Thursday 31 October 2019

7 Effective Ways to Handle Criticism Like a Champ

Criticism is one of those things that could be good or bad depending on how it’s given and taken. A good rule of thumb that I use is that if the person giving the criticism isn’t giving you a suggestion or a solution, then it’s not constructive and I just politely disregard it. On the other hand, if it’s constructive criticism that they’re giving, then I receive it with open arms because at the end of the day, true entrepreneurs are always willing to learn and grow.

Criticism is just the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes. There are several ways to handle criticism whether it’s constructive or not along with whether it’s in person or online.

Below are seven ways to handle criticism effectively and use it to your benefit:

1. Don’t take it personal

Many times when criticism is given to us, we get defensive because it feels like we’re being attacked. Instead of taking it personal, try listening to see if what’s actually being said is true and makes sense. You can decide for yourself whether you’re going to use it or not. 

The fact that someone else doesn’t approve or agree with what you’re saying or doing doesn’t mean that your wrong and they’re right. They just have a different point of view from you and that’s okay, so don’t take it personal.

2. Decide if it’s helpful

Really try and listen to see if what the other person is saying makes sense, is helpful, and is applicable. Usually, when we know we’re getting criticized, our first reaction is to shut the person off. We quickly begin thinking of our rebuttal to justify why we’re right and they’re wrong. Sometimes it’s better to just be quiet, actively listen, and take notes unless of course, it’s not constructive criticism. Then you treat it like dead weight and let it go.

3. Assume good intentions

Not everyone has good intentions, but if we can assume that they do (until they prove otherwise) it can become easier to handle whatever type of criticism comes your way. Most people who criticize you in person or “face to face” usually do have good intentions because if they’re approaching you, it’s probably because they truly want to help you. 

Criticism that does not have good intentions is usually given behind your back and therefore doesn’t even matter because it’s already behind you. Keep moving forward!

“Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.” – Zig Ziglar

4. Own it

Don’t be quick to justify yourself. Our human nature is to respond quickly to prove our point and why we’re right. You’re not always going to be right and when you’re not, own up to it, embrace it, and be willing to humbly receive criticism especially if it’s going to help you win. Take note of what’s being said and really see how you can apply it to become the best you can be.

5. Make criticism your fuel

Let’s face it, not everyone is going to give you constructive criticism. The reality is that haters are going to hate regardless. The only thing you need to concern yourself with is not letting their criticism become your kryptonite. Use it as fuel to better yourself and keep pushing the needle forward. Let it energize you to learn more, do more, become more, and increase your superpowers!

6. Take it like a champ

If the criticism is good, great, take it and apply it. If it’s not constructive or serving you, there is no need to over react. Always remain professional and kindly say something like, “thank you for your feedback” and keep it moving. There’s no need to get sour about it and let it ruin the rest of your day. Remember, you’re a champ, so get out there and keep on winning.

“You can’t let praise or criticism get to you. It’s a weakness to get caught up in either one.” – John Wooden

7. Use it as a learning opportunity

Good, constructive feedback is always a great learning opportunity and so is the bad feedback. Good criticism is usually easy to take when it’s helping you to become a better version of yourself or level up in a particular area because the person giving it is sincere about helping you grow and win. 

You can still learn from the negative feedback as well because sometimes there may be some truth in what’s being said and that’s what you can take away from it. Always walk away with the positive feedback and leave the negative stuff behind because it won’t benefit you in any way.

Criticism, whether it’s good or bad, is something that is never going to go away, so you might as well get used to it and learn how to walk away with the feedback you can use to benefit your life and business. Disregard whatever else you can’t apply or use.

How do you handle criticism? Share your advice and thoughts with us below!


Wednesday 30 October 2019

8 Simple Steps to Help You Find the Perfect Mentor

Today, many are paving their own path to success. Whether they start their own company or follow in the footsteps of their mother or father, the road to success is bumpy and paving your own path by yourself can seem impossible at times. That being said, leaning from a support group or even a person you look up to can be your shoulder to lean on when times get rough.

It is said that 90% of startups fail, and that is a very daunting statistic when entrepreneurs desire to start their own business and be their own boss. Entrepreneurs envision a life full of success but oftentimes fail to realize that this road is much harder than they anticipate. Starting a business from the ground up truly takes commitment, perseverance, and an unwavering desire to succeed, for this journey can become their life for many years to come.

However, how do successful business owners get to the position they are in today? Believe it or not, very few successful business owners did it by themselves. The majority of these business owners had the help and guidance of a mentor. This mentor’s advice and guidance were a catalyst for their success. This mentor likely encountered the same challenges along the way and their prior experiences gave them the ability to coach someone else through the hardships they may face along the way. 

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” – Oprah

If you are interested in finding a mentor to guide you along your path to success, you may need to look within your own circle and select someone that can not only relate to you and your goals but also someone that can give you the proper guidance to increase your chances of succeeding.

There are many benefits to using a mentor, but finding the right mentor may take some time. Mentors can help entrepreneurs secure funding, help develop a successful company culture or even offer advice on how to mitigate workplace tension between employees. Below, you can find a guide created by Fundera that will not only help you find the perfect mentor but also statistics on how beneficial mentors can be. 

How To Find The Perfect Mentor


Tuesday 29 October 2019

6 Ways Yoga Can Play an Important Role in Your Success

No matter what philosophy you believe in, the basic essence of human existence to have a purposeful, meaningful, and happy life. While we have all been introduced to the concept of success since the very beginning of our lives, we are hardly aware of how to visualize our goals and work to achieve them. In this day and time, when competition is at its peak and everybody is extraordinary at what they do, one might find oneself under a lot of pressure to be doing well in life.

What your mind needs is clarity and calmness to know what you want. Additionally, you’ll need mindfulness to plan out how you are going to achieve your goals. One of the easiest and most efficient ways to bring yourself on the path of success is to enter the world of yoga. A regular practitioner can see themselves treading the path of success with confidence and dignity.

Listed below are the 6 ways yoga can help make this happen:

1. Improves focus and concentration

Yogic exercises involve a lot of breathing and meditating. Almost all asanas expect you to carry out an elaborate deep and long breathing exercise so that it becomes easier for you to maintain that posture. 

In turn, this breathing removes all the tension stocked up within your body and your mind. The focused breathing endows upon your mind the ability to give your undivided attention to anything that you’re doing.

2. Boosts self esteem

A regular yoga practice helps you look at yourself with an unbiased mind. It makes you aware of your shortcomings and flaws and helps you embrace them so you can work on them. 

Yoga helps you reflect upon your negative self-image with a practical mind so that you realise this is merely an obstruction in your life, and that self-love is the one thing you majorly owe to yourself in order to do anything productive in life. It shoots up your self esteem and makes you believe in yourself.

“Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony.”- Debasish Mridha

3. Schedules your day

If you talk to anybody who you think is successful, they’ll suggest you to plan your days. Somewhere deep down you know that planning is the key to use your time effectively. In order to be as productive as your potential allows, you need to have a good lifestyle, get to sleep on time, wake up on time, and stay fresh. 

