change is a problem

Change is not a problem; it’s an opportunity. Nothing stays the same forever and to think it will is how you’ll screw up your life. When you accept that constant change is going to occur no matter what, the surprises, shocks and bumps in the road become something you look forward to.

You’ll begin to understand that every little change is the start of a new season in your life. Change becomes a challenge to keep on growing in new and wonderful directions. The strategy you’ve been searching for is hidden in the change that is right in front of you.

Change is not the problem because change is the start of the solution. Change is the first step.

Change equals uncertainty and we’ve already said that this risky place is the destination you need to aim for. It’s where the yacht is waiting for you to take you to that place you’ve always dreamt of.

Stop screwing up your life.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on


How to Overcome Perfectionism: 5 Powerful Steps

Do you find yourself constantly criticizing yourself or others for not living up to ideals or unrealistic expectations? Are you more driven by fear of failure than enjoyment of the present moment? Perfectionism is nothing to be proud of. In fact, it can not only prove disastrous to accomplishing goals, but also sabotage enjoyment of […]

The post How to Overcome Perfectionism: 5 Powerful Steps appeared first on MotivationGrid.


World’s Biggest Badass Shares How To Achieve Your Goals

Have you already started your journey towards your dream? It’s very important to sit down and have an honest conversation with yourself about the type of life you want to lead and what things will personally fulfill you. Understanding that everyones notion of success is subjective is crucial. Stay away from social media for a […]

The post World’s Biggest Badass Shares How To Achieve Your Goals appeared first on MotivationGrid.


Meditation Makes You More Resilient. Here’s Why:

Imagine if you could always be happy. Imagine knowing no matter what happens—no matter how bad life gets, no matter how much pain and stress you go through—you could always come home at the end of the day and tap into a never-ending source of fulfillment, gratitude, creativity, and resilience.

That’s exactly what meditation is, what it does, and what it can feel like if you practice it on a daily basis.  There are plenty of types of meditation out there. Mantra meditation involves repeating a certain word or phrase. Breathing meditation involves focusing on your breath. In guided meditation, an instructor guides you into a state of stillness.

No matter which type or style you choose to participate in, the purpose of all meditation is to free your mind—to free yourself from non stop thinking, anxiety, stress, and frustration percolating in through your brain. Meditation is a vehicle allowing you to pull yourself back from negative thoughts and negative feelings to reconnect with a beautiful and unbreakable state of joy that is your true nature.

As someone who has been a practitioner since 2013, I’ve been able to use meditation to bounce back from all sorts of setbacks, problems or tragedies over the past 4 years. No matter how negative or bleak the situation was, my response was always to pull myself aside for 20 minutes of stillness. Choosing to meditate not only evaporated the stress on my mind, but also gave me the clarity and creativity to figure out the best solution.

The beauty of it is it works consistently. There has not been a situation over the past 4 years that I have not been able to bounce back from or look back at as a blessing in disguise.  It has brought me to a place in my life where nothing can faze me.

“Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divine within you.” – Amit Ray

Becoming unbreakable and unfazed by the struggles of life sounds weird, yet it makes perfect sense when you realize tenacity is our default state of mind. As humans, we are naturally joyful, peaceful and creative. Meditation is a vehicle for reconnecting you with that default state of mind you got disconnected with as a kid.

If you look out at any playground or schoolyard in the world, you’ll see that children are full of limitless joy, smiles, happiness, creativity, energy, love, and confidence. But as we grow older, most people slowly get more and more disconnected from their true nature.

The reason meditation works is it reconnects us with who we really are. It provides a vehicle that allows us to tap back into our highest and best qualities.

When you look out at the vast numbers of people across the country and across the world that are struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, and unfulfilled lives, this can be a very hard concept to wrap your head around. Nonetheless, it becomes very real when you look out at all of the results that millions of people across the globe have achieved through this beautiful practice. The proof lies in the results.

I myself have been able to remain sober from both drugs and alcohol for over 3 years and counting, wrote more than one book, started a blog, and found true fulfillment through doing this practice twice a day since 2013. And there are TONS of incredibly successful and high-achieving people out there who practice meditation—including Ray Dalio, Russell Simmons, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, Hugh Jackman, Jerry Seinfeld, Arianna Huffington, and many more!

These people are all proof that there is a wellspring of pure bliss, tenacity, strength, and resilience that resides within all of us.  It’s not just within some people. It’s within everybody.

“Enjoy the time off from doing. Just be with yourself.” – Oprah Winfrey

Once you pick up the practice, you too will get to a place in your life where you feel like nothing can faze you. This is something that you can start doing right now. I want to end this blog post with some simple instructions from Russell Simmons’ Super Rich, the book that helped me get started:

“After sitting down and getting comfortable, the next step is to simply begin repeating your mantra. Since most of you reading this probably don’t have one yet, let me share a mantra that I’ve been taught and have found works well for novices: Rum.

Try not to think of it as a word, but rather as a vibration. ‘Ruuuuuuuuuuum.’ Say it loudly in your mind. Say it softly. Say it fast. Say it slow. Whisper it. Scream it. Fixate your mind on ‘Rum’ until that vibration fills up your being.

