Wednesday 12 July 2017

Are You Choosing the Right Motivation? Here Are 5 Ways to Keep Yourself on Track

Everyone has good days and bad days. As humans, there are things about our nature that cannot be controlled, like our genetic composition, chemical balance, and hormone production. What that means is that one day you may wake up feeling dandy, and the next your feelings will be different and it will have nothing to with you. Some days you just wake up feeling better than others. The urge to go out there and get shit accomplished just doesn’t feel as strikingly necessary as yesterday.

It is on those “low urge” days that you are going to need your emergency motivation dose. But if your source of motivation is not properly stocked up, you will run low on your motivation and slack off. How do you prevent this from happening?

There are a few things that a good entrepreneur must have in order to keep a constant flow of motivation, even on those days when you’re feeling down and out. The hustle does not stop, even on bad days, so neither can you.

If you want to work hard, grow your business, and make a change in people’s lives then you need to make sure you have:

1. Have A Precise Vision

When looking to the future, if you don’t know where you want to go, then you could be moving very fast, but getting nowhere close to where you want to be. Set a living standard for yourself, and everyday work to uphold that standard.

Everyday you should be working towards your goals and getting close to your vision. Look towards your goals and envision yourself doing things that will get you closer to them every day. Visualize yourself already successful. Entrepreneur life is hard work, but that’s the life! Everyday will bring new challenges, new opportunities; know where you’re going and you will get there.

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” – Joel A. Barker

2. Positive Social Media Consumption

Statistically, you spend over two hours a day on social media. That’s about 1/8th of your waking time every day. Make sure that you are investing that time wisely. The people you follow on your social platforms should add value to your daily life, not add stress or “drama.”

Follow pages with inspirational images and quotes. Follow people who are already doing what you aspire to do, pages with helpful hints and tips. Have family and friends of course, but don’t let petty social media drama cloud your change your course. Leave positive comments and feedback on posts you like on agree with as well. Sharing your positive point of view will promote a positive attitude.

3. Have Productive Contact Information

Chris Soriano, founder of Clever Talks, was a guest speaker at one of my masterminds recently and one quick exercise he recommended every one does is check their contact list. Pick any letter of the alphabet, go to that letter on your phone and read all the names in that section. Who are these people and what do they do? If none of your contacts are doing just as good if not better than you, then you need new friends. If none of your contacts are clients or prospects, then you need new friends. As Jim Rohn puts it, “You are the average of the five people you spend most time with”.

4. Find Enriching Entertainment

In your down time, your brain is still receiving information and processing it. Make sure that you are constantly educating your mind and keeping it on its toes. Listen to entrepreneurs do what they do best, talk! Podcasts are available right on your phone, listen to them in your car while you are driving.

There is nothing wrong with watching a good movie now and then, just make sure you are not spending all of your off time sending your thoughts onto the wrong direction.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

5. Location of Value

Constantly place yourself where you think you will grow the most. Time is valuable, and as an entrepreneur you must learn to invest it so that it brings you the best Return On Investment or Return On Energy. Be choosy when it comes to where you spend your time. If it will bring productive outcomes then it will bring more value to you.

There are a lot of different aspects of being a human. You are made up of more than just a body; you are emotional, spiritual, and physical. People don’t just grow one way or have the same needs. Everybody grows at different rates and speeds. Entrepreneurs must learn to grow through what they go through and make a business out of it. It is just a matter of realizing that every situation is an opportunity to grow. Once we realize that, we will always want to be doing something that will make us better.

How do you continue to get better and grow as a person every single day? Comment below and let us know!

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