What a regular practice of yoga does is it helps you attain a body clock time. It drains you enough to make you sleep early at night and ensures that you have a good nap so that you wake up fresh and energized in order to be fully productive the next day.

4. Helps you handle stress better

Doing something good in life and reaching a pedestal of success does not entail a path filled with velvet roses. It does involve a lot of crisis and stress that can become a reason for you to give up or worse, to impact your mental health. 

One of the most important things to take care of when you’re striving for something big is to equip yourself to deal with this stress and anxiety. Yoga will help you deal with this by promoting the relaxation of your mind, body and soul. It creates a balance within you and pushes out all kinds of negative thoughts that cluster your head.

5. Improves relationships

The marker of a wholesome and successful person is the ability to associate with people in a healthy manner. Successful work involves some kind of team work, and it is important for a person to know how to bring out the best in people. 

We often find it difficult to interact with people properly, and it is possible that this difficulty might end up overshadowing the efficiency in our work. Yoga can improve the way you interact with people and have a positive impact on your already existing relationships. 

One of the things yoga does is it makes you more sensitive. It helps you develop sensitivity and empathy. It allows you to pay attention to your thoughts and what people say. This can help you develop a proper team to work together.

“Yoga is the space where flower blossoms.” – Amit Ray

6. Physical well being

It is a universal fact that whatever you aim to do in life, one of the most basic things to start off with is ensuring your physical well-being. You need to be fit enough to do anything in life, and once you are fit, everything else follows. 

A regular yoga practice has amazing impacts on your health. It improves your fitness level, ensures good body flexibility and improves your stamina. Not only that, but it ensures that all the systems in your body function efficiently. This can help improve your immune system and make you energetic enough to carry out efficient work.

Always remember that success is not meant for a few exclusive people, but is something that anyone can achieve. All you need to do is follow the above mentioned things to help you kick start your journey to success. 

Do you practice yoga? If so, in what ways has it helped you become a better individual? Let us know in the comments below!


Monday 28 October 2019

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Slow Things Down for Greater Success

Entrepreneurs understand that their world is accelerating. Growth is exponential. Technologies are converging. Business lifecycles are collapsing. Communication is instantaneous. But consider this, in a race between a 1920 Model T Ford, whose top speed is 45 miles per hour, and a new Mercedes-Benz sedan going 100 miles per hour, the Mercedes will win. There’s no question that the Mercedes can travel more quickly. Yet, which driver is more comfortable, more in control?  Which driver is sipping a latte and listening to Enya?

Absolute speed is important, but relative speed is everything. Similarly, professional football has gotten undeniably faster in the last generation. The players are bigger, stronger, and more agile. Yet, after ten years in the league, star linebacker Ray Lewis said, “Nowadays the game has slowed down so much. When I sit and watch film from ten years ago, and I watch now, I think, wow, why would I take that step, or why would I even go that way?”

“It’s all about angles,” Lewis added, and “all about knowing where the players are going to go before they even think about doing it. It’s about recognizing the formations.”

For Ray Lewis, experience and constant study slowed the game. He never claimed to know the future. Only, that if he paid attention, he could anticipate how events might unfold just a little bit before his opponent.

There’s a word for this ability to read angles and recognize formations. It’s not “smart” because Lewis was always a smart player. It’s called “wisdom,” and it’s about reacting to things faster than others because you can recognize the shape of the near-future a second, a day, or a month before others do. It’s about finding ways to turn absolute speed into relative speed—so you can enjoy that latte even as the world passes by at 100 miles per hour.

Hacking Speed for Entrepreneurial Wisdom

As an entrepreneur, wisdom normally accumulates one day at a time. But if you could hack this pace, one-day-of-experience for one-day-of-work, you might be able to slow the world down even as it accelerates. And that ability, as Ray Lewis discovered on the football field, would be a game-changing competitive advantage.

Below are three ways you can hack speed and accumulate entrepreneurial wisdom:

1. You need to embrace speed

If you are a skier, do you complain that the snow is cold? Of course not. You dress for the weather. You recognize cold as the thing that makes skiing possible, even enjoyable. On a mountain slope in winter, cold is a given. For a twenty-first century entrepreneur, speed is a given. Choosing to embrace it is the first step in slowing things down and creating an advantage.

“Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” – John De Paola

2. Be a student of today

If the entrepreneurial world is accelerating, so too is our ability to analyze, forecast, predict, integrate, and disseminate information. Take advantage of all the smart people helping us to make sense of the world. Read the blogs. Listen to the podcasts. Follow your industry on social media. Take some quiet time every week to study the angles and check the formations.

3. Seek wisdom in experience

That’s what Ray Lewis did during his career and what other great players do today. That’s what smart entrepreneurs do, too. I’ve spent the last few years writing about the history of American innovation. It’s been an eye-opening and productive journey. Nothing puts events in perspective and slows the world down better than “studying the videos” of the entrepreneurs who preceded us.

For example, one of America’s first serial entrepreneurs, Eli Whitney, saved his bankrupt musket business with a spectacular (and maybe deceptive) product demo; wouldn’t it be good to understand how that entrepreneurial “formation” came together?

Alfred Sloan of General Motors found himself more than 40 points behind Henry Ford in market share, yet, less than a decade later, GM had passed Ford, never looking back. As a modern entrepreneur, that would be a very helpful “video” to watch.

Likewise, J.K. Milliken’s use (and overuse) of employee benefits to create a loyal workforce and John Merrick’s leveraging commercial success to fight for social justice both have modern applications, as does Elizabeth Arden’s ability to sense and then shape consumer needs.

“Trade your busy life for a full one.” – Courtney Carver

These stories are reminders that, while others might focus on absolute speed, you can manage the relative speed of change. Be a student of today, study the historic formations and angles and learn from experience. Enjoy the latte.  

What part of this article resonated most with you? Share your thoughts with us below!


Sunday 27 October 2019

3 Psychological Facts That Can Unleash Your Inner Power

Some people will achieve great things. Others won’t. But why is that? We’re all just “talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe,” as Joe Rogan puts it. So why do some “talking monkeys” build 7 or 8 figure businesses, travel the world, and live the life of their dreams while the rest of us… well, wish we were living the life of our dreams.

What’s the difference between them and us? The good news is, not a whole lot. You are just as capable as they are. You are just as powerful and full of potential as they are. They just know a few things about hacking their psychology and unleashing their inner power that you probably don’t know. 

Here are 3 psychological facts that can unleash your inner power:

1. Your thoughts single-handedly determine how you feel

Throughout most of the 1900s, psychologists used behavioral therapy to treat people with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, you name it. We all sort of figured, if you want to change someone’s actions, then you need to change their actions!

It wasn’t until around 1960 that Albert Ellis suggested the radical idea that our deeply held beliefs about the world (i.e. the way we think), what he called our “Basic Irrational Assumptions,” determine how we feel and thus, how we behave. It was later suggested that if you want to change your actions or behaviors, you must first change the way you think.

Now, an entire branch of psychology, coined cognitive therapy, is dedicated to that premise. And the results are staggering; medication combined with cognitive and behavioral therapy is 75% to 90% effective. In other words, if you want to change how you behave and how you feel, then change the way you think. Easier said than done, I know. Read on.