If you keep repeating ‘Rum’ for even just five minutes, you’ll feel yourself beginning to transcend the hundreds of frivolous thoughts that are cluttering your mind. Again, think of all those thoughts as waves on a stormy ocean. As the vibration of ‘Rum’ becomes stronger and stronger, soon the fluctuations of those waves will become smaller and smaller until your mind will be a calm, glassy sea. When those waves are gone, you’ll be entering a state of real stillness.”

Just a couple words of advice, if the above meditation exercise does not provide any results for you the first time around or if you don’t feel like it’s working for you, be patient. I didn’t get results the first time I tried it. And there are plenty of people around the world who don’t either. It takes patience and consistency.

Have you tried meditating? If so, let us know how it has gone for you by commenting below!

Image courtesy of


Tuesday 29 August 2017

5 Unexpected Results Entrepreneurs Can Gain by Going for Their Goals

Goals show you what is possible. In our journey towards goals, it’s not just the goals we achieve, yet the journey also gives you a chance to discover what would otherwise be hidden if you stayed in your comfort zone. As a Life Coach, I’ve guided thousands of clients to go for their big goals, thus I’ve seen how Entrepreneurs get more than they aim for.

Here are 5 unexpected results Entrepreneurs gain by going for their goals:

1. From confusion, you could discover clarity and courage

Neil is the founder and CEO of a 10+ year IT company. The growth of his company led to bigger problems. He was confused. Did he want to just close shop, sell the company, or get investors which would inevitably gain some control of his company?

By clarifying his goals, it hit him. His confusion was founded on fear. He was listening to people who had failed at getting investors. He took courage, asked more experienced mentors, and I learned later that they received the funding.

By examining what was holding him back, he developed clarity and courage to go for his goal.

2. From analysis paralysis, you could unleash the inner artist

Joy was an HR practitioner at the biggest telecom. She was an analyst, needing things to be planned out to the detail, and she was good at it. Her career was okay, yet she knew that there was more to life.

At night, she had a hobby. She made handcrafted sculptures. A creative artist behind a perfectionist career woman. When she joined us, she aimed to quit her job within 60-days. She realized that quitting her job was not her real goal, because what she truly wanted was to express her creativity and gain time-freedom.

She focused her energy to expand her craft. Before long, she delivered her first ever public workshop where she shared her passion for crafts. She was even featured on national TV! Now she gets orders for her handmade paper flower creations. And yes, she quit her job — it was just one step towards a bigger goal.

“Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.” – Jim Rohn

3. From growing your business, you could discover your self-worth

Franz was always a goal getter at school and at work thus he  founded a tech startup. He was pressured to produce results to get their second round of funding, yet it had become tiresome.

His pursuit for achievement created a strain on work relationships. He hated being questioned, and when investors asked him a question he couldn’t answer, he would lie just to appear as if he knew better.

Through coaching, he clarified his goals and motivations. He dug deep and discovered this deep-set belief that he was “not enough”. It stemmed from a childhood experience where his babysitter slapped him with a shoe. When he realized how the experience affected him even in adulthood, he let go and forgave.

From then on he was more calm, easier to deal with, and he no longer needed to prove himself right, nor justify his existence. He rediscovered his self-worth.

4. From being lost, you could find your power

Badette was lost as she was going through a divorce. Struggling to provide for her three kids, she was on the verge of closing a start-up business that wasn’t even along her line of expertise.

When she embarked on her goal fulfillment, she didn’t know what goals to aim for, but through coaching, she identified the ONE thing that she was totally passionate about: Coffee. All her friends and family knew that she was passionate about coffee.

She set a goal to build a business out of her passion for coffee. Starting from zero, she registered her business, built her brand and logos, created her product variants right in her home (with the help of her toddler sons!), marketed through social media and shipped out products — all within the first 30 days!

Now she is selling her product worldwide, a mere three months since she declared her goal. Once Badette was lost, now she had found herself, found her passion, and found her power.

“One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.” – Michael Korda

5. From wanting a baby, you could release your personal baggage

Teddy and Leah (not their real names) were both accomplished professionals. She had risen up and became a partner in their law office. She established her own business. They were 5 years married and were doing well in their careers. They wanted to have a baby. But after several attempts at getting pregnant, they knew something was lacking.

Teddy had deep set issues with his father, mother, and brother. His temper at the office was an indicator of pent up emotions. Some issues had to do with sins from his past. Leah had issues about her mother. She felt as if her mother, a housewife, did not have the life that she deserved. Leah believed that motherhood would make her lose her identity.

By going for their goal of having a baby, Teddy and Leah discovered unresolved issues that were keeping them misaligned. When Teddy and Leah faced those issues and resolved them, they aligned their mindsets and beliefs to their desire of having a baby.

Within a few months, Teddy and Leah announced they were pregnant! They’ve since left their toxic work environment which led Teddy to do what he loves at a dream company, and Leah is a stay-at-home mom. They get to spend quality time as husband and wife and their 2-year old baby.

By going for your goals, you get so much more. Go ahead, write down your goals. Then go for it. You won’t know what else you’ll get until you go for your goals!

What has been an unexpected surprise for you in going toward your goals? Let us know by commenting below!


Making Money Online Is Hard And That’s Why It’s Rare

Social media is littered with ads about the dream of making money online. We’re all told to chase that rainbow unicorn until we can shoot it down, and eat it for dinner. Somehow then we’ll have made it. Yippee….not.

