Tuesday 26 September 2017

41 Tai Lopez Quotes About Life

Tai Lopez is regarded as one of the most influential and motivational entrepreneurs in the game today.  Often put along side legends such as Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, and even Mark Cuban; Tai stands out for his unique personality and approach to life.  He is often credited for getting the most young people to read & invest in self-development than anyone else.  From poverty to living in the Hollywood Hills; Tai brings a lot of wisdom and insight to his followers everyday on social media. 

Here are 41 of Tai’s best quotes:

1. “People think I’m joking when I say that whoever experiments the most in life wins. But I’m not…” – Tai Lopez

2. “If I could have one super power, without a doubt, it would be the ability to stay cool under intense pressure. What could be more important?” – Tai Lopez

3. “You can get most things you want in life. It’s just that most goals will take one or two years longer than expected. Be patient.” – Tai Lopez

4. “One thing I’ve noticed with the successful. They don’t spend a lot of time on the past.” – Tai Lopez

5. “If you’re having a hard time sticking to a schedule/procrastinating there’s a simple solution. Reduce the time. Do less but be consistent.” – Tai Lopez

6. “Obsessed is a word used often by the lazy, in order to describe the dedicated.” – Tai Lopez

7. “It’s basically impossible to teach someone if they aren’t curious about the subject. This is where modern schooling goes wrong.” – Tai Lopez

8. “It’s basically impossible to teach someone if they aren’t curious about the subject. This is where modern schooling goes wrong.” – Tai Lopez

9. “KSE: remember, after Knowledge you must Strategize and Execute.” – Tai Lopez

10. “The current education system forgot, you have to inspire kids. You can’t just lecture them.” – Tai Lopez

11. “To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want.” – Tai Lopez

12. “As you rise, the number of critics will also rise. Humans seek out negativity. It’s a cognitive bias of their brains. Stay focused and proceed.” – Tai Lopez

13. “Remember that your brain isn’t built for happiness. It’s built for survival. Happiness is something you have to create after-the-fact.” – Tai Lopez

14. “Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody gets the good life.” – Tai Lopez

15. “Your life should be dominated by only one main fear: Not fully optimizing today. That’s the healthiest fear in the world.” – Tai Lopez

16. “Be humble. Persevere. Read more. Toughen up.” – Tai Lopez

17. “Make a list of the people you admire and what makes them amazing. Then go out and become those things yourself.” – Tai Lopez

18. “Be careful about discouraging people’s dreams. They might just pull them off.” – Tai Lopez

19. “If we all knew how much we’ve missed out on being unhealthy, dysfunctional and broke, we’d be working a lot harder towards our goals” – Tai Lopez

20. “Increase your attention span. Your ability to concentrate predicts your long term success at almost anything.” – Tai Lopez

21. “If you can stay cool in the middle of tough times, you will rise above the masses and shine when everyone else is panicking…” – Tai Lopez

22. “If it won’t matter in one week, one month or one year, then don’t worry about it.” – Tai Lopez

23. “Never sacrifice physical health in the pursuit of money. That’s a given. Figure out a strategy to raise both simultaneously. It’s tricky.” – Tai Lopez

24. “Everything wrong in your life is just a sign. A signal to change. Be humble enough to bow your knee and listen and act.” – Tai Lopez

25. “So many cool opportunities in the world… so few people prepared to take them and reap the rewards. Prepare yourself.” – Tai Lopez

26. “The tough truth about life is that some things just take time. Most people aren’t strong enough to deal with that fact.” – Tai Lopez

27. “So many people are in the gym working on their 6 pack but they forget the 6 pack for their brain.” – Tai Lopez

28. “You can run from your problems but not from the flaws in your thinking. Always start by fixing your brain. Train it to remove logical fallacies.” – Tai Lopez

29. “The day you figure out your career destiny is the day your true financial freedom begins.” – Tai Lopez

30. “The space between failure and success seems large. It’s not. The difference between a good carpenter and a bad one is about a quarter of an inch.” – Tai Lopez

31. “There will be a day soon when you have to make your big move. When that day comes, be bold.” – Tai Lopez

32. “Never wait until it’s too late. Dont let tragedy be your only trigger for revaluation and action.” – Tai Lopez

33. “Health. Wealth. Love. Happiness.” Tai Lopez

34. “If all you do is look forward to the weekend, holidays and time away from your job, you have a serious problem.” – Tai Lopez

35. “Divide up your life. Spend 33% of your time around people lower than you, you can mentor them. Spend 33% of your time with people that are on your level – your friends and peers. Spend 33% of your time with people that are 10/20 years ahead of you. Those are your mentors.” – Tai Lopez

36. “Whenever I feel like whining, I remind myself “Wake up Tai, this world doesn’t owe you anything.”” – Tai Lopez

37. “Your brain finds happiness in mastering skills. It’s been that way since you were little. So don’t stop mastering life as you get older.” – Tai Lopez

38. “You have to be “impatiently patient.” Impatient to get started but patiently persevere to finish what you started.” – Tai Lopez

39. “To create real wealth, make someone else wealthy first. This is the law of the mentor/apprentice.” – Tai Lopez

40. “Never chase what you want. Elevate your game until what you want chases you.” – Tai Lopez

41. “Double down on whats working and cut the rest” – Tai Lopez

42. “If you want to motivate people, you have to be motivated. It’s contagious.” – Tai Lopez

43. “Work hard in silence and let your success be your noise.” – Tai Lopez

Which quote resonated with you the most?  What do you think of Tai Lopez?  Comment below!


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