2. Your mind can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality

Have you ever thought about something funny that happened and then caught yourself actually smiling or laughing in public? Of course you have! We all have. But why is that? After all, the funny thing already happened — so why are you laughing about it right now? Well, it’s because your mind can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality.

If you imagine something good happening, then you’ll experience all of the positive feelings you associate with that good thing as if it actually happened. The same is true for negative experiences. This is such a radical psychological fact that one study revealed there’s not much of a difference between imagining going to the gym and actually going to the gym!

So why is that important? Because it means that, with a little bit of intentionality, you can rewire your brain to associate pain or pleasure with whatever actions you choose. By imagining the future repercussions of your bad behaviors and the long term benefits of good behaviors, you can manifest real motivation to change and take the first step toward creating a life that excites you.

3. You’re far better at creating a new habit than you are at quitting a bad habit

You can’t quit a bad habit; not easily, at least. The habit pathway in your brain is already formed and there’s no currently known way to simply extinguish that pathway altogether. But you can change the pathway. You can put a new behavior inside the habitual trigger-behavior-reward system. Charles Duhigg, the author of The Power Of Habit calls this the “The Golden Rule of Habit Change: You can’t extinguish a bad habit, you can only change it.”

This is why people who are trying to quit smoking, chew gum and alcoholics drink non-alcoholic beverages — because those things are replacements for the bad habit.

If you want to quit doing something — overeating, oversleeping, smoking, drinking, etc — don’t think about quitting, think about what you can replace the habit with. Often times, thinking about quitting just makes you want to engage with the bad habit more because you’re thinking about it! But replace the bad habit with something equally rewarding, something that’s good for you, and you’ll quickly be able to change any negative behavior.

Disclaimer: Mike Blankenship is not a certified psychologist. We advise that you see a professional psychologist for any serious mental difficulties you might be experiencing.


Saturday 26 October 2019

9 of the Best Time Management Techniques and How to Choose Which One is Best for You

Time management is the process of planning and organizing your time. It is important in most aspects of life and takes true skill to master. However, time management can look differently for different types of people. For example, if you are a working mother, you may choose to manage your time differently than someone who is a college student. Similarly, if you consider yourself more of an analytical thinker, you may choose a different way to manage your time than someone who is a creative thinker.

The hard part is finding a method that works for you. Whether you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or a first-year college student, we could all use a little help managing our time. So which technique will work for you?

Here are some of the most popular time management techniques: 

  • Pareto analysis (aka the 80/20 rule): The idea that 20% of actions are responsible for 80% of outcomes. 
  • Pomodoro technique: This method uses a timer to break down your day into intervals.   
  • Eisenhower matrix: This technique encourages you to organize your time into four separate quadrants.  
  • Parkinson’s law: A law that says the amount of time you give yourself to complete a task, is the amount of time it will take you to finish it. 
  • Time blocking method: Coined by Elon Musk, this method has you assign each time block in your day a task. 
  • Getting things done (GTD) method: This process encourages you to record tasks on paper and break them down into actionable work items. 
  • Rapid planning method (RPM): This method works to train your brain to focus on a vision in order to make it a reality. 
  • Pickle jar theory: This method encourages you to set priorities for your day and plan tasks with time to spare. 
  • Eat that frog technique: This method teaches you to start your day by doing the least appealing task first.  

Not every technique is going to work for every person. If you are someone who gets distracted easily, the Pomodoro technique might be the best bet for you. If you are someone who has a hard time prioritizing tasks on your plate, try the Eisenhower matrix. If you have a habit of leaving things until the last minute, try out Parkinson’s law.

If you need help deciding which method will work for you check out the infographic below for information on how they work and the types of people they work best for. There is also a flowchart to help you choose the best method for you.

Here are 9 types of time management techniques:

How to choose which method best suits you:


Friday 25 October 2019

Succeeding Is Good, But Is It Bad to Fail?

In one of the Earth’s corners, lived a boy. He was a cheerful and happy human. But, on a fateful day, the smile vanished from his face. It was replaced with tears in the eyes. What happened to him? Well, he became a victim of the world’s worst disaster. What? He failed in his exam. His once colorful life now turned to a desert. People were discussing what he will do with his life. It seemed like there was no hope left to succeed in the future.

Well, that was one corner, now let’s talk about another. There, a young gentleman was planning to take the extreme step, he was searching on Google, “How to end his useless life?” Why was he doing this? Because his dream venture failed, and society left no stone unturned to increase the already existing negativity.

Is failing that bad? Does your life end when you fail? No. Agreed, success gets you claps, but failure gives experience. And, these experiences can make you achieve the heights of success you’ve not even dreamed of. Don’t believe me? In that case, search for the success stories of famous personalities. You will come to know how many times they failed before becoming successful. Feeling lazy to search? Well, let’s talk about some of them.

“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” – Henry Ford

Switch off the lights. What’s there? Darkness. This is how our lives would be if Thomas Edison had not invented the light bulb. Was it an easy thing to do? No. He failed numerous times. But, do you know what he said? His words were “These were not failures, they were my steps to success.” If he hadn’t kept this positive attitude, would it have been possible for him to leave his mark on the world?

If this example is not enough, let’s take another one. Steve Jobs, the founder and CEO of a tech giant, we all know as Apple, got expelled from his own company. Yes, he was shown the door by the same company that he founded. Is it anything less than a failure? No. But, he did not lose hope, he kept fighting two fights. Yes, not one but two. First to get his position and reputation back and the second to snatch his life from cancer’s hands. He may have lost the second as winning that was not completely in his control, but won the first battle, and with that our hearts too.

Would they have ever known what success is and how it feels when you succeed without failing? No. We know the sweet dishes’ taste because we’ve tasted the bitter ones before, the same is the case with success too. Have you heard of the quote, “A man can never taste success if he hasn’t tasted failure.” The quotes like these further voice my opinion.

What is Failure?

All our lives we defined the term “failure” in an incorrect way. The below-mentioned points will help you understand what it means in the correct sense.

Failure is a teacher: There is no better teacher than failure. It teaches you patience and how to stand for yourself when no one is by your side. These are some of the teachings we get from our teachers, right? When the teachers are good, then how can failure be bad if it also teaches the same thing? 

Failure is a new way generator: Will anybody see a problem with a different perspective if he becomes successful in solving it on the first shot? I do not think so. 

We try to find alternatives only when the original idea fails. It is human nature. Therefore, failures become necessary. They make us glance at the situation from a new angle so that we can discover all the possible approaches to address an issue. After all, it is this trial and error that leads to great inventions.

Failure is a motivator: Yes, failures also motivate. When you fail multiple times a thought strikes your mind, “I am tired of doing the same task, again and again, this time I’ll complete it without failing no matter what”. What has failure done? Well, it has motivated you to give your best and succeed.

“Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time, but it is the ability to resist or use failure that often leads to greater success.” – J.K. Rowling

Failure is a praise winner: It may sound weird, but failure gets you more praise than becoming successful. How? When you fail, people criticize, however if you get up and fight again, then the same people applaud louder on your success. Their words change from “He can’t do anything” to “We never thought he could do this, he is a fighter.”