Making money online is hard and most people will never succeed at it. That’s just a fact. You, my friends, can though but you have to start listening and understanding how the games played. Everyone tells you that making money online is easy. It’s not. It’s bloody hard work.

Don’t whinge to people about why you can’t make money online. Instead, I encourage you to read the below advice.


A) Take action

Rather than being romantic about how you make money online, just start. Start today. Start in the next few minutes if you can.

Making money online is rare because people spend too long thinking about the method, rather than spending the time to execute.

“Whatever your grand plan is, it’s going to get blown to pieces with a 12-gauge shotgun once you launch and attempt to validate it”

Action is the winning ingredient of online success, not strategy, content, product, marketing, people or any other tool you think you need. Cold hard action will take you to the iciest Mt Fuji you have ever seen where only the winners with a ton of cash hang out on weekends.

Action is what got me to where I am today. I used to believe I couldn’t be a blogger because I didn’t have a website. Then, I found a way and used other people’s platforms. There is always a way to make money online.


B) Drop what you’re bad at

I’d been fantasizing about selling an online course for years and never did it. The reason I discovered was that I hate making websites. I have no interest and it drains my time and energy. So what I did instead was find people who could do that for me and then did a revenue share with them.

What this allowed me to do was launch something, test it, see some dollars come in and focus on what I love: creating content to inspire the world.

“If you’re hopeless at something, then outsource it”

Find a way. Give up your excuses about why you can’t outsource.

Don’t be greedy and quit trying to do everything yourself. That’s what is stopping you from making a wheelbarrow full of cash like Rich Uncle Pennybags (mascot of Monopoly game).


C) You don’t understand how many hours it takes

The flashy, sponsored, Facebook videos and the guy on YouTube who shot a video next to his pool make you think it’s all about overnight success. Making money online takes more hours than you could imagine. For a while, you’ll make less than ten dollars and then all of a sudden there will be a tipping point.

Money will then start to flow. Then, you’ll have a few major events after the tipping point that will be where all of your money comes from in the future. Can you keep having a go at your online business even when nobody is paying attention or spending money with you?

That will determine whether you will make money online.


D) You think there’s only one way

The ways you can make money online are much more varied than you think. In my space (blogging) you can do the following:

– Create an eCommerce site with products
– Ebook
– Sponsored Podcast
– Affiliate marketing links
– Online courses
– Speaking gigs
– Banner Ad’s

The list is longer than the number of animals that entered Noah’s Ark. Your problem is that you think there is only one way or that the way’s I’ve mentioned are out of date or they don’t work anymore. All aspects of making money online can work; it just depends on what your niche is, as to which ones will work.

There’s no silver bullet with a side of taco’s that is going to 100% tell you what method or methods will work best for you. See point one: take action. Do it now!


E) Your niche is not your passion

The plain and simple vanilla smoothie fact is that your niche must be your passion as well. Trying to make money online through a channel that you’re not obsessed with will fail and fail badly (trust me I’ve tried).

The only way you will have the willpower to continue on when times get tough with your online business is by centering your business around something which you would be doing anyway. If you love golf and start a business around it, no matter what you’re going to keep on playing golf.

Pick something that is a default habit for you so that your online business can enhance that habit. I’m obsessed with personal development and entrepreneurship, so for me, to write about it and have a business centered around it, is straightforward. I don’t have to stay motivated because the motivation is self-fulfilling. It’s kind of like compound interest; you put the money in an account and the rest takes care of itself.


F) Overcomplicating is the disease

The rarest of rare traits in successful online businesses is simplicity. It’s the main reason making money online is so rare. The more complicated your grand plan is to build the smartest website, the less likely you will execute and make any real money.

All these “How To Make Millions Courses” that are available online are what’s causing you the problem. The goal of these courses is to make out like they have all the answers and give you long-winded BS strategies, which won’t work anyway.

Overcomplicating what you’re trying to achieve online is the root cause of the problem. Less is more. Do one thing online, and do it well. Make what you do different, without it necessarily needing to be better. Again, just execute and take action. Rinse then repeat.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on


30 Uplifting Quotes for Those Post-Vacation Blues

You can’t think of anything but that cocktail you had yesterday on the beach. The pile of work tasks on your desk and makes you feel miserable. Moodiness is in full swing. You don’t feel like doing anything but scrolling through old Instagram photos from the beach. When you left your apartment this morning, your […]

The post 30 Uplifting Quotes for Those Post-Vacation Blues appeared first on MotivationGrid.


Monday 28 August 2017

35 Powerful Greg Plitt Quotes

Greg Plitt (1997-2015) is a motivational legend.  Bodybuilder, actor, speaker, model and American Army Ranger: Greg has had quite the inspirational journey.  During his infamous career, Greg would push his body to its physical limits because he believed that he had none.  Since his untimely death, Greg’s words of wisdom have resonated with millions through his youtube videos.

