Monday 31 October 2016

Going Everywhere - Efficiency Tips to Plan Your Week

Whatever your goals are, the best way to achieve them is to get them down on paper and make a commitment. It’s easy to get excited for a goal and rush off and onward into a burnout until our goal crashes and burns. But taking the time to set reasonable goals and schedules to get stuff done is the key to success in almost everything you ever try to complete.

So if your goal is to eat healthier, lose weight, or maybe just avoid eating out as much as you currently do, then an easy but sometimes hard to get used to option is to plan out every single meal you are going to eat for the week. Home cooking can eat up a lot of time though, so one option that combines efficiency with good healthy eating is to set aside a day to prepare every single meal and snack for the week. Preparing food ahead like that keeps us dedicated to the meals that we prepared and can help even us with the biggest cheat meal cravings from breaking the diet. Another big boon to planning out your meals for the whole week is that you can plan ahead and ensure that you get every bit of nutrition that your body needs, including knowing what days you need to eat supplements.

Of course, that’s just dieting and setting up a weekly planner can help with so much more. Another huge part of our lives that could really use some proper organization is our finances. The quick and easy way would be to take your average net income, deducting your bills. This gives you the number that you can use for everything else before you begin to over-spend. You should also get an idea of just how much you spend on your meals throughout the week/month and include that in the deduction from the net, as well as your typical gas expenditure, and everything else that whittles away at your account until you get a figure that you can split between savings and entertainment. Planning out your entertainment budget like this can come off as a little dull, but it’s better than adding credit card debt to your list of paycheck deductions.

Now those two were a couple major examples that everyone should learn how to do, but as I’ve said you can benefit from planning literally anything. You need to start by choosing a goal, anything you want to get done (and hopefully something you can find a way to achieve), and once you make that goal you set up weekly checkpoints of progress. You want to write that novel? Set out to write 10 pages a day and wrap up a chapter every week. You want to fix up the yard? Well that might need some budgeting, and figuring out how much elbow grease you want to put into making that herb garden or possibly how much you have to save up to get that Jacuzzi set up in the back yard.

Everything can be broken into steps, and nothing that you can get done in a day is too daunting to approach. If you have some goals you want to get done, then you really should consolidate and commit to them in your own personal weekly planner.



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