Failure is toughener: This is something you surely cannot deny. Failure toughens you. It makes you mentally stronger so that you can prove yourself. It inculcates the skill in you to ignore the societal pressure and chase your dreams with more vigor and zeal.

Still thinking failure is a curse or have you realized its importance in life? Even if you have failed, don’t give up. Instead, learn from it and continue moving on the path leading to your dream. One day you’ll be successful. Remember, you do not fail when you’re unsuccessful in achieving something. You fail when you’ve stopped trying to achieve it. Get up and fight back.

Tell us about one of your failures, how you approached it, and how you overcame it! Share your stories with us below!


Thursday 24 October 2019

3 Ways to Bounce Back When Life Pushes You Hard

A few years back, I was reminded of the fragility and unpredictability of life. I was 32, going through stressful transitions; moved countries, changed careers, and was getting used to being a mother of two toddlers. It was November, I went for a casual check-up and ended up being diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer, spreading like a wildfire. Within a few hours, my world caved in. After days of crying, and thinking it was all a bad dream, I got myself together and felt a deep desire to live, be close to my loved ones, travel, and fight the cancer. 

I lost my “rational mind” and my gut instincts became stronger and clear. I made a decision, which was logistically challenging and would require me to be the best possible version of me at a time when my life was falling apart. 

After two weeks of going through surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, I decided to relocate my family, close to my guide, mother nature. I relocated to Ganges near the Himalayan foothills.

The Journey 

During chemotherapy, I used to wake up to the sight of the milky green Ganges, a valley surrounded by mountains, the chirping of birds, and a burst of energy that came with the river breeze. I would hike down to the river, catch the first rays of sunlight, feel the rich life around me, stand under the gushing waterfalls, and take dips in the freezing water of the Ganges.

I also did yoga and meditation by the river, and it made me feel so free, fearless, and one with nature. There was an invisible force, guiding me, protecting me, and loving me. The worst time of my life suddenly changed into the most enlightened time.

“Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Here are the 3 things I learned from this journey:

1. Keep faith, accept the challenge, and believe in the grand scheme of life

Imagine you are on a hiking trip. You have trained, are well prepared, and there is energy burning inside you. You are conquering the terrain, feeling the rush of blood, enjoying the beauty, and getting more adept with every step. Suddenly, the weather takes a turn for the worse, you become overwhelmed, tip over a rock and fall.

Your group keeps on moving and you are left behind, in the harsh weather and a broken leg. What is supposed to be a beautiful journey, suddenly becomes a nightmare and you are gasping for breath. Now, you have a choice to either sit and blame everyone else or to think about the possibility that there is more to what just happened. You can’t change the course of the weather or the fact you got hurt. You can either feel helpless and be a victim or you can channel your energy, get back your inner strength, and think about the possibility to get out of the mess.

Life is like the hiking trip, unpredictable and bittersweet. Unforeseen events, can put us off the radar, no matter how well we planned. Giving more power to the events, being in a state of victimhood or ‘why me’ leads to helplessness, anxiety, depression, isolation and low self confidence. 

Instead, have faith in the universe and yourself. You can’t control certain things, or go back and change them. What is within our power is to accept the test that life has bestowed, find that inner spark, and move ahead.

2. Mother nature has got your back

Because thousands of thoughts cross your mind, it’s challenging to break a chain of negative thoughts that take over your mind. What you can do is go outside, and experience the sunset, sunrise, walk in the woods, swim in the sea, lie on the grass, and take deep breaths of gratitude.

Feel the richness of life, the cycle of change, the vacuum of silence, and the music of the trees. You will observe your negative thoughts slowing down and your breathing getting into a more natural rhythm. 

Go on a solo nature trip, do Forest Bathing (a therapeutic technique originated in Japan), release the vented up emotions through writing, singing, or observing and learning from mother nature. When the mind is at peace, the inner voice within, becomes louder and stronger and all the fears are left behind. That is the place you want to be, where you activate the voice that knows the best for you.

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius

3. Work from the inside out, detach yourself from the outcome, and take small actions

The thoughts and emotions you are experiencing are there for a reason. Without judging or labeling them as good or bad, or shoving them under the rug, take a deep dive and reflect on the meaning of them in your life. 

Working with a personal development coach or self reflecting on your values, what drives you, and your vision will give your emotions a medium of self expression. Unexpressed thoughts and emotions are like a dormant volcano, building up pressure every time you feel dishonored.

For instance, if you feel stuck in a toxic relationship or a job, it could be because you have invested every bit of yourself into it and it feels almost impossible to escape. Though your values are consistently dishonored, you feel betrayed, angry, helpless, and there is too much friction and resistance to take another step.

Not taking action is like being stuck in quicksand, because the more you postpone, the deeper you get sucked in. Your self confidence and self esteem takes a nosedive and every day you drift away from who you are as a person. Instead, take small consistent actions every day. These actions should help you feel alive and make you feel close to who you are.

Go for a run, sweat out those toxins, or practice yoga. These activities can help you develop the mental strength, the ability to face challenges, and to believe in yourself. If you love to dance, join a dance class. If you love to play sports, find a group and commit to it.

Have you seen a climber plant? Once it gets the right support and nurturing, it climbs up against gravity. The key here is to create that support system by tuning in to the above practices and no matter how hard life pushes you, find that firm ground beneath your foot, and bounce back.

How do you find the strength to get back up after life knocks you down? Share your thoughts with us below!


Wednesday 23 October 2019

Social Intelligence: Great Relationships Ensure Your Workplace Success

I always believe that happy and fearless employees produce greater results and it reflects in their productivity scale, efficiency levels and the entire disposition. A buoyant office atmosphere implies that your employees are beaming with confidence, humility, knowledge, poise, enthusiasm, and congeniality. They love to talk, help others, crack a silly joke, party hard, and work harder!

However, every office has some employees who avoid interacting with others. They have their own reasons behind this aloofness and indifference – some call it their love for privacy, for some it is introversion, some give an excuse of being busy, and then there are those who find it difficult to break the walls that they build around themselves. Although space is important for all of us to grow without suffocating, it’s pretty lonely at the top if you don’t have your comrades with you.

As a matter of fact, organizations are expected to cultivate a more intelligent and emotionally connected workplace where we learn to hit a balance between personal space and professional bonding. This is where Social Intelligence comes into play. Organizations that embrace Social Intelligence as a pivotal part of their corporate culture have the capability to sort out multiple employee issues, effortlessly!

What exactly is Social Intelligence?

It was the American psychologist named Edward Thorndike who first brought the concept of Social Intelligence to the forefront in the year 1920. As per his definition, it is The ability to understand and manage men and women and boys and girls, to act wisely in human relations.”

In simple layman terms, it is our ability to act, speak and listen to others with intelligence and tact and without any preconceived notions or judgements. It is not taught in schools or colleges; it is collected wisdom that one learns over a period of time through life experiences.