Here are some of Greg Plitt’s most powerful quotes:

1. “Second by second you lose the opportunity to become the person you want to be. Take charge of your life.”  – Greg Plitt

2. “Every action has a purpose. When every action has a purpose every action has a result.” – Greg Plitt

3. “You must believe in yourself enough to be the person now that you want others to remember you for later.” – Greg Plitt

4. “Life isn’t about waiting the storm to pass. It’s about dancing in the rain.” – Greg Plitt

5. “Opportunities don’t come knocking on the door. They present themselves when you knock the f*#king door down.” – Greg Plitt

6. “Today begins, tomorrow continues, and it never ends until you reach your goal.” – Greg Plitt

7. “You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough.” – Greg Plitt

8. “In life, it’s not the genetic guy who wins or the guy with the most potential who wins; it’s the person with the greatest perseverance who wins. Always be willing to get up and go at it again and again. That’s the guy who has his hands raised later in life. That’s the guy you guys need to be.” – Greg Plitt

9. “The pump is one of the better highs in life. You don’t need to shoot up for it, you don’t need to snort it. All you’ve got to do it sweat for it.” – Greg Plitt

10. “The real tragedy in life isn’t someone who hasn’t achieved their goal, it’s the person that never had a goal to begin with.” – Greg Plitt

11. “Go for it! You know what? This comfort zone is f****ng dangerous zone. It’s stopping you from your true potential!” – Greg Plitt

12. “There are two types of pain, the one that breaks you and the one that changes you. In the gym, pain is felt as a result of weakness leaving the body. Physical pain is the pain of transformation and the pain of progress. The more you endure, the harder it becomes to accept the thought of failure.” – Greg Plitt

13. “When you help yourself, you feel good. But when you help somebody else get back on their feet, it’s a high that no chemical drug can ever match. It’s the greatest high in the world. It’s addictive, it’s contagious, and the world needs more of it.” – Greg Plitt

14. “If you mentally believe it will happen, your body is going to find a way to make it physically happen.” – Greg Plitt

15. “Your legs are not giving out. Your head is giving up.” – Greg Plitt

16. “You are what you do repeatedly. If excellence is something you’re striving for, then it’s not an accident. It’s a habit.” – Greg Plitt

17. “I love the mentality that when push comes to shove, simply work harder and the results will come.” – Greg Plitt

18. “If you do not give 110% in your life, I promise your life will haunt you for the rest of your days. Time is the most valuable asset on earth, a depreciating asset. Don’t waste another moment of life where you are not at  your fullest potential getting the most out of the time you have in life.” – Greg Plitt

19. “Bet on yourself. If you bet on yourself you’ll never lose.” – Greg Plitt “Once you known where your current limits are, then you know how to destroy them, push them… grow them.” – Greg Plitt

20. “Belief, confidence in yourself. The world’s your playground. Limitless. My question is… will you be remembered?” – Greg Plitt

21. “It’s early in the morning and your competition is still sleeping.” – Greg Plitt

22. “If tomorrow doesn’t happen, would you still do what you’re about to do today? If that answer is no, you’re alive, but you’re not living.” – Greg Plitt

23. “Your mind is the strongest and most valuable muscle you can grow in the gym.” – Greg Plitt

24. “If you guys are really wondering if you are burning out mentally. Take a day off and go to your local hospital. Go to the cancer wing. Look at 4-year-old, who won’t ever see their teenage years, probably won’t ever see their next birthday. Go and see someone who is mentally or physically retarded, or see when a soldier who just came back from war who doesn’t have legs anymore. Stare that guy down. Look him right in the eyes and tell them, as you stand there with 2 capable legs, that you burned out. That you don’t want to use them. See if that doesn’t kill him right there. Because he would do anything to have that opportunity.” – Greg Plitt

25. “The mind always fails first, not the body. The secret is to make your mind work for you, not against you.” – Greg Plitt

26. “The difference between a winner and a loser – they both failed, but the winner gets back up and does it again and again until it goes his way.” – Greg Plitt

27. “I failed” is 10 times the man than “what if” because “what if” never went to the arena. – Greg Plitt

28. “The clock is ticking, are you becoming the person you wanna be?” – Greg Plitt

29. “The road to success is a very lonely road. You’re not gonna see too many friends. It’s only you with your shadow. Once you get there, many people will love you, also many people will hate you. Because your success is a huge spotlight, shining on their failures.” – Greg Plitt

30. “Today it begins. Tomorrow it continues. And it never ends, until you reach your goal and cross the finish line.” – Greg Plitt

31. “One Hour of pain produces a lifetime of pride.” – Greg Plitt

32. “Why cry about missed opportunities when you have the ability to smile at opportunities lived? The past has created who you are NOW, where we learn and grow from the past, never resting upon previous achievements or allowing past failure to paralyze us in our current endeavor. All that was has created us to be the best we currently are for our greatest hour is about to arise!” – Greg Plitt

33. “That’s not normal, because we don’t want to be normal. Normal is what weak people call it living. I call it death.” – Greg Plitt

34. “Walk through the mud in life, if you ever want to get to the higher ground.” – Greg Plitt

35. “Legends never die.” – Greg Plitt

Which quote resonated with you the most?  Comment below!


How To Be Incredible – Comfort Zone Challenges

I saw a speech recently that was all about getting out of your comfort zone. At the end, we were all given a piece of paper with more than 100+ challenges to try. What was strange for me was that I had done more than half of them.

Having studied extraordinary people for the last few years, and been obsessed with how they think and act, I noticed they all did one thing: they got out of their comfort zone consistently. Getting out of their comfort zone was how they upskilled and crushed the normal fears that we all face.

