Tuesday 3 October 2017

How to Consciously Create Yourself in 3 Easy Steps

For many of us, to consciously create yourself at any moment is foreign language. All we know is how to routinely survive through life by first making a living then followed by making a life. How many times have you heard someone say that they can’t wait to get off of work, can’t wait for vacation or even can’t wait until an event happens so they can feel “alive” again.

Why is it we are always waiting for a special moment to finally seize it? What about right now? How can we enjoy this very moment that is occurring? How can we make this moment and day just as exciting as our next vacation? It all starts with our conscious.

Ever since I was young, I have always been fascinated with the mind. I even wanted to become a neurologist because of all of the fascination that the mind brought to my attention. Instead, I took a different route and decided that I wanted to be in business for myself and also study the power of the mind and how it works.

When I was nine years old, my mother introduced me to the law of attraction and even told me that we can obtain our desires with our minds. As a young girl, this was so exciting to experiment with. Although I did this, it only lasted about a week before I forgot all about it, and went back to the life of survival.

It wasn’t until I was in my early twenties that I started to really take this seriously, and I first started by consciously creating myself as a person. During this time, I was very negative, angry, and excessively indulged in alcohol. I knew that I couldn’t live like this and that I had to make drastic changes fast.

During this period, I was very depressed, isolated myself from friends and family, and even wanted to give up on myself. I began to read books again on the Law of Attraction and any book that would basically help me use my mind to achieve anything I truly desired. In my heart, I knew that it was possible to do this, I just had to believe that it would in my own life.

I started to become fascinated all over again with how we can consciously create our lives with our minds. However, even though I was extremely fascinated, I also had doubt in the back of my mind which would occasionally creep in and convince me that this was impossible. We are constantly fighting the voices in our heads that are telling us that we cannot achieve something.

When this happens, I have learned the three steps that I outline below help eliminate those negative voices:

1. Everyday visualize the end result

In my case, I was constantly visualizing a happy woman with amazing energy and aura all around her. A woman who was approachable and helps as many people as she came into contact with.

“Envisioning the end is enough to put the means in motion.”- Dorothea Brande

2. Spending 10-15 minutes psychologically traveling into the space of my desire

For example, if I wanted to travel more, I would consciously travel to the place of desire and imagine myself being there at that moment and literally living the current world that I was living in. I started to do this so often that I would sometimes forget that I was here on earth. Once you begin to do this on a consistent basis with all of your desires, you start living in the moment of your dreams and goals.

At times, I get carried away, thus when I come back to the present moment I begin to name some of the things I am grateful for to stay grounded. It is easy to flow away in the future and abandon the present time and moment. We don’t want to do this either because we want to enjoy the present moment as much as we can.

3. Feeding your mind the right thoughts

I like to think of our minds as gardens. When we are constantly taking care of our minds with the right thoughts, we eliminate any weeds (negative thoughts) that try to grow in our gardens. When we feed our minds with the right things, we give our focus to positivity and our goals and dreams.

Think about this for a moment. When you encounter something negative, does your mind become sucked into that energy that it might throw off your whole mood and even affect your day? I know it has for me which is why I am so careful with where I am investing my mental energy.

If negative energy comes my way, I immediately ignore it so that I don’t give it the attention it wants to possibly grow into a bigger issue. The next time a negative thought tries to enter your conscious, ask yourself “Is this really worth my mental energy?” If not, dismiss it, and immediately replace it with a positive thought that resonates with your dreams and goals.

“A positive attitude can really make dreams come true – it did for me.” – David Bailey

How are you making sure you are the best version of yourself you can be every day? Make sure to let us know in the comments below!

Image courtesy of Twenty20.com


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