Socially intelligent individuals are sensitive towards others’ feelings, they are open to ideas apart from their own, they are unbiased, they talk and act sensibly without jumping to conclusions, and they are avid listeners. These people seem to be calm and self-assured even in the midst of chaos and pressures and will act totally in control in a larger crowd. 

Now, imagine how your office can turn into the best place under the sun if most of your co-workers would possess this skill and acumen! It will not only breed healthy relationships but can ease out most of the work-related frustrations and stress, which otherwise can lead to employee depression, inefficiencies, and a higher attrition rate!

“The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and influence their actions.” – John Hancock

Social Intelligence is not just a theory

It is a way of life – especially at our workplace where we spend most of the day. After all, who would want to come across as a serious-looking snob who hardly looks at anyone except the laptop! It is easy to be unapproachable, but it is fun to be approachable by all. 

Your social intelligence is your ability to gel well with people around you and your aptitude to build strong and cognitive relationships with them. According to management consultant and author Albrecht “a lack of social intelligence can doom even the best and brightest in the workforce”.

The significance is immense

Basically, social intelligence at the workplace is more than just getting along with people. It defines how good you are at developing relationships with people that can build confidence in them. It creates an overall atmosphere where everyone works harder and performs better with enhanced commitment and productivity. This also leads to an office with less conflicts.

Social intelligence makes us emotionally responsible and well-connected people who are fully capable of motivating, encouraging, and inspiring fellow colleagues not only to work harder and perform better, but also to cultivate an ambiance of trust, love, and wisdom in the workplace.

Having the skill to deal with people from various backgrounds and beliefs with compassion is an art everyone should embrace, as it is one of the most essential ingredients of professional success and personal happiness.

“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” – Confucius

The keyword lies in ‘Empathy’

Now, the question is…how to become more socially intelligent towards our fellow employee and express genuine empathy towards them? These 10 simple steps can help you in the long run.

  1.   Avoid being biased and prejudiced: Get rid of your personal biases, prejudices and thought process and be more welcoming to others’ ideas, insights and open. Look at things from people’s views.
  2.   Don’t judge colleagues based on your beliefs and preferences: You might have acquired beliefs and inclinations based on your own experiences and likings but don’t force others to accept them.
  3.   Apply Design Thinking in your day-to-day life: Analyse a given problem and take the following tactical steps: 
    • Empathize 
    • Define 
    • Ideate
    • Prototype
    • Test to solve it
  1.   Start looking at things from others’ viewpoints: It’s important to sometimes keep differences away and look at situations from others’ viewpoint. This offers multiple solutions to a given issue.
  2.   Do take criticisms constructively: Keep your negative emotions like ego, jealousy, insecurities, greed, and anger at bay when you enter the workplace. Most of your disputes are born out of them.
  3.   Stick to your commitment once it’s made: Be a person of your word and don’t give excuses that you were busy, so you overlooked your previously made promises. It breaks trust and reliance!
  4.   Feel free to communicate openly: Ensure to share your opinions openly and find time to listen to your co-workers challenges, fears and worries. It always helps to heal a heavy heart by being all ears!
  5.   Always carry your smile wherever you go: Remember, people won’t know about your personal struggles and hence they wouldn’t deserve your harsh words. Smile and the world will smile at you!
  6.   Come out of your comfort zone: Being an introvert and retreating in your shell doesn’t always help. Try to mingle with others, break the ice and let go of past disagreements. It’s good to forget and forgive!
  7. Inspire, encourage and motivate people: It’s beautiful to inspire people to do something unique and follow their heart, encourage them to go the extra mile, motivate them to get the best done and appreciate them generously for even the slightest achievement.

Together, we can make our workplace an interesting and fun place where we all would look forward to coming every morning! 

How do you build relationships with people at work? Has it helped you gain a promotion or anything else? Share your thoughts with us below!


Tuesday 22 October 2019

The Main Reason Why You’re Consistently Losing Sales

These words are such a killer! You hear them from other people, and you even use them. If you’re in sales or you have a business and you need to get sales, using those critical filler words, um or uh, will kill you and your business. Do you think people will trust you more because you use the words um or uh in sales? Sure, you may get some people to buy from you that have very low awareness, but when you run into someone who is a high income earner and he’s your big ticket to the big commission…you’re going to run into trouble.

Um and uh are one of the biggest unconscious spoken words in the English language, and it’s killing your sales. It didn’t hit me until I was in a sales meeting selling social media services, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why the guy didn’t want to buy when the service matched his needs.

But, of course a reality check came in when my mentor told me I speak as if I have no confidence in myself or my work. Yikes! Now I know why that one guy didn’t want to work with me.

Um…No Confidence!

When you’re using the word um in your daily conversations, you show a lack of confidence on your end. Whoops! Were you offended? If you were, then good because this article is for you.

Um is the filler word that kills your credibility, but it also kills your confidence. Additionally, it can show that you’re a liar and you’re not as trustworthy.

In a sales meeting, instead of using filler words like um or uh, go silent. The power in silence gives you more of the advantage in sales than using your filler words. You want to influence your prospects to buy, not make them feel like they can’t trust you. Tell yourself this right now, “it’s ok to be silent.” Gain confidence when you no longer use um or uh.

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” – Arthur Ashe

Uh…You’re Making It Up!

It looks bad when you’re with a prospect and you have to pause, say uh or um, and proceed to continue your conversation. With your friends, they won’t care because they do it too, but with your prospects, you look like a straight up liar and you’re just making stuff up!

Even worse, if you’re saying it in person during the sale, chances are your eyes are going to roll up and you’re going to look like you’re thinking of the next magic word. Again, take a second to pause and be ok with an awkward silence. It’s powerful that way and your prospects will trust you more. If you want to kill your sale in a flash though, use the words um and uh and see how long they will last with you.

Little To No Influence

You have little to no influence on your sales if you are using the words um and uh. You may think that when you use filler words, your prospect doesn’t care because you’re finding a solution, but it’s better to be prepared than to think of something on the spot where you impact with little to influence.

As a guy and coming from my own opinion, how much influence does a girl leave on people when she says um, uh, like? I can tell you one thing for sure, no one would take her seriously. Judge me, hate me, or don’t like me, but you know it’s true. When you’re selling to people, they want someone that they can like, someone who is confident, and doesn’t use filler words to avoid awkward silence.

Those silent moments can be used to think strategically to make your prospect more at peace dealing with you. In addition to that, you are perceived as someone who has more power. Don’t be that person who has to use the filler words to avoid awkward silence. You’ll lose that sale in a flash.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Suzy Kassem

In conclusion, you have to understand that when you’re selling, you have to look the part, be the expert, and know damn well what you’re talking about even if you’re not familiar with the product or service. Um and uh will not save you and if you closed a sale using those filler words, see how long that works with you and see how long people stay with you.

Leave them loving you, not questioning you the next day. I can tell you from my own experience that when I speak on stage and I use those words, I begin losing my audience. I am losing my sales. I am losing my business. Remember, if you want to influence and get a sale in a flash, use that energy right and don’t use the words um and uh. You’ll kill your sale and business.

Do you ever catch yourself using filler words? If so, what advice do you have for people trying to change that habit? Share your opinions with us below!