It’s like being Mario and then getting a gold star – you feel invincible and extremely agile. We haven’t all gone on this journey of breaking out of our comfort zone. The good news is we can start with a 36-day challenge.


Each day, I want you to pick one of the below challenges to try:

1. Lie down on the ground for 30 seconds in a busy place…then get up with a smile and pretend nothing’s happened. This is the one I recommend the most and it was made famous by Tim Ferriss.

2. Slow dance on a rooftop with a friend or lover

3. Ask for 10% off the next coffee or tea you buy. (Don’t tell the waiter it is a challenge).

4. Drive around, crank your favorite songs and have a dance off at stoplights to make strangers laugh

5. Have a difficult conversation face to face instead of via email / text / phone.

6. Call your mother and tell her how much you love her.

7. Send someone flowers for no reason

8. Take a cold shower during winter for 30 seconds (remember to breathe)

9. Pull an all-nighter when the opportunity arises instead of going home.

10. Jump into a lake / river / pool with your clothes on.

11. Dress up in your most classy outfit. Go to a luxury car dealership, pretend to be rich and drive the swankiest car they have.

12. Walk around the city all night and then find a place to eat breakfast at dawn

13. Write a list of the craziest things you could ever do, have or be. Start doing them.

14. Go to a restaurant and convince the cook to create something completely new for you to eat.

15. Wake up early during one winter’s morning when it’s freezing cold and go for a walk.

16. Ask someone on a date who you think is way out of your league.

17. Eat somewhere way out of your budget

18. Attend a costume party and go all out.

19. Unplug from email, social media and your phone for 24 hours. (Try a “No-Tech Sunday”)

20. Go to a karaoke bar and sing like you’re the best singer there is.

21. Make a fool of yourself in public on a dance floor. You can’t consume alcohol beforehand either!

22. Crash a wedding that you’re not invited to.

23. Make a free hugs sign, stand in a high traffic place and dish out some lovin’.

24. Take a homeless person out to lunch and hear their story.

25. Go a whole week without TV.

26. After a week of no TV, donate your TV to charity.

27. Do a silent meditation retreat

28. Do stand up comedy for a night.

29. Try a food you have always disliked.

30. Be vulnerable. Tell someone your biggest fear, regret or desire.

31. Sign up for a public speaking event like TedX and then start preparing.

32. Invite a co-worker you don’t know well to lunch to get to know them better.

33. Dive with sharks

34. Spend a whole day answering the question, “How are you today?” with the response, “Outstanding! How are you?” – It’s more uncomfortable than you think.

35. Go on a fast for two days and drink nothing but water.

36. Pickup your significant other from work or the airport wearing a long jacket with nothing underneath.


What next?

Once you’ve read through the list, I want you to pick the five hardest ones. Then, I want you to do those first. Following those five, I then want you to complete the rest. All up, you should do one per day, therefore taking 36 days to complete all comfort zone challenges. By the end, you’ll have taken your life to the next level.


My experience of comfort zone challenges

Since I began doing regular comfort zone challenges as a habit I’ve achieved the following:

– I’ve dated girls I never thought were in my league
– I’ve become a lot better at dealing with fear
– I’ve started performing really well at public speaking
– I’ve learned new things about myself
– I’ve become more disciplined
– I’ve met loads of strangers and some of them have become friends

“If I had a choice between doing further education and learning to break my comfort zone through these above challenges, I’d choose the later”

Overcoming the stuff that scares you, and that most people would never try, helps you to become mentally tough. Mental toughness will help you overcome this negative world that you experience with your ancient survival brain, and see through your own eyes.


How can you take the whole comfort zone thing even further?

If you get the results that’s all fine and dandy. The way you supersize your experience and go to the next level is by encouraging your friends and family to do the same. As they begin to participate, they’ll push you further at the same time. You’ll then unconsciously be gamifying the challenges and seeing who can be the boldest. It’s kick ass when this happens.


Wrap up time

So I hope these challenges have inspired you. Each one is unique and builds upon a new and slightly different skill. It’s a lot of fun once you’ve done the first few. The key is to detach yourself from the outcome. Whether you succeed or not it doesn’t matter. There is no failure.

The aim of this comfort zone game is just to have a go and see what happens. Give it a shot and have fun! Send me your results via my website below if you feel like sharing your experience. I’d love to know how it goes.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on


How To Handle Fashion Pressure and be Confident in Your Skin

“The fashion statement in glamor world changes with the season. Accordingly, the teenagers also change their wardrobe. Mostly teenagers give priority to the fashion and style of the day. Even if they are unaware of the world affairs, they will remain aware of the latest fashion. Earlier, people of elite class and business tycoons mostly […]

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Reprogramming Yourself: 7 Ways to Deal With Uncertainty and Helplessness

At times, everybody experiences some kind of despair. There are times when it feels as if the whole weight of the world is on your shoulders and there is no way out. Everything feel like it is falling apart and nothing can be done. The uncertainty may keep you anxious all night long and turn into some kind of nightmare because people get obsessed with their helplessness. As the result, everything becomes a mess, and we get deprived of many pleasant things that we could have enjoyed.

Nevertheless, this is a psychological factor. You should train yourself and tell yourself each day that you can cope with whatever comes. In order to regain self-confidence and self-control, you should use some methods that will help to deal with different problems.

