Monday 27 November 2017

41 Mark Zuckerberg Quotes on Finding Success

Best known for founding the social media empire Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg went from coding in his Harvard dorm room to becoming one of the most influential and recognizable entrepreneurs of our time.  The youngest billionaire ever, Mark Zuckerberg encourages everyone to focus on the bigger picture and how to achieve success while making a change in the world & following your passion.

Here are 41 of Mark Zuckerberg’s Best Quotes:

1. “I think a simple rule of business is, if you do things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress.” – Mark Zuckerberg

2. “I started the site when I was 19. I didn’t know much about business back then.” – Mark Zuckerberg

3. “People can be really smart or have skills that are directly applicable, but if they don’t really believe in it, then they are not going to really work hard.” – Mark Zuckerberg

4. “The question I ask myself like almost every day is,’Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing?’” – Mark Zuckerberg

5. “Find that thing you are super passionate about.” – Mark Zuckerberg

6. “Simply put: we don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services.” – Mark Zuckerberg

7. “Don’t let anyone tell you to change who you are.” – Mark Zuckerberg

8. “Our society needs more heroes who are scientists, researchers, and engineers. We need to celebrate and reward the people who cure diseases, expand our understanding of humanity and work to improve people’s lives.” – Mark Zuckerberg

9. “It takes courage to to choose hope over fear.” – Mark Zuckerberg

10. “If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.” – Mark Zuckerberg

11. “Instead of building walls, we can help build bridges.” – Mark Zuckerberg

12. “So many businesses get worried about looking like they might make a mistake, they become afraid to take any risk. Companies are set up so that people judge each other on failure.” – Mark Zuckerberg

13. “People don’t care about what you say, they care about what you build.” – Mark Zuckerberg

14. “If you’re always under the pressure of real identity, I think that is somewhat of a burden.” – Mark Zuckerberg

15. “This is a perverse thing, personally, but I would rather be in a cycle where people are underestimating us. It gives us latitude to go out and make big bets that excite and amaze people.” – Mark Zuckerberg

16. “Books allow you to fully explore a topic and immerse yourself in a deeper way than most media today.” – Mark Zuckerberg

17. “Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend.” – Mark Zuckerberg

18. “My number one piece of advice is: you should learn how to program.” – Mark Zuckerberg

19. “In terms of doing work and in terms of learning and evolving as a person, you just grow more when you get people’s perspectives. I really try and live the mission of the company and keep everything else in my life extremely simple.” – Mark Zuckerberg

20. “I think that people just have this core desire to express who they are. And I think that’s always existed.” – Mark Zuckerberg

21. “Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by fare the thing I am most proud of in my life.” – Mark Zuckerberg

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22. “By giving the people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent.” – Mark Zuckerberg

23. “Advertising works most effectively when it’s in line with what people are already trying to do.” – Mark Zuckerberg

24. “Don’t let people deter you. That’s how you do it.” – Mark Zuckerberg

25. “It is important for young entrepreneurs to be adequately self-aware to know what they do not know.” – Mark Zuckerberg

26. “The most important thing that entrepreneurs should do is pick something they care about, work on it, but don’t actually commit to turning it into a company until it actually works.” – Mark Zuckerberg

27. “Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.” – Mark Zuckerberg

28. “Connectivity is a human right.” – Mark Zuckerberg

29. “When you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place. So, what we view our role as, is giving people that power.” – Mark Zuckerberg

30. “By giving the people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent.” – Mark Zuckerberg

31. “The Hack Way is an approach to building that involves continuous improvement and iteration. Hackers believe that something can always be better, and that nothing is ever complete.” – Mark Zuckerberg

32. “I’m here to build something for the long-term. Anything else is a distraction.” – Mark Zuckerberg

33. “You get a reputation for stability if you are stable for years.” – Mark Zuckerberg

34. “The question isn’t ‘what do we want to know about people?’, It’s,’What do people want to tell about themselves?’” – Mark Zuckerberg

35.“If you want to build something great, you should focus on what the change is that you want to make in the world.” – Mark Zuckerberg

36. “Entrepreneurship is about creating change, not just companies.” – Mark Zuckerberg

37. “In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

38. “Some people dream of success…while others wake up and work hard at it.” – Mark Zuckerberg

39. “People think innovation is just having a good idea but a lot of it is just moving quickly and trying a lot of things.” – Mark Zuckerberg

40. “You are better off trying something and having it not work and learning from that than not doing anything at all.” – Mark Zuckerberg

41. “The companies that work are the ones that people really care about and have a vision for the world so do something you like.” – Mark Zuckerberg

Which quote inspired you the most? Comment below!


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