Monday 21 October 2019

6 Simple but Effective Ways You Can Get the Very Best From Your Team

It doesn’t matter if you have been in a senior position for several years or are new to the managerial world, motivating a team can be difficult. However, understanding how to engage individual team members or entire departments and keeping morale high is vital. After all, 50% of employees quit a company to escape their boss, not their position, so learning how to properly motivate and inspire a team is critical for long term success.

Fortunately, there are 6 steps any manager can take to maximize their team’s productivity while keeping workers motivated:

1. Set Clear Expectations & Goals

One of the easiest ways to make an employee feel engaged in their job is to ensure that they understand their role. Setting clear job expectations for each team member before the start of a project is necessary for getting departments on the same page. Additionally, outlining concise project related goals and what employees are striving towards in terms of their career development is important.

Only half of employees agree that they know what is expected of them at work, and this lack of direction can cause team members to feel overwhelmed. By setting clear instructions for each employee as a manager, you can ensure your team remains focused and motivated.

“A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other.” – Simon Sinek

2. Provide A Support Network

Almost half of workers suffer from burnout at some point in their career. As a manager, it is important to spot the signs of a struggling employee in order to address the root cause of the problem before the situation worsens.

Creating a support network as a manager is critical for increasing employee motivation and strengthening a sense of teamwork. Providing employees with additional training or resources to better complete their job is recommended, as well as ensuring that employees have a proper work-life balance.

3. Communicate Regularly

Communication between managers and their team is critical for both motivated and disinterested employees. Consistent feedback can encourage productive employees to continue their outstanding work, and it can also provide lagging employees a chance to ask for help or guidance.

Ultimately, by keeping open lines of communication with all team members, managers can gain a better understanding of their team’s strengths and weaknesses. Scheduling weekly or monthly meetings with employees can be an effective way to gauge the state of a department, address concerns or problems, and make adjustments to increase productivity.

4. Give Recognition

Studies have shown that recognition is the number one thing employees say their manager could provide to encourage them to produce better work. This is simply human nature. Praise for hard work and producing results can motivate employees to strive for further success, and it keeps employees feeling valuable.

Leaving talent and hard work unnoticed can lead to employees feeling unappreciated over time, increasing the likelihood the resign or become disinterested. A skilled manager knows when recognition for valuable work is due and how to provide it to their team.

5. Remember The Bigger Picture

Setting clear expectations for employees before the start of a project helps clarify the division of labor and team roles. However, as a manager, it is also important to outline the bigger picture when beginning and concluding a project.

Employees will feel higher levels of motivation if they believe they are working towards something important for the organization that they work for. It is easy for employees to feel as if they are a simple cog in a machine after years of employment, but a skilled manager should outline the importance of the task at hand and the value it brings back to the company.

Reminding employees of the value they provide is a simple but effective tactic to increase motivation and get the most from a team.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

6. Lead By Example

While managerial tactics such as providing recognition or keeping open lines of communication are useful ways to motivate employees, a good manager must still lead by example. A department cannot succeed under poor leadership. Additionally, employees cannot be expected to excel at their job and remain motivated if they are burdened by poor leadership.

A truly great manager leads their team by example, setting a standard of professionalism and work ethic that inspires their team to greater heights.

Managing a workforce can be challenging for experienced and novice managers alike. However, as long as managers remember these 6 critical steps, they can effectively motivate their department, keep morale high, and deliver results.


Sunday 20 October 2019

Do Not Let Fear Beat You: 6 Ways to Boost Your Courage Right Now

The most important purpose of fear, which is to help us stay safe, has served humankind faithfully ever since the first people roamed the Earth. It represents our fight-or-flight response to dangerous situations, heightening our awareness and sharpening our senses in moments when it matters the most. This is why, contrary to widespread perception, fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

However, fear can also hold us back and affect our lives negatively. It can hurt our relationships, prevent us from embracing new experiences, and obstruct the opportunities for personal and professional development.

Here are the best 6 ways that can help you boost your courage and prevent fear from taking over your life:

1. Name, understand, and accept your fears 

Facing and fighting your fears is an uphill battle, so don’t try to accomplish it all right away. Putting too much pressure on yourself can be quite counterproductive, so make these powerful words your mantra: Easy does it.

The first steps you must make are to recognize what your fears are, understand why they’re present, and accept them. You need to learn to forgive yourself for not being a “fearless warrior” ready to tackle any stressful situation like there’s nothing to it. After all, no person in this world matches that unrealistic description.

2. Distinguish reasonable from unreasonable fears

As mentioned in the introduction, fear has historically served humans by helping them distinguish situations that represent certain risks from the ones that don’t. It had a crucial role in keeping human lifespan as long as possible, which was quite useful, and still is to this day.

There are many levels of danger our bodies and minds pick up on, from purely physical to more sophisticated existential ones. Any situation that presents a potential risk for our wellbeing is usually a reasonable fear (like fear of heights, wild animals, or getting fired and ending up without the income you need to live). Unreasonable fears, on the other hand, like fear of clowns, birds, or ghosts, can only make your life more difficult instead of making it safer.

Distinguishing reasonable from unreasonable fears is a vital step in getting your fears under control, whether you do it on your own, with a friend, or an experienced professional.

“Fear comes from uncertainty. When we are absolutely certain, whether of our worth or worthlessness, we are almost impervious to fear.” – William Congreve

3. Analyze what you can control, avoid, or change

There are many fears you can control by controlling situations when they happen. Our fears can sometimes even suggest the best course of action that fits our needs and preferences. If you’re not comfortable in crowds, speaking in front of large audiences, or spending time with highly competitive people, perhaps you should consider careers and events that don’t put you on the spot.

Although avoiding things and situations that scare you isn’t always the best thing you can do, sometimes it might just be. There’s no need to go against the tide every time you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, fear can be a direction towards a better alternative.

4. Step out of your comfort zone

Although there’s no need to push yourself to overcome every fear you might have, running away from every situation that feels slightly uncomfortable won’t help you get far in life. The goal isn’t to prove your fearlessness, or shelter yourself from any challenging situation altogether. You need to achieve a healthy balance between respecting personal preferences and limitations and supporting your growth and development.

To make sure you’re not passing through life avoiding everything you fear, you must step out of your comfort zone from time to time. It’s best to try getting over smaller fears first, gradually moving towards the ones that represent bigger challenges.

5. Let go of the paralyzing perfectionism

Some fears have nothing to do with our physical wellbeing, but with our values and sense of worthiness. If left unmanaged, such fears can ruin chances of meeting new people, getting the jobs we want, or sharing valuable experiences with the world around us. These fears often arise from the need to do everything perfectly, without making a single mistake along the way.

Perfectionism, the notion that things need to be perfect to be good and worthy, often brings along more bad than good, and it can be a source of various fears that prevent us from becoming who we need to be. Give up the idea of perfect deeds and perfect people. It’s only holding you back.

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” – Jack Canfield

6. Embrace uncertainty like an adventurer

There are two ways to perceive uncertainty in life: You can either let it turn into fears that control you, or embrace it as a wonderful aspect of life that lets you live your own adventure. Become your own best friend and give yourself the motivation you need to live each day to the fullest. Nothing can ever replace the love and care you need to provide for yourself.