Here are 7 ways to deal with uncertainty and helplessness:

1. Be careful with your expectations

When building some plans, you create definite expectations and this is risky. First of all, you should realize that you may foresee definite things that will happen, but you cannot predict the precise outcomes. Secondly, you need a positive attitude. Many people prepare for the worst without a hope for better. The thoughts are materialistic and many of them come true. Focus on positive emotions and be realistic.

2. Be ready for various possibilities

It is of great importance to feel under control of any situation, yet this is not possible in all situations. This is life, and we cannot predict the outcome. One of the major things you ought to learn in order to become confident is to get ready for whatever may come your way. Try to predict all variants. Some of them are successful, while others may include many problems. Think of strategies to overcome them so you will never be helpless if something goes wrong.

3. Control your feelings

Our feelings determine who we are. They give us a sense of happiness. However, they may likewise bring something unpleasant that may have a great hold on us. Oftentimes, people get lost in the flow of their feelings and emotions. This is normal, yet you should not turn it into a habit. You should become a feeling observer in order to interact with your feelings and try to have them under control. They may interrupt your clear thinking and we will not be able to act logically.

“Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you.” – Joel Osteen

4. Build self-confidence

You should be sure you have outstanding coping and adapting skills. This key point is not about the expectations for the worst things to come, it’s about the way you are going to deal with them. You should develop your own system and acquire adaptive skills, which would be effective in different stress situations.

Try to find the most suitable ones. Concentrate on your strongest sides and seek the adequate skills. You should advance them and rise to the level of perfection so you can handle the worst complications.

5. Learn stress reduction techniques

There are many effective and dependable techniques helping one deal with uncertainty and helplessness. A lot of stress has an utterly negative effect for every human being because it makes us think in the wrong directions awaiting only the bad things. Only when you control your stress will you manage to succeed.

Therefore, look for some techniques that will relieve you from unnecessary stress. Train them each day and quite soon, you will be dealing with any form of stress within a blink of an eye automatically.

6. Concentrate on the things you can handle

At times, a global way of thinking may be overwhelming so concentrate on the smaller things that can be controlled. Think of the things you are good at and stick to them. Each time you see multiple complications, remember the things you can control and start thinking positively. You will surely find a resolution to a problem by maintaining a positive way of thinking.

7. Practice mindfulness

Many people are obsessed with the thought of a catastrophe. The next day has not yet come, but they already perceive the hazard. In many cases, this is just a simple prejudice. You should stop thinking about the things that haven’t happened yet and concentrate on the current situation. Notice the beauty of the moment, relax, think of the pleasant things, and remember the happy events that have occurred in your life.

“Whatever good things we build end up building us.” – Jim Rohn

Your tomorrow is uncertain and one may not predict all the things that could happen. Nevertheless, the usefulness of the mentioned above methods is huge. They will help you to get ready for whatever comes and cope with all problems. Use their potential to serve your purposes. Life will appear much brighter if you are self-confident and understand how to control feelings of helplessness. Remember that you are the smith of your own happiness. Everything is in your hands, and you should use it reasonably and effectively to enjoy life and achieve all of your life goals.

How do you handle moments of uncertainty? Please comment below and let us know!

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Saturday 26 August 2017

Being Flexible Is a Requirement for Success. Here’s Why:

Most aspiring entrepreneurs begin their journey with an idea of what it is they want to do. They have certain images of what this journey will look like. They have mapped out their path. They have done their research. They are energized because of how their “heroes” have done what they want to do. They are set.

This excitement serves as the adrenaline to their bodies. They are charging full-steam ahead. Their mind is set. The bow is pulled back and they are ready to release their idea to the world. This was me a few years back. All I saw was a straight line to my bullseye target … my business success. And then one setback after another came my way.

Sheer Determination

My determination kept me going. The adrenaline rush carried me through those times. But as is true, if there is no replenishing, that rush wanes over time. It happened to me.

Discouragement, apathy, feelings of depression, doubts and other emotions crept in sometimes all at once but mostly separately. Could I pull myself out of these feelings? Was this all a fantasy that I needed to give up?

The line was no longer straight. There were zigs and zags, twists and turns, starts and stops, ups and downs. This was the pattern that now governed my life.

Decision Time

It was now decision time. Do I keep going? Do I abandon my dream? Was I delusional? Can I get through this? These were some of the questions I had to process. There were no clear answers, but something in me compelled me to continue.

I realized that I had to be as flexible as I possibly could be. The twists and turns, zigs and zags, ups and downs, would have dealt a crippling blow had I remained inflexible.

As I hung on for dear life, I realized that I was adjusting to these changes and began to accept them. I made the necessary and immediate changes so I could stay on the ride and not be thrown off.

Making Necessary Changes

These changes came in the form of tweaking my initial idea, throwing out what was no longer relevant or no longer worked, and adding parts that made more sense at this point in the journey.

What was left after all the modifications was hardly recognizable as what I began with. Nonetheless, it was much better. I felt re-energized and ready to go all the way.

I adopted a flexible mindset, which became my new norm. And then the light bulb went on: Success in your business–your entrepreneurial journey–require having a flexible mindset.

“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” – Tony Robbins

Here are 3 tips on how to adopt this mindset:

1. Think of your options

Do you make changes or quit? Quitting cannot be an option. This is something that you have to tell yourself. You might have to re-read some books, listen to some inspiring talks like those of the late Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins and others.

2. Join a mastermind group 

Surround yourself with those who are like-minded and are on a similar journey. Make sure you find a group with people who are doing what you want to be doing. They should be a couple of steps ahead of you but not too far ahead. That could backfire and become discouraging.

3. Revisit your why 

It is important that you go back from time to time to remind yourself of why you started this journey. Remind yourself of how you felt–your frustration with life as it was.

What you’ll find is that once you have explored these tips, your mindset will begin leaning to one of flexibility. It will be a conclusion that you come to as you weigh your options, listen to others and remind yourself as to your why.

As you make plans for starting your journey or if you are struggling in your journey, make sure to tell yourself these words: STAY FLEXIBLE!

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” – Albert Einstein

How do you react when things do not go as expected? Do you take deep breaths, talk with a friend, or struggle? Let us know by commenting below!


Friday 25 August 2017

Forget “Personal Brand”

Everyone tells me, “Tim work on your Personal Brand.”

“Screw that!” I tell them.

To me, when someone says “Personal Brand” what they really mean is some selfish endeavor that feeds their ego and makes them look good to all the fake people that don’t matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

Forget impressing people with some perfectly written copy about all of your accolades.

Forget the perfectly taken photos that you pay a professional photographer for.

Forget the heavily Photoshopped images people have alongside their “PERSONAL BRAND.”

The whole personal brand thing is so boring to me. Whoever heard someone talk about their PERSONAL BRAND at a dinner party and then stopped what they were doing, put down their wine, spat out the olive that was in their mouth and listened with unwavering concentration?

Not bloody me and not you either.


I’m going to propose a change

Take all of that effort you wasted towards building your Personal Brand and create a PERSONAL MISSION to serve others.

I just created that bad boy there and then. I plucked it from nowhere and I like it quite frankly. What I’ve just done is take the focus off your own selfish bullshit and put the focus on something that will live well and truly beyond your BS personal brand mumbo jumbo.

Personally serving others will catapult every aspect of your life in the right direction. It will create momentum over time that even Mark Zuckerberg can’t match. You wanna be bigger than Zuck’s?


Listen up then

Put on your big boy/girls pants and take off the nappy. Your success is not about you, plain and simple. I can’t be any clearer than that. I get thirty messages a day saying, “I’m stuck, I’m scared, I’m a failure, I’m sad, I’m depressed.”

No, you’re not. You’re building a personal brand full of BS that nobody is buying and you’re unfulfilled.

Stop your complaining; take that personal brand crap they taught you at marketing school 101 and starts serving others with a genuine purpose that’s tied to what makes you happy. That’s the blueprint for life right there. You can stop emailing me because that’s all I do every single day.

There’s no silver bullet. Hustle hard, stay focused, do what inspires you, show emotion and serve others. Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho it’s off to work you must now go.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on


The 2 Questions You Must Routinely Ask if You Want to Reach Your Goals Faster

How many of your decisions can be explained by: “That’s the way things are done”? Clayton Christensen, the world’s leading authority on the topic of disruptive innovation wrote that, “[an] IBM poll of fifteen hundred CEOs identified creativity as the number-one ‘leadership competency’ of the future.”

Do you accept and follow the way things have always been done, or do you have the capacity to creatively think outside the box and find a better way?

What if you’re one of the many unlucky souls that was not blessed with the talent of creativity? As sales expert and author Jeffrey Gitomer puts it, “Creativity is a science that you can learn.”

The 2 Questions That Lead To Endless Innovation

There’s no need to wait for inspiration to strike. There are numerous techniques and exercises that can be proactively employed in order to develop creative ideas, strategies and solutions.

Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko is a treasure trove full of such tactics. If you want to become more creative and innovative in both your personal and professional life, then it’s absolutely worth a read.

One of my favorite creativity exercises involves asking the same two questions over and over again. It’s a simple, but effective way to become a truly innovative thinker.

Question #1: Why?

Asking “Why” is an important first step to finding a better way of doing things. Take for example Sally Sellmorestuff.

Sally is a sales manager who wants to bring in a motivational speaker to speak to her team. She could ask herself, “Why should I invite a motivational speaker?” The answer would probably be that she wants to generate a more optimistic attitude among her team.

But, Sally shouldn’t stop there. Remember, this method involves asking the same two questions over and over again. So, she should ask…

Q: Why do I want to generate a more optimistic attitude among my team?

A: So that they will work harder.

Q: Why do I want them to work harder?

A: So that they will sell more products.

Q: Why do I want them to sell more products?

A: So that the numbers for my department look better.

Q: Why do I want better numbers?

A: So I can get a promotion.

Q: Why do I want a promotion?

A: So I can make more money.

Q: Why do I want more money?

A: So I can buy a nicer house and car.

Q: Why do I want a nicer house and car?

A: So I can enjoy life more.

At this point, Sally has recognized some of the deeper motivations for her actions. This leads us to the next question.

“The key to wisdom is this – constant and frequent questioning, for by doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth.” – Peter Abelard

Question #2: How?