Fear can make you stronger, more attentive, and resilient, or bring you down and limit the possibilities life has in store for you. Although this choice is entirely up to you, overcoming fear and turning it into a useful trait rather than suffering from its sometimes crippling effects is often easier said than done.

Luckily, there are numerous mechanisms that can help you manage your fear instead of letting it affect your life negatively. Try the proven methods suggested above, bravely step out of your comfort zone, and get ready to experience and enjoy your life to the fullest.


Saturday 19 October 2019

5 Ways to Supercharge Your Teams Motivation With Mindfulness

Mindfulness is no longer a buzzword that you can ignore. In fact, companies like Google and Nike are treating it as their secret recipe for a successful workforce. If you’re a struggling entrepreneur with a discontented team, or newly promoted human resource manager with the task of boosting team motivation then, mindfulness is the way to go. And no, it’s not just meditation.

Is mindfulness for my team?

Whether mindfulness is for you or not, it can be determined by understanding what it is and how it will benefit your organization, and more importantly your team. According to The Foundation for Mindful Society’s definition: “Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”

So, being aware of the situation, understanding our purpose and knowing what to do next are aspects that mindfulness helps you with. For a team and its leader, that sort of works like a mind map.

In an organizational setting, the first thing that you need to understand is the goal, then you work your way around it through broken down tasks and smaller goals to support the bigger goals. Often, employees feel lost when they are not given clear directions; or they are too down the line of workers that they do not feel involved in the company’s mission. That’s where mindfulness comes in to help align them with the company’s vision and motivate them to achieve such goals.

Mindfulness has a way to positively  influence team motivation in a meaningful way at the corporate or small business level. That’s why it has been a success with several large corporations where work processes and large team dynamics tend to pull morale down. Even if you have a small team, you can supercharge team motivation with mindfulness for the long haul.  Below, are five ways to do it

1. Bust stress

One of the most corrupting elements at the workplace is stress. Stress if not tackled, can lead to mental and physical health problems such as anxiety attacks, obesity, and poor self-image. Integrating mindfulness programs like meditation and yoga at the workplace not only bust stress but also increase the stress tolerance level.

When stress is reduced, the mind is better focused on productive activities such as creative problem solving and coming up with better ideas, the dwelling in resentment, disappointment or worries.

2. Boost self-confidence

There is nothing more harmful to a workplace environment than employees cowering at the mention of their bosses. Mindfulness exercises usually involve both team leaders (and bosses) and employees to engage in team building activities that help break the ice. You can further boost your team confidence by encouraging them to interact and engage with you outside the mindfulness program.

In fact, a study by Academy of Management Proceedings, indicates that mindfulness not only boosts the confidence of employees but also of leaders because they get inspired and motivated to share their vision with team members.

3. Improve well-being

When employers encourage team members to take care of their health, whether through exercise breaks or getting a standing desk, they are motivated to do more for the organization. Mindfulness programs help transition the mindset from careless to caring among HR executives, managers and leaders.

Mindfulness exercises enhance employee health by outlining activities and lifestyles that will alleviate stress, anxiety, and frustration. When mindfulness is at work, employees feel vigorous and energetic because all of their energies are focused on having a healthy lifestyle and balance work with it.

4. Raise morale

One of the reasons that team motivation deteriorates over time is because there is a lack of team bonding and poor emotional health. While HR managers consider their jobs done with a couple of team building sessions, the reality is, energetic and spirited teams need more than just that. They need consistent boosts; they need affirmations; and they need to build themselves before they can support others.

Research by a professor of psychology at Harvard University indicates that mindfulness is co-related with emotional well-being.  When teams are in a constant state of worry and stress, they develop mental illness which, if not intervened, can affect their morale and motivation, apart from their physical health. Mindfulness can be the catalyst to help the organization to engage with employees to develop emotional intelligence and positive attitude.

When employees have something to look up to, and are emotionally intelligent to take care of their problems and work challenges, they develop mechanisms to tackle hard situations like deadlines, hard decisions and competition.

5. Develop empathy

Last, but not least, mindfulness helps develop empathy in individuals which are often lacking in a competitive corporate world. Managers are not inclined to give lee-ways to employees when tasked with high targets, while team members compete against each other for the “bonus” to the extent of exclusion of co-workers. What’s more damaging in this rat race is that teams nowadays no longer act like people with feelings and emotions; they’re unaware of what goes on in others’ lives except what matters to them.

How to suppress this cold attitude, and develop an interest in empathy among team members? Mindfulness of course. From the above discussion we’ve come to know that mindfulness teaches one to be aware and mindful of others around us. What’s more important is the fact that mindfulness also nurture empathy among individuals and among team members.

So what can you do to encourage empathy at your workplace?

As a boss or team leader, you need to set expectations but at the same time offer room for divergence so that team members can find a better way to achieve your goals. And more importantly, encourage them to work in groups, interact more frequently to achieve the same goals. When people work in proximity, they tend to develop an empathetic attitude towards their partners.

Don’t consider mindfulness as an easy way out of saving money, or a temporary fix for your team. When mindfulness is applied with the focus to build team motivation and overall well-being of the organization, it would benefit the company in the long run. Think of it as an investment in your organization that have outreaching impact on the overall performance and productivity level.


Friday 18 October 2019

8 Life Changing Benefits of Journaling Daily

The majority of people write every single day without even noticing. Are you one of them? Do you chat with your loved ones using your smartphone or reply to emails sent by colleagues at the workplace? Do you write to potential customers regularly? Writing is one aspect of life that cannot be easily eliminated.

Have you ever thought of the benefits of writing? Since we were little kids, our teachers taught and encouraged us to write. In high school and college, teachers encourage their students to take notes during class. Why is writing so emphasized?

Every successful person in the world understands the importance of writing. It’s not easy to find a successful person without a pen and a small notebook or a piece of paper nearby. Writing has proven to promote physical and mental benefits. Students and employees who take notes are twice as likely to remember things than those who don’t like writing.

Today, everyone who wants to succeed in life is encouraged to keep a journal. Journaling involves writing down your thoughts and emotions at any specific time. Journaling is all about understanding oneself. Once you understand yourself, all the barriers that are preventing you from achieving your potential will be eliminated. 

Today, we are going to discuss 8 life changing benefits of journaling daily

1. Journaling boosts your creativity

Let’s face it, most people live their lives to please others. Most of their time is spent on helping other people achieve their objectives by submitting to their solicitations. These people have not yet organized their minds consciously for them to command their waking and sleeping time. They keep reacting to their environment with no inner guidance.

For instance, the majority of people wake up and look at their messages or emails immediately. Reacting to other people’s agenda is their number one priority. On the other hand, successful people wake up and immediately journal for a couple of minutes. Creative people focus more on output than input. Detaching yourself from technological addiction and servitude and focusing on understanding yourself will improve your life.

2. Journaling helps you achieve your goals

Morning hours are usually the most creative hours because the mind is active. Journaling and reviewing your goals every morning will help you achieve them faster. Knowing what you want is the first step to getting it. 