At each stage of her questioning, Sally can ask herself if she is making the ideal choice. For example, is bringing in a motivational speaker the most efficient and effective way to generate a more optimistic attitude among her team?

She can then ask herself “How” else she could accomplish this goal. Would it be more effective to engage in one-on-one mentoring with the individuals in her team? Could she accomplish her goal more efficiently by purchasing a motivational book for each team member? Would it be enough to simply send a motivational quote to her team via email once a week?

The real beauty of this system is that she can ask “How” at every stage of her original line of questioning. So, for example:

How can I get my team to work harder?

How can we sell more products?

How can I make more money?

How can I enjoy life more?

And so on…

If Sally could come up with just three new how’s for each of her why’s, she would suddenly have over 20 strategies from which she could choose, that might bring her closer to achieving what she wants in life.

With all these choices, she might recognize a much better way to reach her goals. For example, depending on her personal preferences, she might determine that if her real goal is to enjoy life more, then she should quit her job, move to the country and start her own farm. In that case, inviting a motivational speaker is not even close to the ideal way for her to achieve her real goals.

On the other hand, she might determine that bringing in the speaker is indeed most likely the best thing to do. In that case, at least now she has a much clearer picture of what she wants in life. That’s something she can keep in mind and make use of in the future.

“No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don’t ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson


Why spend time on social media? Why start the morning with a cup of coffee? Why stay in your current job? These are all questions that could get the ball rolling. These are all questions that could help you discover the real reason why you want the things you want.

If you’re willing to ask “Why” and then “How” you may discover that achieving your goals is much simpler than you thought. Chances are, you have many more strategies to choose from than you realized.

I recommend making it a habit to routinely ask “Why”. (And don’t be satisfied with, “That’s the way we do things.”) Then ask “How”. See if you can’t find a better way. Make this a routine and you may soon discover endless possibilities for improvement in your work, your relationships, your finances, your hobbies and your entire life.

How do you bring creativity and innovation into your life? Let us know by commenting below!

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Why Business Ethics are a Vital Part of a Happy Work Place

“I got an offer I couldn’t turn down!” We all have heard this cliche line from a departing employee about their reason for leaving. But there is always more to the story than just accepting an irresistible offer. Maybe the employee was not looking for a long term alliance with the company or the management […]

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Thursday 24 August 2017

3 Keys to Staying Motivated When Your Friends and Family Aren’t

Maybe you’ve heard the saying by Jim Rohn that goes: “You are the sum of your five closest friends.” Your close friends influence you and ultimately help shape who you are and who you become.

So, what do you do if you make big goals and your friends just don’t have that same motivation? In my experience, if your goals are larger than that of those in your community – success will be that much harder to attain. So, naturally, the question arises, “What should I do if my friends don’t have the kind of goals I do?”

One option is to dump those friends. Which isn’t always a good choice. They are your friends after all, and having good friends is invaluable.

Here are 3 options to ensure that the ‘sum of your success’ isn’t so deeply affected by the lack of motivation of your close friends:

1. Make New Friends

In my experience and that of just about every successful person I’ve met, the key to success is surrounding yourself with successful people. We are like the people we spend time around. We learn through association, rubbing elbows with, and being in the vicinity of others who are driven.

When you make new friends, you set yourself up to change and transform. Start spending time with a person who loves running – pretty soon you’re likely to start running. Hang out with a group of entrepreneurs, and soon enough you’re going to be filled with ideas to make money and will set off to make your first million.

As one spiritual teacher put it to me, ‘if you are kindling and you surround yourself with others who are on fire’ – surely you will light up too.

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” – Tennessee Williams

2. Move Away For A Little While

Not quite like dumping your friends – but just close to help create that distance you need. When you move, you change the environment, the influence and the world you lived in disappears meaning you get to create a new one. A short move away will help you stop waiting for your friends to change so you can make your shifts. Move away so you can start to make your transformation today, no more waiting for them.

If you don’t want to move entirely – try taking a little Airbnb time away. Get a place far enough out that it’s not easy for you to return to the old stomping grounds or habits. For example, I tried staying on a small island several hours away from all my friends. During that time my focus shifted. My desire got a reset, my circle was gone, and I was able to create a new vision without the hindrances of old influences.

The changes that come with a little temporary move will surprise you. Give it a try and give yourself a reset to reinvigorate you for increased success.

3. Introduce Old Friends To Your New Ones

Our friends influence us immensely. They create a certain environment and standard of living. When you make new friends, make new goals, and return to the old places you’re used to – it can be easy to slide back into old habits.

One way to change your old friends is introducing them to new places and people. If it’s true that environment is stronger than will, then introduce your friends to each other. Change the environment by adding new people and circumstances to it. Change one part of the dynamic and you could very well influence your old friends to the new goals and vision you have.

In my life, one thing I’ve done is invite my old friends to the gym. I invite them to entrepreneur meetups. I bring them into the world that pulls them in and me out of the old habits of bars, movie theaters, and the comforts we’ve enjoyed for decades.

Give this a shot because it could work out better than moving away or dumping friends. Whatever you do though, realize by making any of these changes, you’ll be sure to increase the speed at which you arrive at your goals.

“One friend can change your whole life.” – Wilson Kanadi

How do you stay motivated when the people around you are not lifting you up? Let us know by commenting below!

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