As the popular saying goes, you can’t hit a target you can’t see. Reading and rewriting your goals makes it easier for them to be transferred to the subconscious mind which is the key to manifesting your goals. 

“Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.” – Jim Rohn

3. Journaling helps you recover

According to academic reviews, people who struggle to succeed in their environment can benefit a lot by journaling. Most people spend so much time living in the past and future. Only a few realize the importance of the present moment. 

Journaling prevents the mind from wandering by forcing it to focus on the present moment. Most people suffering from depression and trauma are usually encouraged to journal so that they can focus on the present moment. Once you understand yourself completely, the doors will open. 

4. Journaling enhances clarity

Clarity is the key to success in everything you do. A disorganized mind is the greatest liability one can ever have. Additionally, a disorganized mind is not a clear mind. 

By journaling every morning, you’ll start seeing how your life is clear. You’ll know what needs to be eliminated and adjusted for you to move forward. Once you are clear with yourself, you will gradually start feeling happy about yourself. You’ll discover that you have the potential to become whatever you want.

5. Journaling improves learning

As we said earlier, teachers and professors encourage students to take notes because it helps them retain information in the long run. Writing things down boosts your memory and increases the development of your brain. If you’ve been wondering why mentors encourage their mentees to write down their goals, now you know why. Additionally, journaling helps you solve complex problems which further improve your learning experience. 

6. Journaling increases gratitude

Gratitude is the key that connects us to the supreme. After getting what they want, most people break this connection by forgetting to be grateful for what they have regularly. If you want more things in life, you have to be grateful for the things you have now otherwise, your life will be a total waste.

The best way to be grateful for what you have is to write about them. When doing this exercise, you’ll find yourself putting the pen down and thinking deeply. When you focus on what you have, you will naturally attract more because you are operating from a place of abundance. 

On the other hand, people who are not grateful operate from a place of scarcity most of the time. And this drives people and things away from them. Gratitude has proven to make people happy, likable, and understand their emotions along with becoming healthier and optimistic.

“Writing in a journal reminds you of your goals and of your learning in life. It offers a place where you can hold a deliberate, thoughtful conversation with yourself.” – Robin Sharma

7. Journaling boosts self-confidence

Journaling is all about helping you accept yourself the way you are. Today, the majority of people don’t like themselves the way they are. In fact, these people cannot look at themselves in a mirror. 

Lack of self-confidence is one of the top reasons why people never achieve their most important goals. If you do not feel confident about yourself, how do you expect others to trust and feel happy around you?

Journaling helps you understand your thoughts and emotions clearly. Someone who understands himself or herself will accept himself or herself the way he or she is. Once you accept yourself the way you are, the world around you will accept you the way you are. Remember, the world around you reflects who you are on the inside. 

8. Journaling strengthens self-discipline

Setting aside some time to journal every day is an act of discipline in itself. Think of discipline as a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets. An act repeated overtime creates a habit. 

In general, people who are disciplined in one area of life tend to be disciplined in other areas of life such as keeping their desks and houses tidy and working hard to accomplish the days’ objectives. In order to experience success, you’ve got to stay disciplined and consistent.

As you’ve seen, journaling has several proven benefits that you can’t ignore. You need to start journaling if you haven’t started. You have to be patient and consistent with journaling for you to start seeing the results. Remember, once you understand yourself, nothing will stop you from achieving your dreams. As the Greek philosopher said, know thyself. 

Have you tried journaling? Do you already journal every day? Let us know what you think about journaling below!


Thursday 17 October 2019

5 Quick Ways to Combat Stress as an Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, it can feel impossible to find time in the day to get anything done. When you’re working so hard to achieve your dream, you might not want to take time for anything you deem unnecessary. Health usually falls into this category, which is a huge mistake! You can’t let your health fall to the wayside. If you do, your long term success will have an expiration date. Stress increases your risk of heart disease by 40% and your risk of stroke by 50%, and 3 out of 4 doctors visits in the U.S are stress-related.

You need to take stress seriously! The good news is that below are five fast ways for you to combat stress in your day-to-day operations and routine:

1. Take a break

This sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many people ignore the ample benefits of stepping away from work. “Taking breaks means you can work smarter, not longer,” says Nexa. You need to shake up your routine, get your blood flowing, and give your brain a break from the constant stream of information in the workplace.”

If you aren’t consciously resting throughout your workday, the quality of your work and your productivity will notably decline. Get away from screens, stand up every 20 minutes to stretch, and make sure your breaks aren’t filled with checking email.

2. Stay connected 

Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly lonely, especially if you work from home. While the flexibility of remote working can be a huge benefit, you can feel isolated very fast. This is a huge problem for your long term health.

Combat this loneliness by getting into a coworking space! This will allow you to benefit from having a routine and a set place to work. It also helps you meet other motivated professionals and can be an excellent opportunity to network. 

Also, make sure you’re connecting with friends and family on a regular basis. It can be tempting to isolate yourself in the hopes of being more productive, but that will only hurt you in the long run. You need support; don’t be afraid to ask for it!

“Carve your name on hearts and not on marble.” – Charles Spurgeon

3. Eat well

Here’s another no-brainer, but it has to be said. You will perform at your best if you’re eating well! Working hard means you have less time in your day. That also might mean hitting the drive-thru and eating junk. Don’t let this become a habit, or you’re going to suffer. 

An easy way to get a much-needed boost is to eat superfoods like acai, kale, and goji berries. We’ve shared before that, “A boost in brainpower can enhance your memory, sharpen your reflexes, improve your attention span, and ward off mental illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and more.” That’s a lot of benefits coming from one snack! 

4. Rely on mentors 

If you don’t currently have a business mentor, now is the time to find one. The benefits of a mentor are undeniable because they become your sounding board for new ideas, you get to learn from their mistakes, and they pass on their knowledge.

Mentors can help you learn to embrace a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset. Instead of letting your pre-existing skills determine your future success, you will learn more skills, broaden your horizons, and improve on what you and your mentor already know. 

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” – Bob Proctor

5. Ignore the hype

This final tip is probably going to be the hardest to execute, but it’s crucial to your overall success. You have to ignore the “rise and grind” mentality that consumes so many other entrepreneurs. 

Why? Simply put, it’s not productive in the long run. You’re probably used to your peers bragging about how they’re always on, how they never take breaks, how little they sleep. You might have fallen prey to this yourself. 

Here’s the thing– you know yourself. You know your process. Odds are, you work much better when you’re following the tips above, rather than suffering through all-nighters. Your long term health and success hinge on your ability to achieve a work-life balance today. Stress can literally kill you, so don’t work yourself to death!

Stress is an unavoidable part of life as an entrepreneur. That’s just a fact. The good news is you don’t have to let it destroy you. By carefully following the steps listed here, you can build a solid foundation for yourself. This foundation will make sure you avoid burning out. Take breaks, stay connected, eat well, rely on your mentors, and ignore the hype! These steps will ensure your success grows over time, and that you can enjoy it. 

How do you combat stress in your daily life? Share your ideas and thoughts with us below!
